On Wednesday (08/03), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University (FEB UGM), held the inauguration of Learning and Academic Multimedia Production (LAMP) located on the 5th floor of Learning Center FEB UGM. The inauguration was attended by the FEB UGM academic community, Vice Rector of UGM, to student representatives from BEM and HMJ. This LAMP studio was created to facilitate open courses and research, a platform that can be easily accessed by the general public, create promotional materials, and many other extraordinary innovations.
The event was opened with remarks by Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., C.A. as Dean of FEB UGM. Didi said that the presence of LAMP at FEB UGM could be used to make materials related to online and multimedia lectures. Five studios at LAMP can be utilized to record lecture materials or other activities that the wider community can consume. Didi thanked the entire team involved in the LAMP development process up to the event’s grand launch.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Planning, Assets and Information Systems, Arief Setiawan Budi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. said that children today are inquisitive. According to Arief, children will be better off if they get knowledge and knowledge from professionals directly so that LAMP can be beneficial not only for FEB but also for society in general.
Then the event continued with the reading of the prayer. The climax of the event was the cutting of the ribbon as a sign of the inauguration of LAMP by Arief Setiawan Budi Nugroho, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D. and Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., C.A. After that, the event continued with a tour of the LAMP studio and a group photo.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini