Thursday (18/07), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), officially held the closing ceremony for the 2023 Global Summer Week. This event was held offline on the 8th floor of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building. Global Summer Week, previously called I-Week, is an annual event by FEB UGM in the form of short-term learning (short courses) in the summer. This year’s Global Summer Week events series took place from 5-18 July 2023.
The closing ceremony began with remarks by Didi Achjari, Prof. Dr., M.Com., Ak., CA, as Dean of FEB UGM. He congratulated all Global Summer Week 2023 participants for giving their maximum effort and being able to complete the program successfully. Next, Dr. Arika Artiningsih, Ph.D., the head of Global Summer Week 2023, gave a speech. She participated in congratulating all Global Summer Week 2023 participants. “Thank you for the participation and effort that has been given in participating in this program,” said Dr. Arika to all participants.
The next session is a short video showing the journey of Global Summer Week 2023 activities from start to finish. The activity continued with a prize-giving session as a form of appreciation to active participants during the program. Sebastian William With won the best student category from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Meanwhile, the best group category was won by group 8 for the extraordinary effort given during the program. The next and closing session of the Global Summer Week 2023 closing event was a group photo of all the guests and participants who attended.
Reportage: Rizal Farizi & Adella Wahyu Pradita