Our spirit, the Gamada, sings the tunes
Assembling hope together in FEB, our home
Laughter, jokes, stories, Simfoni
I passed everything with you.
“Song of Coming Home”, a modified composition by Malika Nasshira Adzani (Accounting 2022), Elisa Lintang Ratri Arianna (Management 2022), and the PPSMB Simfoni Creative Team from ‘Setapak Sriwedari’ by Maliq & D’essentials
Euphoria and tears of emotion for the memories created accompanied the completion of the Successful Learner Training for New Students – Socialization and Initiation of Economics Students, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (PPSMB Simfoni FEB UGM) 2023. Two days rich in knowledge, stories, and warmth, the expression flooded Instagram stories of Gadjah Mada Muda (Gamada) and the PPSMB Simfoni 2023 committee. In a series of activities held on 2-3 August 2023 and attended by 568 new undergraduate students, the Simfoni PPSMB has a role as a faculty-level PPSMB for FEB UGM. The 2023 Simfoni PPSMB carries the theme “Intellectual Pattern Synergy Strengthens Empathy in the Young Pioneer” and carries a marine feel.
The first day began with remarks by the Dean of FEB UGM Prof., Dr Didi Achjari M.Com.Ak., CA and the CEO of PPSMB Simfoni 2023, Bernardinus Krisna Cahyadi (Economics 2021). The event continued with the symbolic Opening of the 2023 Simfoni PPSMB by pulling the anchor by the Dean of FEB UGM. Like a loyal anchor in a ship, Gamada is expected to learn to stick to the values and goals implemented at FEB UGM. The PPSMB Simfoni continues with a Tour De Faculty (TDF) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). In the TDF session, Gamada was invited to tour the FEB campus while being given a presentation by the guides regarding the use of rooms and facilities at FEB. Meanwhile, in the FGD session, Gamada was given a case study and guided to discuss the best solution to the case study in order to train Gamada’s critical thinking and analysis.
The event continued with an Academic session presented by Wieda Herdiana, S.S., M.Sc. In this session, students were introduced to academic systems and services, as well as the FEB UGM library. Then, the Student Learning Session (SPM) took place, namely a specific explanation of the three study programs at S1 FEB UGM. At the end of the day, Cultural Arts is held. The Gamada were guided by the Wukirsari Tourism Village to make batik in order to introduce and preserve Jogja culture. In between sessions, there is a QOTD Drama which functions as an introduction to Simfoni scores.
The second day began with an introduction to PPSMB Simfoni Values and continued with sessions by SWPDC and CSDU. Simfoni continued with an Inspiring Person session, namely a presentation of material by prominent alums of FEB UGM: M. Sulthan Farras Nanz (Management 2016, Data Analyst at Stockbit) and Andre Benito Sakul (IUP Management 2015, CEO of Lingotalk), the two inspirational alumni discussed experiences and insights regarding the importance of the values of integrity and freedom academics who have a crucial role in a professional career. The two FEB UGM alumni advised Gamada to invest in networks, knowledge and skills to maximize the potential for success. Moreover, they highlight the inextricable link between FEB and entrepreneurship, as well as their balanced approach to academic, organizational, and personal development.
The next series of events is the preparation and presentation of business development. In the business development session, Gamada collaborated with a group of friends to make business posters based on the best business model canvas (BMC) in one group. The poster is then presented together to the ‘investors’ who fund the business with a level commensurate with their assessment of the business of each group. The funds that the group got in the business development session were then used in the Simonofonia session. Simonofonia is a market simulation in QOTD’s peak drama. At Simonofonia, Gamada showed their creativity in making weapons to be used in wars between natives against corrupt regents. This session was filled with the lively clamour of the Gamada, who were creative in sculpting various unique weapons.
After Simonofonia, the PPSMB Simfoni ended with a chanting session with Econolympus, led by Aulia Akbar (Management 2021). The chanting session with Econolympus was accompanied by songs and chants from FEB UGM and enthusiastic choreography. After the chanting, Gamada’s coming home was accompanied by the ‘Song of Coming Home’, which was sung gracefully by Vincentius Candra Kurniawan Laiyan (Management 2021) and Anabel Candida Valerie (Management 2022). Not to forget, the PPSMB Simfoni Guides invited their respective groups to take fun pictures and capture the beautiful moments of Simfoni 2023.
Reportage: Hayfaza Nayottama