Wednesday (9/08), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), held an Orientation Day for 69 incoming undergraduate and graduate students for double degree programs and exchange programs fall 2023 from various countries. This event was held offline at the Learning Center Building, 8th floor of FEB UGM. The event started by singing the national anthem Indonesia Raya and the Gadjah Mada Hymn. Dewi Fatmawati, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D., Deputy Director of Global Relations and Mobility Office (GREAT), warmly welcomed all international students who have travelled long distances to study at FEB UGM.
FEB UGM provides several international exposure programs that students who meet the requirements can participate in, including dual degree programs, student exchanges, short courses (summer/winter courses), and business case competitions. Until now, FEB UGM has global partners with 25 countries spread across the continents of North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. In 2011-2022, FEB UGM sent 812 dual degree students, 444 exchange student students, and 277 short academic program students to various countries. During that time, FEB UGM has accepted 123 dual degree students, 915 exchange students, and 68 short academic program students.
International students can use various transportation options while studying at FEB UGM, such as buses, taxis, private vehicles, to online transportation services. FEB UGM has FEB’s Way regulations, namely the dress code that FEB UGM students must follow while studying. Students must also follow ethics in classes that are held online, such as using a headset for better sound quality, turning off the microphone during class, clicking the “raise hand” symbol when asking a question, and doing assignments according to the time allotted. FEB UGM prohibits students from using drugs and alcoholic beverages on campus. Any violation of the rules that have been set will result in the imposition of sanctions.
Regina Fajar Sitaresmi, Academic Staff of FEB UGM, conveyed academic administration to all students present. To support the learning process of student exchange students, Academic FEB UGM provides course offerings, registration and scheduling; administers midterm and final semester exams; publishes academic transcripts; and other assistance related to international student administration issues. Several academic regulations apply at FEB UGM, such as course schedules, course credit systems (SKS), and others, which can be accessed on the official FEB UGM website through Academic Regulations and Curriculum. Students can come directly to the Academic Office, which is located on the 3rd floor of the FEB UGM East Building, for further consultation.
Next, Vogy Gautama Buanaputra, Ph.D., AFHEA, Chair of the Study Program of Accounting, gave a presentation on the Accounting study program and its developments. The development of the Accounting curriculum at FEB UGM is based on the Indonesian National Qualification Framework and adapts to International Education Standards by the International Accounting Educational Standards Board. Students are currently using the new curriculum (2022 curriculum), which is an update of the 2018 curriculum. In the 2022 curriculum, learning is more information systems-oriented, manifested in adding several new courses, such as R Programming, Digital Business, Data Analytics, and many more.
The next session was a presentation from I Wayan Nuka Lantara, Ph.D., Chair of the Study Program of Management. He conveyed several essential pieces of information to all students who attended. Students are required to have a minimum class attendance percentage of 75% as a condition for taking the exam. Information about the courses offered can be seen on SIMASTER. FEB UGM provides many facilities that can be used, such as student lounges, libraries and student discussion rooms. Students can also participate in student activities, such as Management Events, the Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GMBCC), and the Indonesia Studentpreneur Summit (IDEAS).
Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya, S.E., M.Int.Dev.Ec., Ph.D., Secretary of the Study Program of Economics, gave a presentation on the Economics study program at FEB UGM. He said that the Economics curriculum was slightly different from Accounting and Management. This is because the Economics curriculum has a sequence. He also added that international students who are interested in taking advanced courses in Economics, such as Macroeconometrics, Development Economics II, and others, can contact him or the Head of the Economics Study Program, Sekar Utami Setiastuti, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., for appropriate consideration the skills possessed.
The last session in this event was Cross-Cultural Understanding which a localization professional presented, Adrian Coen, B.Ed. This session aims to provide knowledge for international students regarding culture, ethics, and various important information that must be known about Indonesia. International students are expected to understand and respect cultural differences to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings. The students seemed enthusiastic about colouring the Cross Cultural Understanding session by asking various questions. Finally, the Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs of FEB UGM, Bayu Sutikno, S.E., M.S.M., Ph.D., told international students to enjoy and carry out lecture activities well.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita