Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Didi Achjari, expressed his welcome and pride when welcoming 568 new students for the 2023 Undergraduate Program consisting of 423 regular students and 145 international undergraduate students (IUP). “Welcome to FEB UGM, the first business school in Indonesia to be accredited internationally by AACSB since 2014. You have been selected from more than 19,893 applicants, so you are 2% of Indonesia’s best sons and daughters,” said Prof. Didi when opening SIMFONI (New Student Socialization and Initiation) series at Plaza FEB UGM, Wednesday morning, August 2, 2023.
Prof. Didi said that FEB UGM is very committed to forging future leaders with sustainability insights for prospective students from all over Indonesia. Prof. Didi also emphasized the seriousness of FEB UGM to provide opportunities for the nation’s children who meet the requirements to enjoy education with global quality but remain firmly rooted in the locality. Gadjah Mada University, a Legal Entity State University (PTN BH), has the autonomy to realize its identity as a national university through the inclusiveness of the students it accepts. This is reflected in, among other things, the distribution of new students coming from 29 provinces in Indonesia, from Aceh to Papua. This diversity is also reflected in variations in the origin of schools in a province which are not only dominated by provincial capitals such as Jayapura, Merauke, Kendari, Mataram, Samarinda, Pontianak, etc. but also from various regency cities, including those outside Java, namely Belu Regency, Manggarai, East Lombok, Bengkalis, Bungo, Pelalawan, Mamasa, Pinrang, Tanah Datar, Toba Samosir, Talaud Islands, Rokan Hilir, Southeast Aceh, Pringsewu, Tanah Laut, Tanah Bumbu, East Kutai and Sambas.
In one of the talk sessions with a new student named Beltzasar Kaleb Salamuk from Papua, he expressed his joy and gratitude for being accepted at FEB UGM. Likewise, another student named Angelica Lambert from North Sulawesi said, “Studying at FEB UGM is something I have dreamed of and exceeded my expectations.” At FEB UGM, new students will begin to pursue academic life through learning in class and the process of soft skills in the form of STAR (Soft Skills Training and Recharging Program).
After lifting a replica of the anchor as a symbol of the start of sailing the ship for the SIMFONI 2023 campus introduction activity, Prof. Didi said that the inclusiveness of FEB UGM was reflected in the diverse socio-economic backgrounds of new students. Data on new students for the regular Undergraduate Program shows that around 60% of students have received various single tuition scholarships (UKT). 1 out of 5 new students doesn’t need to pay for UKT, or it’s free. One of the KIP-College Scholarship recipients came from the 2023 Accounting study program. Elvina said, “I am very grateful because I was accepted through the SNBT and KIP College pathways amid a family condition like this. This is very helpful because later, this KIP-College can ease the burden on my mother, who is a single parent, so she doesn’t have to pay for college. Thank you very much, FEB UGM.”
Of course, this is a form of FEB’s commitment as part of the UGM community campus to provide affordable superior quality education for students who meet the requirements with various socio-economic backgrounds. This commitment can be realized through cooperation in financing higher education. FEB UGM appreciates and thanks about forty percent (40%) of economically capable parents of new students who have fully supported their children without UKT scholarships. Thus they have participated in mutual assistance in financing superior quality higher education for their sons and daughters and other children of the nation at FEB UGM.
Reportage: Humas FEB
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