Thursday (17/8), KAFEGAMA PODCAST via the KAFEGAMA OFFICIAL YouTube channel brought out WINSPIRATION: THE CEO’S MIND as one of a series of events at the Pupuk Kalimantan Timur – Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (PKT-GAMABCC) 2023. The resource person present was Rahmad Pribadi, President Director of PT Pupuk Indonesia. The discussion held in this YouTube video upload discussed many things, especially Rahmad’s journey in becoming a president director and the current economic situation. Rahmad quoted a message from the 9th Hamengkubuwono, namely that although he was educated abroad, he still adhered to Javanese culture. “The character that I bring is “migunani” like KAGAMA’s value, both for the organization and society,” he said. For him, this philosophy is quite deep and has been used as a guide for life.
Rahmad also gave a message to young people. First, do not be afraid when facing challenges. He remembers the moment during college when he wanted to apply for a scholarship but was afraid because he felt the requirements were too demanding. Nevertheless, he tried his best and became the only UGM student to receive a scholarship. Second, know your limits and do not be reckless. This means we still have to realize that we cannot get everything. Therefore, it is okay to lose opportunities beyond our capabilities. Lastly, be a person of strong determination. He explained this with the theory of the Saint Petersburg paradox.
Rahmad also discussed the company’s future in Indonesia. For him, a successful company is one that can create a new future. This bright future can be achieved by creating leaders who are better than the current leaders. As time passes, companies need leaders who can face increasingly fierce competition. Therefore, Rahmad feels happy if there is a leader in the future who is better and more competent than him. “While strengthening the company’s core, we are also creating a new future,” he said.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita
Watch the full video at https://www.youtube.com/live/WZhl3iv4lZE