Wednesday (22/11), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held the First Period Undergraduate Graduation of the Academic Year 2023/2024. The event occurred in the Atrium of the FEB UGM Learning Center, with 178 graduates participating. Specifically, out of the 178 graduates, 69 came from the Accounting program, 38 from the Economics program, and 71 from the Management program. Among the 178 graduates, 114 received the cum laude predicate.
The event began with the singing the Indonesian national anthem and the Gadjah Mada University hymn. I Wayan Nuka Lantara, M.Si., Ph.D., the Chair of the Undergraduate Management Program, then read out the achievements of FEB UGM students. Kathleen Emmanuel (Accounting IUP 2019), who also achieved the highest cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.94, then delivered a speech on behalf of the graduates. “I, representing all FEB UGM graduates, express our highest appreciation and deepest gratitude to all the lecturers who have shared their knowledge. To my friends, thank you for your cooperation, spirit, and unwavering support,” said Kathleen.
Representatives of the parents/guardians of the graduates, namely Jik Sujanto, the parent of Kathleen Emmanuel, also delivered a speech. Then, the Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA., gave a few words to the graduates and their parents. Prof. Didi expressed, “The entire civitas of FEB UGM congratulates the 178 graduates on their success in graduating on this period.” He also hoped that the learning experience at FEB UGM would mold graduates with solid character.
Notably, Drs. Ak. Bob Tyasika Ananta, Ak., M.B.A., who is the General Treasurer of the Central Management of the Family of FEB UGM Alumni (PP KAFEGAMA) and also the Vice President Director of Bank Syariah Indonesia, gave a word of wisdom to the graduates. “Today, you all receive a new title from FEB UGM as a recognition of the competencies you have acquired. Along with this title, you now bear a higher level of social responsibility,” he said.
The event continued with the awarding and pinning of KAFEGAMA pins to outstanding graduates, including:
- Youngest Graduate, achieved by Sheila Aurelia Kaneisha (Accounting 2019) with a GPA of 3.77 and an age of 21 years and 17 days.
- Fastest Study Period Graduate, achieved by Mohamad Ikhsan Al Gazali (Accounting 2019) with a GPA of 3.63 and a study period of 3 years 10 months 4 days.
- Highest GPA Graduate, achieved by Kathleen Emmanuel (Accounting IUP 2019) with a GPA of 3.94, Mathew Ihot Lorenz (Economics IUP 2019) with a GPA of 3.92, and Rayhan Marfiano Rosyada (Management 2019) with a GPA of 3.91.
After the awarding and pinning session, the symbolic handover of laptops from KAFEGAMA to three student representatives from FEB UGM took place. The laptops were given to Rizal Saputra (Economics 2023), Guni Laras (Management 2023), and Mahardika Agus Rifa’i (Accounting 2023). The graduation ended with prayers and a group photo of graduates from each study program. Congratulations on your achievements, FEB UGM graduates. May all the knowledge and experiences gained during your studies serve as a foundation for navigating the vastness of the universe and reaching your dreams!
Reportage: Rizal Farizi