All study programs at the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) have achieved excellent accreditation from the Institute for Self-Accreditation in Business Management Economics and Accounting (LAMEMBA). FEB UGM has 14 study programs under 3 departments consisting of 3 undergraduate programs, 7 master’s programs, 3 doctoral programs, and 1 professional program.
The 14 study programs are Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Economics, Master of Accounting, Master of Development Economics, Master of Management, Master of Management (Jakarta Campus), Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Economics, Master of Science in Management, Doctor of Accounting, Doctor of Management, Doctor of Economics, and Professional Accountant.
Dean of FEB UGM, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak. CA. stated that FEB UGM, the oldest business school in Indonesia, established on September 19, 1955, is firmly committed to continuing to be the leading faculty of economics and business in Indonesia in facing global challenges. Moreover, FEB UGM strives to nurture future leaders in economics and business to enhance sustainability. “The achievement of the Excellent accreditation rating from LAMEMBA for the 12 programs at FEB UGM is a proud accomplishment and should be acknowledged. This result reflects the commitment and hard work of the 12 programs and all stakeholders to improve continuously. Meanwhile, the remaining two programs, namely the Master of Science in Economics and the Doctoral Program in Economics, will undergo accreditation visits in 2025. Hopefully, the accreditation process for these two programs will run smoothly and receive the Excellent rating,” he explained on Tuesday (June 11) at FEB UGM.
Didi said that achieving the Excellent rating from LAMEMBA for the 12 programs at FEB UGM is an extraordinary accomplishment. He revealed an improvement in accreditation results in the previous period, where ten of the 12 programs were accredited Excellent, and two were accredited A. In 2024, all 12 programs received an Excellent rating from LAMEMBA.
Didi said the implementation of accreditation at the national level for study programs was part of the efforts made by FEB UGM to improve the quality of education and learning as well as the reputation of the faculty. The acquisition of excellent accreditation from LAMEMBA is also proof of the consistency of FEB UGM in maintaining the quality of teaching and learning.
Currently, FEB UGM has produced more than 49,000 alumni and around 5,500 students from various regions in Indonesia and various countries who study at various levels of education both S1, S2, S3, and profession. With more than 68 years of experience, FEB UGM has and will continue to contribute in solving various challenges both locally and globally supported by more than 200 teaching staff and professionals who are competent in their fields.
FEB UGM as a leading business school that is taken into account in the national and international arena, has an extensive network and is incorporated in several memberships. Some of them are Global Business School Network (GBSN), Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), Network of International Business and Economic Schools (NIBES), The Association of Asian-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS), Asean University Network for Business and Economics (AUN-BE).
Didi said that the challenges faced by FEB in the future are increasingly complex. Therefore, FEB will always strive to make the best contribution to the progress of the nation. “We hope for collaboration, synergy, and full support from all stakeholders including students, lecturers, professionals, alumni, parents, and the community,” he concluded.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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