The Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) is committed to being an institution of higher education that fosters future leaders in economics and business, emphasizing sustainability. One of the initiatives supporting this mission is the development of green leadership and entrepreneurship to enhance the quality and well-being of society. This initiative is realized through the ASEAN Network for Green Entrepreneurship and Leadership (ANGEL) UGM program.
This program has been initiated by FEB UGM since 2021. UGM, along with 11 other Southeast Asian universities, is part of the ANGEL program, which aims to improve the quality of life for university graduates and marginalized groups by developing environmentally friendly and sustainable businesses (green entrepreneurship). The Department of Management FEB UGM coordinates ANGEL UGM with the Steering Committee/Project Manager ANGEL UGM, Prof. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom., Cand.Merc., Ph.D.
Besides UGM, ANGEL members in Indonesia include the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). The ANGEL program is supported by institutions from Greece and Cyprus, with funding from Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education from the European Union and each ANGEL member university.
ANGEL UGM researcher Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Si., Ph.D., a lecturer in the Management Program FEB UGM, stated that ANGEL UGM has carried out various programs over the past three years to support the development of green leadership and entrepreneurship in Indonesia. In the program’s first year, precisely in 2021, ANGEL UGM mapped out the gaps in green leadership development in Indonesia. ANGEL UGM developed various learning media from the results of this mapping, and workshops were held to formulate solutions to address the identified gaps.
“The mapping results show that communities are ready to learn about green leadership and entrepreneurship. However, the academic community and social learning structures are not yet ready, so we developed the learning materials,” she explained.
In the second year, 2022, ANGEL UGM focused its program on strengthening green community development in Indonesia. One of the steps taken to enhance the community was participating in the Training of Trainers held by ANGEL at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Kuala Lumpur. The training targeted two groups: internal stakeholders, including students, academic and non-academic staff, and top management, and external stakeholders, including marginalized communities such as women, minorities, people with low incomes, and people with disabilities. ANGEL UGM was represented by Prof. Nurul Indarti, Ph.D., Rr Tur Nastiti, M.Si., Ph.D., Rocky Adiguna, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D., Widya Paramita, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D., who are lecturers in the Department of Management FEB UGM, and Afif Donny Sambudi as a Teaching Assistant at FEB UGM.
“For the community, we collaborated with the Bale Kawruh community, which has been managing waste in Tamanmartani, Kalasan, Sleman,” she said.
Additionally, in 2022, FEB UGM established the ANGEL Hub as a center for research and development of green leadership and entrepreneurship. The ANGEL Hub provides research services for the academic community of FEB UGM and external partners.
In 2023, ANGEL UGM directed its activities towards strengthening cooperation with stakeholders, organizing conferences and student competitions, and conducting business case research, which was then disseminated to the broader community.
“For 2024, we are preparing a virtual learning environment to open opportunities for the community to learn online about green leadership development,” she explained.
ANGEL UGM also demonstrated its contribution at the ANGEL Erasmus+ International Conference held from June 17-21, 2023, at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). The conference brought together around 300 participants, including learners, practitioners, academics, and communities in Southeast Asia. At the conference, FEB UGM Department of Management lecturer Rr. Tur Nastiti, M.Si., Ph.D., won the Best Paper award for her paper on sustainable human resources within the dynamics of millennial talent working in the Indonesian construction industry. Meanwhile, two students from the FEB UGM Master’s in Management Program won third place in the ANGEL International Innovation Competition. These two MM FEB UGM students were Muhammad Eko Andriyansyah (JOG-MBA-83 2023) and Hendy Gusando (JOG-MBA-83 2023). They were part of the Wong Kito Pride Corporation (WKP Crop) team along with two other UGM students from the Master’s in Biotechnology program, Naura Paramitha Cindy Ardyah (Biotechnology 2023) and Suci Dwi Monda (Biotechnology 2023), under the supervision of Rokhima Rostiani, S.E., M.Mgt. The WKP Corp team won third place by proposing a business proposal themed Ecofeed Innovation related to environmentally friendly livestock feed supplements.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals