Something exciting happened during the Family Fun Evening (FFE) event held as part of the 69th Anniversary Celebration of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) on September 14, 2024. The echoing rhythm of the Angklung added to the lively atmosphere from evening to night at the FEB UGM campus.
The angklung group Manise Swara UGM, a team of 22 members from Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) FEB UGM, was a standout performer at the event. Their delightful angklung performance, featuring beautiful and harmonious melodies, not only significantly enhanced the event’s atmosphere but also added a unique touch to the celebration. The group performed popular songs such as “Tanah Airku” by Ibu Soed, “Prau Layar” by Didi Kempot, “Yogyakarta” by KLA Project, and “Selamat Ulang Tahun” by Jamrud, each song adding to the warmth and liveliness of the venue.
The Angklung group Manise Swara UGM gave a stunning performance. The harmony of the Angklung presentation, played by the talented members of the group, was a sight to behold. Mrs. Peny Insukindro, Mrs. Anna Budiono, Mrs. Yani Wachid, Mrs. Elin Rusdi Akbar, Mrs. Ndari Hani Handoko, Mrs. Erna Budi Santoso, Mrs. Erna Gugup Kismono, Mrs. Vitra Amirullah, Mrs. Rita Didi Achyari, Mrs. Esti Prakosa, Mrs. Retno Bambang Riyanto, Mrs. Uyik Hardo Basuki, Mrs. Erlina Bayu Sutikno, Mrs. Ami Masykur, Mrs. Ana Wahib, Mrs. Dina Agus Sartono, Mrs. Rositi Supriyono, Mrs. Ita Mudrajat, Wahyu Suyanto, Mrs. Puji Bowo Setiyono, Mrs. Mimik Mahkfatih, and Mrs. Helly Bagus, all contributed to a performance that was greeted with resounding applause from the audience.
The Angklung performance added a unique touch to this year’s FFE. All FFE guests well received the performance. One of them, Wieda Herdiana, a professional staff member of FEB UGM, admitted that she enjoyed the angklung performance presented by DWP FEB UGM. She hopes that angklung performances will continue to enliven future faculty anniversary celebrations.
Earlier, the Dean of FEB UGM, Didi Achjari, Prof. Dr., M.Com., Ak., CA., while opening the FFE, said that this 69th anniversary is a special moment for the entire FEB UGM community. Over the past seven decades, FEB UGM has undergone various dynamics and grown and remains one of the leading educational institutions in the field of business and economics in Indonesia. This success is inseparable from the contributions of all elements of the faculty, including faculty, academic staff, students, and the strong support of alumni.
Didi mentioned that the FFE event is a form of appreciation from the faculty to the entire FEB UGM family. This event is hoped to strengthen bonds and celebrate the solidarity and family spirit that have always been a characteristic of FEB UGM.
Reportage: Orie Priscylla Mapeda Lumalan
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
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