Acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility is one of the essential values that professionals should uphold in the face of business dynamics and rapid changes. The President Director of PT Peruri Digital Security, Teguh Kurniawan Harmanda, M.Ec.Dev. Conveyed this during the Executive Series titled “Value of Wave” held by the Master of Business Administration (MBA) Study Program – Faculty of Economics and Business UGM at the Jakarta Campus on September 20, 2024.
At the event, Harmanda shared insights on how individuals and organizations can face the dynamics and challenges in an era of change. He emphasized the values professionals must possess, including the courage to admit mistakes and take responsibility.
“It is not easy to find people who will admit when they are wrong and take responsibility. This becomes an important value because it’s not easy to admit mistakes and take responsibility,” he explained on Friday (September 20) at the MM Jakarta campus.
Another significant value is open and respectful communication. It is also essential to be open to criticism and to make improvements, starting with small, incremental steps.
“I am open to criticism and feedback. Why is this important? Because it allows the team or organization to understand what steps must be taken to move forward,” he explained.
Harmanda also emphasized the importance of strategic and tactical thinking. In addition, managing expectations according to one’s capabilities is a skill that professionals must master.
He explained the importance of being a good listener. According to him, it is essential to be a good listener because many may hear but need to process the information, often jumping straight to objections or rebuttals.
“It is important to listen and then process,” he added.
By listening, we process information that allows us to understand better. Harmanda emphasized the need to remain calm in the face of pressure. One must anticipate to keep the situation under control and see the pressure as part of the development and learning process.
“When you feel pressure, it means your space is full. If you are not strong, that space can ‘explode’. So we have to expand that space as a form of anticipation,” Harmanda explained.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Watch the full video on https://youtu.be/uDS86jQoZ8Q
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