The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), through the Centre for Accounting Education Studies (PAKP) and the Centre for Information Systems Studies (PKSI), conducted an intensive training on the Learning Management Systems (LMS) SIDEK Edu and SIDEK ERP. This program aims to improve the quality of education, promote economic growth, and accelerate innovation in the small and medium enterprise (SME) sector.
PAKP FEB UGM coordinator Arika Artiningsih, S.E., M.Acc., M.Com., M.Res., Ph.D., said that the SIDEK Edu and SIDEK ERP training supports the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly on indicators related to quality education, decent work and economic growth, and industry, innovation, and infrastructure. The training was conducted with the Faculty of Economics and Business Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (FPEB UPI), from 18 to 20 November 2024 at FPEB UPI.
“This training was attended by 60 teachers and 60 participants from SMEs in West Java Province,” she explained recently.
Arika explained that the participants received training on digitalizing technology in learning on the first and second days. The material was delivered by the Head of the Accounting Education Study Programme at FPEB UPI, Dr Heni Mulyani, M.Pd. The training continued with practical sessions on SIDEK Edu LMS for teacher participants from West Java Province.
On the third day, participants received training on System Digitisation for SMEs. This session was led by the Head of the Accounting Study Programme at FPEB UPI, Dr. Aristanti Widyaningsih, M.Si. This was followed by practical sessions on SIDEK ERP LMS for SME participants in West Java Province.
Meanwhile, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs at FPEB UPI, Prof Dr. Vanessa Gaffar, S.E., Ak., MBA, explained that this activity is part of the community engagement collaboration between FEB UGM through PAKP and PKSI and FPEB UPI through the Accounting Study Programme and Accounting Education Study Programme. In addition to education, the partnership includes international conferences, joint publications, and guest lectures.
Source: Tim PAKP FEB UGM
Editor: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals