Until recently, Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada continues its efforts to obtain accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business (AACSB). To achieve the accreditation, one of which is to implement the learning goals. The general learning goals that have been developed for the S-1 and S-2 is communication skills, team work, and ethics.
According to the Dean, Prof. Dr. Marwan Asri, M.B.A, in addition to the general learning goals, each course also has formulated specific learning goals. “The learning goals for doctoral programs are to make our doctoral program alumni as a qualified and independent researcher,” said Marwan when delivering the Dean speech in order to commemorate the 56th Anniversary of the Faculty in Conference room on Monday (19/9).
Marwan added the number of S-1 students (including the International Undergraduate Program-IUP) is 2469 students (42%). For graduate programs, most students are students of Master of Management Program, 2190 students (38%). From this composition, it appears that the total number of active graduate students in the Faculty is greater than the number of active student of S-1 program (regular, international, and non-governmental).
With the number of faculty only 139 people and the number of students reaching 5821 people, the ratio of tenured faculty staff/ student is 1:42. Therefore, supporting lecturers, both from UGM and non-UGM, are needed primarily for master’s programs. “However, because there is goal congruence with AACSB accreditation application process, in selecting lecturers from outside UGM, managers of study programs are expected to choose those who have academic qualifications in accordance with the criteria we have,” said Marwan.
IUP in the view of Marwan is a strategic business unit that has to be managed seriously. IUP is one of the ‘vehicles’ that is used strategically to achieve the vision to become a global player. Considering the more strategic role of IUP and the rapid growth of IUP, the accreditation from AACSB is a necessity that must be achieved. “I believe, one reason for the increasing number of universities abroad that are asking to coperate with us is because they know that we have clear learning goals and are in the process of AACSB accreditation,” he added.
However, Marwan Asri recognized that related to the implementation of the international programs, some problems are still encountered by foreign students studying in the international program. The problem is related to the replacement schedule. “Actually, this also applies to all study programs, namely that the lecturers can keep up with the schedule that has been prepared and do not often change the schedule,” asks Marwan.
On that occasion, Marwan provides data on the increasing number of students who enroll at the IUP program in 2011, namely up to 255 people. This number increased by about 61% than in 2010, which is 158 people registrants. From the number of registrants, in 2011, the IUP program receives as many as 76 people. Marwan also explained that the cooperation with universities abroad also increased.
In 2010/2011new cooperation with four universities in foreign countries had been signed, namely Saxion University of Applied Science and Hanze University of Applied Science (Netherlands), University of Victoria (Canada) and Hochshule Osnabruck University of Applied Science (Germany). “In addition, the number of foreign students accepted here also increased. In 2011 there were 53 foreign students for the S-1 study or Double Degree Program as well as student exchange,” he added.
In addition to Dean’s speech, the pinnacle of the 56th Anniversary was also filled with the Scientific Oration by Prof. Dr. Zaki Baridwan, M. Sc entitled Sustainability Accounting and Reporting and the launching of the book Management Perspective.
Source: Marwati/UGM