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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 1903
Climate change has now become a never ending issue to be discussed. Every day, the earth, which is the home of all living things, experiences a boatload of problems. This is the very reason why the conversation on sustainability is constantly brought up; however, the Covid-19 pandemic turned out to positively affect climate change in a good direction and gave rise to a new trend related to digital transformation. To explore this discussion, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a webinar on Wednesday (28/07), themed “Accelerating the Digital Transformation: BPK's Response to Covid-19 & Digital Economy.”
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 2048
In today's digital era, students should not only explore the topic of information technology (IT), but the topic of human development discussion, which has now also become very relevant and interesting to discuss. As part of the virtual summer program held by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), namely International Week (iWeek) 2021, on Wednesday (28/07), the topic was discussed further in an interactive case study session. In practice, the interactive case study session was brought on by a professional speaker with expertise in related topics, namely Syaiful Ali, MIS., Ph.D., CA, as a lecturer in the Accounting Department of FEB UGM.
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 4176
In this era of technological development, engineering ideas can start from a small place, which then can grow into a bigger one and become a company that has an impact on millions of people around them. It is not like in the past when an idea can only appear in the laboratory. Therefore, to discuss this more deeply, FEB UGM brought on the topic of "Engineering Development in Technology Era" in International Week 2021 on (28/07).
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- Written by Merisa
- Category: News
- Hits: 538
On Friday (13/05), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a shawwalan in the context of Eid al-Fitr 1443 H. This event was attended by the FEB UGM community, representatives of Dharma Wanita FEB UGM, and guests from Bank Mandiri Fisipol UGM, BRI Danareksa Joglo Semar, OJK, Yogyakarta Central KAFEGAMA, FEB UGM students, and many more. The Shawwalan was held in an open place to comply with health protocols, namely the FEB UGM corridor, and was also held online through zoom meetings.
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: News
- Hits: 798
On Saturday (16/04) the Center for Accounting and Regulatory Studies (PAKAR) from the Laboratory of Accounting, Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and UGM which also collaborates with the Institute of Indonesian Chartered Accountants (IAI) Branch Yogyakarta held a Training of Trainer (ToT) on "PSAK 112: Waqf Accounting and SAWUT Application (Cash Waqf Accounting System)." This event also for the implementation of the Launching SAWUT-EDU (Educational Version of the Cash Waqf Accounting System). This event was held offline at the 8th-floor Auditorium of the FEB UGM Learning Center Building and also online using Zoom Meetings. This activity aims to provide knowledge and skills to all participants regarding waqf accounting and the use of the SAWUT application.
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- Written by Hayfaza
- Category: News
- Hits: 485
Friday (28/4) Master of Science and Doctoral Program Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (MD FEB UGM) and Bank Jago collaborated to hold a webinar entitled "Webinar MD REFO: Collaborative Network Strategy Between Banking and Retail Crowd". The MD REFO webinar presents Sahid Dr. Sahid Susilo Nugroho, M.,Sc. , a lecturer from the Management Department of FEB UGM as the host and speaker, namely Yusuf Aria Putera (Funding CVM Lead - Merchant Business Bank Jago) and Mora Nasution (Head of Learning, Talent, Resourcing & Organizational Development).
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