Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) has lost one of its best faculty members, Dr. Sutatwo Hadiwigeno, MA., whom usually named as Pak Tatwo. He rested in peace on Wednesday, 3 April 2019 at 08.15 in Yogyakarta at the age of 83 years old and left two sons.
Pak Tatwo started his professional career in FEB UGM in 1959. He got his M.A. in Economics from University Colorado, US. Back in 1974, he was awarded Ph. D. in agricultural economics from University of Illinois.
After finishing his study, in 1975, Pak Tatwo was appointed as the Dean of Faculty of Economics UGM for 3 periods; 1975-1977, 1977-1979, and 1979-1981. His managerial path grew higher since then. He was appointed as the Head of Regional and Rural Center of Study UGM from 1981-1982. In 1983, Pak Tatwo started his career in bureaucracy in Agriculture Ministry as the Head of Planning Unit. After five years in the position, he was promoted as the Head of Research and Development Unit of Agriculture Ministry. In 1993, his career leader grew higher as he was appointed as the General Secretary of Agriculture Ministry and in 1997 he was positioned as the Assistant of Director General/Regional Representative FAO in Bangkok, Thailand.
Pak Tatwo officially retired in 2001 and was deployed as non-official faculty to teach bachelor program, master in economics development, and master in management. He was remembered as an energetic faculty and was generous in giving motivation to his juniors. He usually greeted his junior faculties as well as professional staffs in FEB UGM. “He is a role model, humble and care person at the same time”, said one of FEB UGM’s professional staff.
Pak Tatwo now is resting in peace. His funeral was taking place on Wednesday, 3 April 2019 in Kota Gede, Yogyakarta. So long, Pak Tatwo. You will be loved and remembered.
Source: Ika Krisna