Undergraduate Students of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, Faishal Sandy Wicaksono (Management 2014) and I Made Tri Meichel Mastra (Management 2015) won the 1st winner and 3rd winner in Management Finance Festival (Manifest) 2017 […].
Economics student of Undergraduate Study Program Faculty of Economics and Business UGM succeeded to become the winner of The Annual 10th Ling Art Essay Competition (LAEC) 2017 Faculty of Languages and Arts Universitas Negeri Semarang […].
National Economics Event (NETs) is the annual national event that celebrated by economics student of Universitas Jendral Soedirman (UNSOED). National paper competition for undergraduate student is part of event in the NETs.
Team of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) consisted of Erina Sofia Gudono (Management 2014), Anak Agung Indira (Management 2014), and Legahati Sekar Putri (Management 2014) had won the 1st Place […].
Cindy Chyntia Cendani (Accounting 2015), Undergraduate student of FEB UGM, won the first place in National Essay Competition “Millennial Generation” 2017 which was the pre-event of International Youth Forum on Innovation 2017 in Singapore.
Student team from Faculty of Economics and Business UGM consist of Erina Sofia Gudono (Management 2014), Anak Agung Indira (Management 2014), and Legahati Sekar Putri (Management 2014) had won the 1st Place in Marketing Competition: […].
The teams from the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, consisted of Satrio Adi Wibowo (Economic Science, 2015) and Gabriel Pierre (Economics 2015) had won the 1st and the Best Essay Equilibrium Science Fair – the […].
UGM delegation team which is consisted of Irvandias Sanjaya (Faculty of Psychology) and Wahyuningtyas Puspitasari (Faculty of Economics and Business) got the best delegate on 2nd Startup Accelerator Class.
Delegation team from Universitas Gadjah Mada was awarded as the Best Paper of Fashion and Cosmetics Category in Annual Islamic Economics National Symposium named Temu Ilmiah Nasional 2017 held by FoSSEI (Forum Silaturahim Studi Ekonomi […].
Another outstanding achievement has been made by UGM students. On this occasion, the students grabbed titles from the Asia-Pacific Model United Nations (AMUNC) 2017, an international competition held in Hong Kong.