Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Public Lecture and Soft Skill Development on the topic: “Anti Corruption” and “Surviving in FEB & Beyond”.
This public lectures will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: February 10, 2018
- Time: 08:00 am to 12:00 pm
- Venue: Sukadji Ranuwihardjo Auditorium, Master of Management FEB UGM Building
- Dr. Cris Kuntadi, SE, MM, CPA, QIA, FCMA, CGMA, Ak. (Expert Staff for Logistics, Multimode, and Transportation Safety at the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia)
- Santika Wibowo, S.E. (Associate Manager Human Resources at Procter and Gamble Indonesia)
- Undergraduate Students FEB UGM Batch 2017 (IUP and Regular Program, Compulsory attendance)
- Invitation is sent to the student by email from Quality Assurance Unit of FEB UGM, please check your email (If you have not received this invitation please contact Unit of Quality Assurance FEB UGM)
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information please contact: Quality Assurance Unit, FEB UGM, phone 0274 548510 ext 336, email: kjm.feb@ugm.ac.id or Mobile 08112579388.