Master of Manajemen Alumni Community (KAFEGAMA-MM) will organize an event “Jogja Entrepreneurs and Financial Technology Expo 2018.”
This event will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: February 10, 2018
- Time: 08:00-21:00 WIB
- Venue: Pertamina Tower, FEB UGM
Keynote Speech
- Prof. Bambang Brodjonegoro (Minister of National Development Planning, and Head of BAPPENAS RI)
- Sugeng
- Jan Darmadi
- Prof. Sri Adiningsih
- Adrian Gunadi
- GNP Sugiarta Yasa
- Seminar
- Business Presentation
- Workshop
- Exhibition
- Open for public participant
- Registration through online form, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information can contact: Erin 085226403696 and Lingga 081809094279