The lecture period can be said to be a precious moment for everyone. At that time, students began to aggressively pursue their goals and careers. After graduating from college, the moment that is always awaited is the moment when you meet again with your comrades in arms through a reunion event. To reminisce on the memory of that lecture, the 1997 Alumni Family of the Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) held a Force reunion to celebrate 25 years together which was held for two days on Saturday (06/08) and Sunday (07/08). The event on the first day was held at the Leasing Learning Center FEB UGM which started at 09.00 WIB and continued with a joint walk at UGM on the second day.
The event was opened with remarks given by Irma Shantia Dewi, SE, MBA as the representative of the Class of 1997. In her speech, Irma said that the preparation for this reunion event was very short, only two months. He also expressed his gratitude to his friends who were willing to spend their time and energy to make this event a success. Irma also said that the Class of 1997 would directly contribute as alumni to FEB UGM.
Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, M.Com., Ak., CA. as the Dean of FEB UGM in his remarks expressed his gratitude to the 1997 alumni for all their contributions. Didi also said that FEB UGM still had classrooms that reminded him of the lecture period in the past. As a form of appreciation, the 1997 alumni symbolically handed over the form of their contribution which would be used to decorate the FEB UGM corridor and provide scholarships for FEB UGM students. There is also assistance that will be given to alumni who are having difficulties as a form of family ties to the alumni of FEB UGM.
Furthermore, a video containing memories from lectures was shown which brought back memories during the lectures. There are also faculty tours to places in FEB UGM that have been around for a long time, such as the stairs in the plaza, Room T-101, and the lobby of FEB UGM. Through this reunion event, the 1997 class looked very happy because they could feel the campus atmosphere again after a long time.
Reportage: Merisa Anggraini