Friday (20/10), the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) held FEB Invinity activity with the theme “Sharing Session: About KIP-College”. This activity was attended by FEB UGM students who received the Kartu Indonesia Pintar Kuliah (KIP-K) scholarship. On this occasion, three resource persons were present in the activity, including Desi Yulianti, S.E., M.Acc., Wieda Herdiana, S.S., M.Sc., and Atikah Dian Rahmawati, M.Si., Psychologist.
Desi explained KIP-Kuliah in general, including the objectives, legal basis, registration requirements, benefits to be obtained, and the KIP-K registration and acceptance process. For further details, visit the KIP Kuliah Merdeka page via https://kip-kuliah.kemdikbud.go.id and Simaster. In 2023, 1,847 students registered for KIP-K. Based on Presidential Decree No. 10 of 2022, as many as 1,006 students passed the regular quota, 46 students passed the aspiration route, 67 students did not pass the administration, and 728 students were not accepted.
Wieda explained about lectures and self-development for KIP-K students at FEB UGM. Students must pay attention to a series of academic administrations, including education costs, minimum grades to pass courses, study plans, course assignments, KKN, thesis, and then graduation. Wieda also discussed FEB UGM’s efforts to support students’ self-development by providing soft skills training, MBKM, organizational activities, part-time jobs, internships, and exchange programs.
Atikah discussed how KIP-K students can improve our self-esteem. Individuals with high self-esteem do not believe that they are superior to other people. According to her, high self-esteem is not the same as narcissism. We can increase self-esteem by building a sense of courage, a sense of compassion, and a sense of connection. To support improved mental health, FEB UGM allows students to conduct psychological consultation sessions through the SWPDC’s Pojok Bahagia program.
Reportage: Adella Wahyu Pradita