1st Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Business Research (GAMA ICIBR) mengundang partisipasi menulis paper dengan tema “Better Thinking and Better Understanding of the Islamic Business Environment to Enhance Social Welfare”.
Topik-topik yang dapat dipilih sebagai berikut:
- Scientific Approaches to Islamic Business
- Islam and the marketing science
- Research methods for Islamic marketing
- Islam and human resource management
- Research methods for Islamic human resource management
- Issues Related to Islam and Marketing
- Islamic perspectives on marketing
- Islamic marketing mix
- Islamic branding and positioning
- Islamic market segmentation
- Internet marketing
- Marketing and the social media
- International marketing
- Advertising and marketing communications
- The behavior of youth and middle class consumers
- Issues Related to Islam and Human Resources
- Human resource management from an Islamic perspective
- Islam and human resource development
- Islam and organizational culture
- Industrial relations and employee engagement
- Learning organization
- Organizational communication
- Issues Related to Islam and Operation Management
- Operation management from an Islamic perspective
- How Islam affects planning, operating and controlling of production
- Sustainability and performance measurement
- Standardization, quality and productivity
- Efficient delivery of goods and services: Case studies
- Technology and supply chain management
- Behavioral operation management
- Travel, Tourism and Hospitality
- Shariah compliance concepts in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry
- The competitiveness of shariah-compliant travel, tourism and hospitality industry
- Shariah-compliant travel, tourism and hospitality industry: Case studies
- Hajj and umroh (pilgrimage) related business activities
- Foods, Drinks and Pharmaceuticals
- Emerging halal market for food, drink and pharmaceutical ingredients
- Halal market and the opportunity for logistics industry
- Halal supply chain management systems
- Issuess related to food, drink and pharmaceutical halal certification
- International halal standardization
- Economic, social and moral implications of halal
- Fashion, Clothing and Lifestyle
- Shariah compliance concepts in fashion and clothing industry
- Fashion and clothing design startup and operation: Case studies
- Economic, social and moral implications of hijab
- Islamic lifestyle and the role of the media
- Islam and entertainment industry
- Business Entities and Organization
- Good corporate governance from an Islamic perspective
- Best practices of Islamic corporate governance
- Role of shariah boards in business organizations
- Accounting and auditing from an Islamic perspective
- The economics of corporate social responsibility
- Value creation versus profit maximization in business
- Islamic philanthropy and Islamic philanthropy organizations
- Creative Economy
- Islamic perspectives on creative economy
- Creative economy in a knowledge based economy
- Development of creative economy: Case studies
- Entrepreneurship and the SMEs
- Entrepreneurship development from an Islamic perspective
- Female participation in entrepreneurship, professional fields and workforce
- The development of small and medium enterprises (SMEs)
- Shariah and Legal Issues
- Shariah and legal issues in Islamic business and finance
Tanggal-tanggal penting:
- Batas akhir pengiriman abstrak: 6 Februari 2016
- Pengumuman abstrak yang diterima: 13 Februari 2016
- Batas akhir pengiriman naskah: 19 Maret 2016
- Pengumuman naskah yang diterima: 26 Maret 2016
- Konferensi: 12 Mei 2016
Pedoman dan tatacara penulisan naskah dapat dilihat di: http://gamaicibr.feb.ugm.ac.id.
Acara ini terselenggara atas kerjasama: Fakultas Ekonomika dan Bisnis UGM (FEB UGM), Sekolah Pascasarjana UGM (SP UGM), Masyarakat untuk Kemajuan Ekonomi Islam (SAIES), and Asosiasi Ekonom Islam Indonesia (IAEI). Informasi selengkapnya dapat menghubungi: Akhmad Akbar Susamto, email akhmad.susamto@ugm.ac.id atau kunjungi website http://gamaicied.feb.ugm.ac.id