Berdasarkan Keputusan Dekan Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) nomor 1226/UN1/FEB/SDM/KP/2022 tentang Konversi Nilai Dan Konversi Kredit Dalam Proses Transfer Kredit Program Mobilitas Internasional Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomika Dan Bisnis Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), berikut adalah prosedur dan ketentuan transfer kredit yang diatur.
A. Tujuan Proses Transfer Kredit
Proses transfer kredit dilakukan guna menentukan kesetaraan bobot kredit dan bobot nilai dari mata kuliah yang telah diambil mahasiswa pada program mobilitas internasional melalui proses evaluasi dengan mempertimbangkan panduan konversi kredit dan konversi nilai serta silabus agar pencapaian akademik mahasiswa yang telah diperoleh pada program mobilitas internasional dapat diakui dan dicatatkan dalam kartu hasil studi secara formal di lingkungan FEB UGM.
B. Ketentuan Konversi Kredit dan Nilai
- Nilai yang diperoleh pada setiap mata kuliah yang diambil di universitas mitra akan dikonversi dan diakui dalam transkrip FEB UGM secara apa adanya sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku di FEB UGM.
- Mata kuliah yang diambil di universitas mitra melalui program Gelar Ganda (dual degree) maupun Pertukaran Mahasiswa (student exchange) memprioritaskan pemenuhan mata kuliah wajib yang menjadi syarat kelulusan dari program studi di lingkungan FEB UGM.
- Mata kuliah universitas mitra yang setara dengan mata kuliah di FEB UGM tidak dapat diambil jika mata kuliah tersebut sebelumnya telah diambil di FEB UGM.
- Mahasiswa wajib memenuhi jumlah kredit minimal untuk dinyatakan lulus dari program studi di lingkungan FEB UGM.
- Jumlah kredit hasil konversi yang melebihi jumlah minimal kredit untuk dinyatakan Lulus, dapat tetap diakui dan dicatatkan dalam transkrip berdasarkan pengajuan mahasiswa dan setelah mendapatkan persetujuan Ketua Program Studi, serta digunakan sebagai dasar perhitungan Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif.
- Mahasiswa dapat memilih mata kuliah yang akan ditransfer melalui mekanisme pengajuan kontrak belajar.
- Ketua Program Studi di lingkungan FEB UGM dapat melakukan tinjauan atas kontrak belajar (learning agreement) yang diajukan mahasiswa sebelum mahasiswa mengikuti program mobilitas internasional.
- Kontrak belajar (learning agreement) untuk proses transfer kredit diajukan mahasiswa persetujuan dari Ketua Program Studi sebelum memulai program mobilitas internasional yang dijalani.
- Ketua Program Studi dapat menentukan konversi kredit dan konversi nilai yang diajukan oleh mahasiswa setelah menyelesaikan program mobilitas internasional dalam rapat yudisium.
C. Alur Pengajuan Kontrak Belajar/Learning Agreement (LA)
D. Jumlah Kredit Minimal untuk dapat Lulus pada Tiap Program Studi di Lingkungan FEB UGM
Program Studi | Jumlah Minimal Kredit (SKS) |
Mata Kuliah Wajib |
Mata Kuliah Pilihan |
Sarjana Akuntansi | 145 (Reguler) 144 (IUP) |
127 (Reguler) 120 (IUP) |
18 (Reguler) 24 (IUP) |
Sarjana Ilmu Ekonomi | 145 (Reguler) 144 (IUP) |
112 (Reguler) 114 (IUP) |
33 (Reguler) 20 (IUP) |
Sarjana Manajemen | 144 (Reguler & IUP) | 96 (Reguler & IUP) | 48 (Reguler & IUP) |
E. Panduan Konversi Kredit
Panduan konversi kredit mengacu pada UMAP Credit Transfer System (UCTS) yang dirancang dan digunakan oleh negara-negara anggota UMAP (University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific), dimana Universitas Gadjah Mada merupakan anggotanya. Dengan student workload sebesar 45 jam, berikut konversi berbagai sistem kredit di negara/regional mitra FEB UGM ke dalam Satuan Kredit Sistem (SKS). Panduan konversi ini juga mempertimbangkan panduan resmi dari European Commission, khususnya European Education Area, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) United Kingdom, Australian Government Department of Education and Training, dan kebijakan universitas-universitas mitra FEB UGM.
Negara/Region | Sistem Kredit | SKS* |
Asia | 1 credit | 1 |
USA | 1 credit | 1 |
European (ECTS) | 1 ECTS | 0.67 |
UK (CATS) | 1 CATS | 0.33 |
Australia | 1 point | 0.4 |
* : untuk konversi nilai kredit yang berupa desimal maka dilakukan pembulatan keatas dengan ketentuan jika ≥ 0,50 misalnya konversi ke SKS 3,67 maka diakui 4 SKS, namun jika konversi ke SKS 3,45 maka diakui 3 SKS.
F. Sistem Nilai di Negara/Regional Universitas Mitra FEB UGM
1. Australia
Scale | Grade Structure | FEB UGM | |
80-100 | A | H1 | A |
75-79 | B | H2A | A- |
70-74 | B1 | H2B | B+ |
65-69 | B2 | H3 | B |
50-64 | C | P | C |
0-49 | D | N | Fail |
Local Grade | Description | FEB UGM |
7 | High Distinction | A |
6 | Distinction | A- |
5 | Credit | B |
4 | Pass | C |
3,2,1 | Fail | Fail |
2. Austria
Sistem Penilaian 1 | ||
Description | FEB UGM | |
A Sehr Gut (Very Good) | A | |
B Gut (Good) | B | |
C Befriedigend (Satisfactory) | C | |
D Genϋgend (Sufficient) | D | |
E Nicht Genϋgend (Insufficient) | Fail | |
Sistem Penilaian 2 | ||
Scale | Description | FEB UGM |
96-100 | Excellent | A |
81-95 | Good | A- |
66-80 | Pass | B |
51-65 | Low Pass | C |
0-50 | Fail | Fail |
Sistem Penilaian 3 | ||
Local Grade | ECTS Grade | FEB UGM |
1 | A | A |
2 | B | A- |
3 | C | B+ |
4 | D | B |
5 | E | C |
6 | FX | Fail |
Sistem Penilaian 4 | ||
Scale | Description | FEB UGM |
1 | Excellent | A |
2 | Good | A- |
3 | Satisfactory | B |
4 | Sufficient | C |
5 | Fail | Fail |
3. Belgia
Numerical Grade | Description | Meaning | FEB UGM |
18-20 | Uitmuntend | Excellent | A |
16-18 | Zeer goed | Very good | A- |
14-16 | Goed | Good | B+ |
12-14 | Ruim voldoende | Quite satisfactory | B- |
10-12 | Voldoende | Satisfactory | C |
1-9 | Onvoldoende | Unsatisfactory | D |
4. Brunei Darussalam
Scale | Grade | Description | FEB UGM |
80-100 | A | First Class Honours | A |
70-79 | B | Second Class Honours, Upper Division | B |
60-69 | C | Second Class Honours, Lower Division | C |
0-59 | D | Third Class Honours | Fail |
5. Kanada
Grade Point Value | Percentage* | Grade | FEB UGM |
9 | 90-100 | A+ | A |
8 | 85-89 | A | A |
7 | 80-84 | A- | A- |
6 | 77-79 | B+ | B+ |
5 | 73-76 | B | B |
4 | 70-72 | B- | B- |
3 | 65-69 | C+ | C+ |
2 | 60-64 | C | C |
1 | 50-59 | D | C |
0 | 0-49 | E (Fail) | E |
0 | 0-49 | F (Fail) | F |
6. Tiongkok
Description | Percentage | FEB UGM |
Excellent | 80-100% | A |
Good | 70-79% | B |
Pass | 60-69% | C |
Fail | 0-59% | F |
7. Denmark
Danish mark | Equivalent ECTS mark | Explanation of the mark | FEB UGM |
12 | A | For an excellent performance | A |
10 | B | For a very good performance | B |
7 | C | For a good performance | C |
4 | D | For a fair performance | D |
2 | E | For an adequate performance | E |
0 | Fx | For an inadequate performance | F |
-3 | F | For an unacceptable performance | F |
8. ECTS (European Credit Transfer System)
Description | Scale | FEB UGM | |
(Best 100%) | EXCELLENT – Outstanding performance with only minor errors | A | A |
(Next 25%) | VERY GOOD – above the average standard but with some errors | B | A- |
(Next 30%) | GOOD – generally sound work with a number of notable errors | C | B+ |
(Next 25%) | SATISFACTORY – fair but with significant shortcomings | D | B |
(Next 10%) | FAIL – some more work is required before the credit can be awarded | E | C |
FAIL – considerable further work is required | FX | Fail | |
F | Fail |
9. Perancis
Scale | Description | FEB UGM |
16-20 | Excellent | A |
14-15.99 | Very Good | A- |
12-13.99 | Quite Good | B+ |
10.1-11.99 | Satisfactory | B |
10 | Sufficient | C |
<10 | Unsatisfactory | Fail |
10. Georgia
Grade Point Average | FEB UGM |
Excellent (4.00) | A |
Good (3.00) | B |
Satisfactory (2.00) | C |
Passing (1.00) | D |
Failure (0.00) | F |
Withdrew failing (0.00) | WF |
11. Jerman
Scale | Description | FEB UGM |
1.0-1.5 | Sehr Gut (Very Good) | A |
1.6-2.3 | Gut (Good) | A+ |
2.4-2.9 | Befriedigend (Quite Good) | B+ |
3.0-3.5 | Ausreichend (Satisfactory) | B |
3.6-4.0 | Genϋgend (Sufficient) | C |
≥4.1 | Nicht Genϋgend (Insufficient) | Fail |
12. Jepang
Sistem Penilaian 1 | ||||
Grade Point | Grade Symbol | Qualitative Description | FEB UGM | |
4 | H | Honors | Indicates a performance which clearly exceeds professional standards and the instructor‘s expectations for students | A |
3.75 | H- | Honors Minus | Indicates a performance which exceeds professional standards and the instructor‘s expectations for students | A- |
3.50 | S+ | Satisfactory Plus | Indicates a performance which clearly meets professional standards and falls in the higher range of instructor‘s expectations for students | B+ |
3.0 | S | Satisfactory | Indicates a performance which meets professional standards and the instructor‘s expectations for students | B |
2.50 | S- | Satisfactory Minus | Indicates a performance which almost meets professional standards and the instructor‘s expectations for students | B- |
2.00 | L | Low Pass | Indicates a performance which is marginal in relation to professional standards and falls below the instructor‘s expectations for students | C |
0.00 | F | Fall | Indicates a performance which is clearly below professional standards and warrants loss of credit for the work | Fail |
Sistem Penilaian 2 | ||||
Grade Point | 100 points scale | Grade | FEB UGM | |
4 | 90 and above | A: Excellent (Exemplary) | A | |
3 | 89-80 | B: Good (Outstanding) | B | |
2 | 79-70 | C: Fair (Average) | C | |
1 | 69-60 | D: Pass (The above three meet the requirements for academic credit) | D | |
0 | 59 and below | F: Fail (fail) | Fail |
13. Malaysia
Sistem Penilaian 1 | |||
Level Classification | FEB UGM | ||
First Class Honours | A | ||
Second Class Honours, Upper Division | A- | ||
Second Class Honours, Lower Division | B | ||
Third Class Honours or Pass | C | ||
Sistem Penilaian 2 | |||
Marks | GPA | Grade | FEB UGM |
85-100 | 4 | A+ | A |
80-84 | 4 | A | |
75-79 | 3.67 | A- | A- |
70-74 | 3.33 | B+ | B+ |
65-69 | 3 | B | B |
60-64 | 2.67 | B- | B- |
55-59 | 2.33 | C+ | C+ |
50-54 | 2 | C | C |
45-49 | 1.67 | C- | C- |
44-45 | 1.33 | D+ | D+ |
40-44 | 1 | D | D |
14. Meksiko
Numerical Grade | Corresponding Grade On 4.0 Scale | Letter Grade | FEB UGM |
9.5-10 | 4 | A | A |
9.0-9.4 | 3,7 | A- | A- |
8.7-8.9 | 3,3 | B+ | B+ |
8.4-8.6 | 3 | B | B |
8.0-8.3 | 2,7 | B- | B- |
7.7-7.9 | 2,3 | C+ | C+ |
7.4-7.6 | 2 | C | C |
7.0-7.3 | 1,7 | C- | C- |
6.5-6.9 | 1,3 | D+ | D+ |
6.0-6.4 | 1 | D | D |
5 and below | 0 | F | F |
15. Selandia Baru (New Zealand)
Normal mark range | Midpoint | Grade | Indicative Characterisation | FEB UGM |
90-100 | 95 | A+ | Outstanding Performance | A |
85-89 | 87 | A | Excellent performance | A |
80-84 | 82 | A- | Excellent performance in most respect | A- |
75-79 | 77 | B+ | Very good performance | B+ |
70-74 | 72 | B | Good performance | B |
65-69 | 67 | B- | Good performance overall, but some weaknesses | B- |
60-64 | 62 | C+ | Satisfactory to good performance | C+ |
55-59 | 57 | C | Satisfactory performance | C |
50-54 | 52 | C- | Adequate evidence of learning | C- |
40-49 | 45 | D | Poor performance overall, some evidence of learning. Fail | D |
0-39 | 20 | E | Well below the required standard. Fail | E |
16. Norwegia
Scale | Description | FEB UGM |
1.0-2.0 | Excellent | A |
2.1-2.5 | Very Good | A- |
2.6-3.0 | Good | B+ |
3.1-3.5 | Satisfactory | B |
3.6-4.0 | Sufficient | C |
4.1-6.0 | Fail | Fail |
17. Filipina
Sistem Penilaian 1 | |||
Scale | Description | FEB UGM | |
1.0-1.4 | Excellent | A | |
1.5-1.9 | Very Good | A- | |
2.0-2.9 | Good | B | |
3.0-4.9 | Pass | C | |
≥5.0 | Fail | Fail | |
Sistem Penilaian 2 | |||
Scale | Equivalent | Description | FEB UGM |
4.0 | 98-100 | Excellent | A |
3.5 | 95-97 | Very Good | A- |
3.0 | 92-94 | Good | B |
2.5 | 89-91 | Satisfactory | B+ |
2.0 | 85-88 | Fair/Pass | C |
18. Portugal
Sistem Penilaian 1 | ||||
Scale | FEB UGM | |||
17-20 | A | |||
15-16 | A- | |||
13-14 | B+ | |||
11-12 | B | |||
10 | C | |||
≤9 | Fail | |||
Sistem Penilaian 2 | ||||
Portuguese Scale | 1 to 4 (GPA) Grading System | Rating system from 0 to 100 | Classification System from F to A+ | FEB UGM |
20 | 3,9-4,0 | 98-100 | A+ | A |
19 | 3,7-3,8 | 96-98 | A | A |
18 | 3,5-3,6 | 90-95 | A- | A- |
17 | 3,2-3,4 | 87-89 | B+ | B+ |
16 | 2,9-3,1 | 83-86 | B | B |
15 | 2,6-2,9 | 80-82 | B- | B- |
14 | 2,3-2,5 | 77-79 | C+ | C+ |
13 | 2,0-2,2 | 73-76 | C | C |
12 | 1,6-1,9 | 70-72 | C- | C- |
11 | 1,2-1,5 | 67-69 | D+ | D+ |
10 | 1,0-1,1 | 61-66 | D | D |
19. Singapura
Sistem Penilaian 1 | ||
Degree Classification | FEB UGM | |
A+, A | A | |
A- | A- | |
B+ | B+ | |
B | B | |
B- | B- | |
C+ | C+ | |
C | C | |
D+, D | Fail | |
Sistem Penilaian 2 | ||
Points | Grade | FEB UGM |
5 | A+ | A |
A | ||
4.5 | A- | A- |
4 | B+ | B+ |
3.5 | B | B |
3 | B- | B- |
2.5 | C+ | C+ |
2 | C | C |
1.5 | D+ | D+ |
1 | D | D |
0 | F | Fail |
20. Korea Selatan
Sistem Penilaian 1 | |||
Degree Classification | FEB UGM | ||
A+, A0, A- | A | ||
B+ | A- | ||
B | B+ | ||
B- | B | ||
C+ | B- | ||
C | C+ | ||
Sistem Penilaian 2 | |||
Point Value | Propotion | Grade | FEB UGM |
4.5 | Under 30% | A+ | A |
4 | A0 | A | |
3.5 | Under 40% | B+ | A- |
3 | B0 | B+ | |
2.5 | Over 30% | C+ | B- |
2 | C0 | C+ | |
1.5 | D+ | C- | |
1 | D0 | D+ | |
0 | – | F | Fail |
21. Swedia
ECTS Grade | % of Successful students normally achieve a grade | Definition | FEB UGM |
A | 10 | EXCELLENT: Outstanding performance with only minor errors | A |
B | 25 | VERY GOOD: above the average standard but with some errors | A- |
C | 30 | GOOD: generally sound work with a number of notable errors | B+ |
D | 25 | SATISFACTORY: fair but with significant shortcomings | B |
E | 10 | SUFFICIENT: performance meets the minimum criteria | C |
FX | – | FAIL: some more work is required before the credit can be awarded | Fail |
F | – | FAIL: considerable further work is required | Fail |
22. Swiss (Switzerland)
Sistem Penilaian 1 | ||
Scale | FEB UGM | |
5,75-6,00 | A | |
5,50-5,74 | A- | |
5,25-5,49 | A/B | |
5,00-5,24 | B+ | |
4,50-4,99 | B | |
4,40-4,49 | B- | |
4,30-4,39 | B/C | |
4,20-4,29 | C+ | |
4,00-4,19 | C | |
0,00-3,99 | Fail | |
Sistem Penilaian 2 | ||
Grade | Qualification | International Grade/FEB UGM |
6 | Excellent | A |
5.5 | Very good | B |
5 | Good | C |
4.5 | Decent | D |
4 | Satisfactory | E |
3 | Failed | Fail |
2 | Failed | |
1 | Failed |
23. Taiwan
Numerical Equivalent | Grade | FEB UGM |
4.3 | A+ | A |
4.0 | A | A |
3.7 | A- | A- |
3.3 | B+ | B+ |
3.0 | B | B |
2.7 | B- | B- |
2.3 | C+ | C+ |
2.0 | C | C |
1.7 | C- | C- |
W | Withdrawal | F |
X | Fail | F |
NC | No Credit | F |
24. Thailand
Final score (% range) | GPA | Achievement | FEB UGM |
90-100 | 4 | Excellent | A |
85-89 | 3.5 | Very Good | B+ |
80-84 | 3 | Good | B |
75-79 | 2.5 | Fairly Good | C+ |
70-74 | 2 | Fair | C |
65-69 | 1.5 | Poor | D+ |
60-64 | 1 | Very Poor | D |
Less than 60 | 0 | Fail | Fail |
25. Belanda
Scale | FEB UGM |
8.00-10.00 | A |
7.76-7.99 | A- |
7.26-7.75 | B+ |
7.00-7.25 | B |
6.76-6.99 | B- |
6.26-6.75 | C+ |
5.50-6.25 | C |
≤5.49 | Fail |
Grade | Meaning |
10 | Outstanding * |
9 | Very good * |
8 | Good |
7 | More than satisfactory |
6 | Satisfactory |
5 | Almost satisfactory |
4 | Unsatisfactory |
3 | Very unsatisfactory * |
2 | Poor * |
1 | Veru Poor * |
*grades 1-3 are hardly ever awarded and 9 and 10 are very rare |
26. United Kingdom (UK)
Scale | Grade | FEB UGM |
70-100 | A | A |
67-69 | B+ | B+ |
60-66 | B | B |
50-59 | C | C |
40-49 | D | Fail |
0-39 | E | Fail |
Percentage | United Kingdom |
(70% and above) | First-Class Honours (First of 1st) |
(60-70%) | Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1, 2.i) |
(50-60%) | Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2, 2.ii) |
(40-50%) | Third-Class Honours (Third or 3rd) |
27. Amerika Serikat (United State)
Number Grade | Letter Grade | FEB UGM |
4.0 | A+ | A |
4.0 | A | A |
3.7 | A- | A- |
3.3 | B+ | B+ |
3.0 | B | B |
2.7 | B- | B- |
2.3 | C+ | C+ |
2.0 | C | C |
1.7 | C- | C- |
1.3 | D+ | D+ |
1.0 | D | D |
0.7 | D- | D- |
0.0 | F | F |