“We used to have corporate economics, accounting and economics departments, but now it has changed into management, accounting and economics department.
State Enterprise Minister, Rini M. Soemarno, has targeted that by the end of 2019, no state enterprises would suffer from a loss.
Public Sector Governance (PSG) Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held National Seminar on Public Accountability (SNAP) 2018 on Saturday (7/4) at Ballroom of The Sahid Rich Hotel Yogyakarta.
The annual event Management’s Events (ME) was officially opened. In its 12th year, Management’s Events has three sub-events, which are Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GMBCC) that has entered its 6th year, is an international-level business case competition.
Higher education is demanded to develop education that is responsive to meet industrial need of skilled human resource.
This emerged in a discussion hosted by Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, The Office of President Staff in cooperation with Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), at BRI Auditorium on Friday (9/3)
Not everyone is destined to become a leader. However, in order to be a leader, it is not enough to only rely on their talent, but also experiences.
Becoming a businessman and being successful is not determined by talent or inheritance, but also interaction with their environment. This was said by Dahlan Iskan, a leading businessman, when giving a general lecture at Kertanegara building of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM on Thursday (15/2).
The Alumni Association of Faculty of Economics and Business UGM (Indonesian acronym: KAFEGAMA) succeeded to held Jogja Entrepreneurs and Financial Technology Expo (JEFE) 2018.
Globalization has changed commodity traffic system into more open. In ASEAN, the existence of ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) turns the commodity traffic system among the countries members into more flexible and free.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in cooperation with Australian National University (ANU) Indonesia Project held a Public Lecture on the topic of “Anti-Globalisation, Poverty and Income Inequality.” Public lecture was held on Friday, December 15, 2017 at Kertanegara Room FEB UGM.