Corruption has been determined as an extraordinary crime, even abusing norms and rules stipulated by the state.
Last Saturday (14/10), alumni of FEB UGM year ’89 held a workshop as well as training session leading a theme “Confidence in Entering Working Environment: Strategies in Arranging Attractive CV and Success in Work Interview”.
Around 76 percent of National Revenue and Expenditure Budget is obtained from tax.
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held Training of Trainers program for the syllabus and teaching development of business sustainability education in business schools.
Commemorating the 62nd of FEB UGM and the 37th of Master Science and Doctoral Program, Seminar and book launching titled “Filosofi dan Metodologi Penelitian” (Friday, 29/9)was held.
Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) turns 62 in 2017.
Thursday (14/9) Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM) opened the 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) 2017 conference in BRI Auditorium, FEB UGM under a theme “Sustainable Development: Challenge and Opportunity in Developing Countries”.
Friday (15/09), in order to celebrate Dies Natalis FEB UGM in its 62, a symposium was held with the theme “Local Wisdom to Face the Global Challenges”.
Master of Accounting Study Programme (MAKSI) UGM has released Financial Condition Index and Financial Transparency Index in a national seminar entitled Healthy and Transparent Regional Financial Management on Thursday (7/9) in Grha Sabha Pramana Hall UGM.
Hosted by the Accounting Center for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises under the Department of Accounting FEB UGM, the international seminar on “How to Create Startup and e-Business: German and Indonesian Perspectives” had successfully attracted over 50 participants from various universities and institutions.