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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1682
Center for Accounting and Regulatory Studies (PAKAR), Accounting Laboratory, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Workshop with the theme "Learning Publication with PAKAR: from draft to published".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Friday
- Date: 26 November 2021
- Time: 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meeting
- Singgih Wijayana, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Lecturer of the Department of Accounting FEB UGM)
- Dewi Fatmawati, S.E., M.Ec. (Lecturer of the Department of Accounting FEB UGM)
- Participants: Lecturers and Students of FEB UGM (Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Doctoral Programs)
- Participants can directly join the Zoom Meeting with Meeting ID: 93209103840 and Passcode: 957806
Download: Posters (JPG)
For further information and questions, please contact: Lab. Accounting, Department of Accounting, FEB UGM via IG account @lab.aktugm
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1158
The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, in collaboration with MTCC (Muhammadiyah Tobacco Control Center) and FKP (Forum Kebijakan Publik) will conduct a Seminar with the topic "Tobacco Farmers Livelihoods and Supporting Policies Amidst the Excise Policy Whirlpool", (Indonesian, Penghidupan Petani Tembakau dan Kebijakan Pendukung di Tengah Pusaran Kebijakan Cukai).
This event will be held on:
- Day: Friday
- Date: 26 November 2021
- Time: 09.30 AM to 11.30 AM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Gumilang Aryo Sahadewo (Universitas Gadjah Mada)
Title: Tobacco Farming Economics in Indonesia: Results of the Third Wave Survey - Rochiyati Murniningsih (Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang)
Title: Utilization of Tobacco Excise Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH CHT) in Indonesia and the Challenges - Mr. Tuhar and Mr. Istanto (former tobacco farmers)
- Shima Dewi M. T., S.E., M.Sc. (Lecturer of the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)
- Participants: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners, and Public participant
- Fill out the online registration form provided, , click here
- Participants are entitled to an e-certificate.
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and questions regarding this event, please contact the contact person: Safira 082137023099 or Leonie 087883748805.
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1302
Master in Management Study Program (Jakarta Campus), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Guest Lecture with the topic "Strategic and Organizational Flexibility: How Strategic Leadership Deal it in the Post Pandemic".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 25 November 2021
- Time: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Opening Remarks by Prof. Dr. Eduardus Tandelilin, M.B.A. (Chair of Master in Management Study Program - Jakarta Campus, FEB UGM)
- Muhammad Awaludin (President Director of PT Angkasa Pura II)
- Sunu Wibisana, Ph.D. (Lecturer of Master in Management Study Program, FEB UGM)
- Participant: Students, Alumni, Lecturers, Researchers, and Practitioners
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Open Donation for Covid-19 Pandemic Response:
- Covid-19 Donation by transferring to Mandiri Bank Account Number: 145.001 0660 922 a.n. Niluh Novy Sajjana Wedhana.
- All funds raised through this webinar are intended for charity as a form of student support for health workers, Covid-19 patients, communities affected by Covid-19 and help succeed regional vaccination programs in Indonesia. The charity will be distributed to Rumah Lawan Covid-19 South Tangerang and SONJO: Sambatan Jogja (www.sonjo.id).
Download: Poster (JPG)
For more information about this event please contact: Novy 081513123700
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1823
Unit of Student Wellness and Personal Development Center, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Webinar event called FEBinvinity with the topic "Stress Management 101: Keep Your Move during Online Class".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Firday
- Date: 19 November 2021
- Time: 09:30 AM to 11:30 AM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meeting
- Annisa Poedji Pratiwi, M.Psi., Psikolog (Co-founder and Psychologist in Charisma Consulting)
- Victoria Ingrid Nathania (Economics 2019)
- Participant: FEB UGM students
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For more information about this event please contact: SWPDC FEB UGM, tel 0274 548510 ext 229
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1538
Accounting and Education Studies (PKAP), Laboratory of Accounting - Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Workshop with the topic "Integrated Accounting E-Learning: SIDEK-Edu Socialization and Training", (Indonesian, Lokakarya Pembelajaran Akuntansi Terintegrasi: Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan SIDEK-Edu).
This event will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: 13 and 20 November 2021
- Time: 8:00 AM to 12:30 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meeting
- 1st session, 13 November 2021
- Sony Warsono, MAFIS., Ph.D
Topic: Inovasi Pembelajaran Akuntansi Terintegrasi - Rizqi Amalia, S.E., Ak., CA.
Topic: Simulasi Penggunaan Ruang Teori - Nadya Windy Putrie, S.Pd.
Topic: Simulasi Penggunaan Ruang Praktik Jurnal Umum (Jasa dan Barang) - Anggit Firmansyah, S.E.
Topic: Simulasi Penggunaan Ruang Praktik Jurnal Khusus (Dagang) - Nadya Windy Putrie, S.Pd.
Topic: Penjelasan dan Koordinasi PR (Siklus Akuntansi Jasa dan Dagang)
- Sony Warsono, MAFIS., Ph.D
- 2nd session, 20 November 2021
- Anggit Firmansyah, S.E.
Topic: Umpan Balik PR (Siklus Akuntansi Jasa dan Dagang) - Nadya Windy Putrie, S.Pd.
Topic: Simulasi Penggunaan Ruang Praktik Jurnal Umum (Manufaktur) - Anggit Firmansyah, S.E.
Topic: Simulasi Penggunaan Ruang Praktik Jurnal Khusus (Manufaktur) - Nadya Windy Putrie, S.Pd.
Topic: Diskusi Pengoptimalan SIDEK-Edu
- Anggit Firmansyah, S.E.
- Participants: Vocational Accounting Educators in East Java and Special Region of Yogyakarta
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
- Participants who participate in the entire series of events from this workshop will get an e-certificate from the committee.
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries about this event please contact: Accounting and Education Studies (PKAP) Lab of Accounting - Dep of Accounting FEB UGM, contact person: Meilani Mukti 081225620388
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1484
Master in Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Guest Lecture with the topic "Current Developments in International Asset Management: Case Study on Pension Funds in The Netherlands".
This event will be held on
- Day: Wednesday
- Date: 17 November 2021
- Time: 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Prof. Dr. Onno Steenbeek (Managing Director Strategic Portfolio Advice at APG Asset Management, Professor in Finance at Erasmus School of Economics)
- Eddy Junarsin, Ph.D (Lecturer at Faculty of Economcis and Business UGM)
- Participant: Students, Alumni, Lecturers, Researchers, and Practitioners
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries about this event please contact: Master of Management Study Program (Jakarta Campus) FEB UGM, via IG: @mmfebugmjakarta
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