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- Aldiena Bunga Fadhila
- Amin Wibowo
- Aprilia Beta Suandi
- Arief Surya Irawan
- Arizona Mustikarini
- B.M. Purwanto
- Bambang Riyanto Lies Sugiyanto
- Basu Swastha Dharmmesta
- Bayu Sutikno
- Bowo Setiyono
- Mohammad Afif Sallatu
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- Dian Kartika Rahajeng
- Traheka Erdyas Bimanatya
- Diyah Putriani
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- Wahyu Saripudin
- Eddy Junarsin
- Eko Suwardi
- Eny Sulistyaningrum
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- Indra Bastian
- Luluk Lusiantoro
- Mamduh Mahmadah Hanafi
- Muhammad Ryan Sanjaya
- Muhammad Fariz
- Nofie Iman Vidya Kemal
- Rocky Adiguna
- Amri Anjas Asmara
- R. Agus Sartono
- R. M. Gunawan Soemodiningrat
- Rangga Almahendra
- Ratna Nurhayati
- Rika Fatimah P. L.
- Rina Herani
- Rokhima Rostiani
- Rusdi Akbar
- Samsubar Saleh
- Sari Winahjoe Siswomihardjo
- Setiyono
- Slamet Sugiri
- Sri Adiningsih
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- Taufikur Rahman
- Tri Widodo
- Wakhid Slamet Ciptono
- Wihana Kirana Jaya
- Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih
- Zuni Barokah
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- Abdul Halim
- Agastya
- Agus Setiawan
- Ahmad Amin
- Ahmad Jamli
- Ainun Na'im
- Amanda Acintya
- Amirullah Setya Hardi
- Ardyanto Fitrady
- Arika Artiningsih
- Artidiatun Adji
- Bagus Santoso
- Bayu Aji Aritejo
- Bita Puspitasari
- Boyke Rudy Purnomo
- C. Budi Santoso
- Choirunnisa Arifa
- Dewi Fatmawati
- Diah Retno Wulandaru
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- Evi Noor Afifah
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- Fu'ad Rakhman
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- Hardo Basuki
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- Heni Wahyuni
- I Wayan Nuka Lantara
- Indra Wijaya Kusuma
- Insukindro
- Irwan Taufiq Ritonga
- Jogiyanto Hartono Mustakini
- Kusdhianto Setiawan
- Lincolin Arsyad
- Mahfud Sholihin
- Mardiasmo
- Muhammad Edhie Purnawan
- Naila Zulfa
- Azellia Alma Shafira
- Nurul Indarti
- Poppy Ismalina
- Putri Paramita Agritansia
- R. A. Supriyono
- Ragil Sriharto
- Reni Rosari
- Rijadh Djatu Winardi
- Rimawan Pradiptyo
- Risa Virgosita
- Rr Tur Nastiti
- Sahid Susilo Nugroho
- Sari Sitalaksmi
- Sekar Utami Setiastuti
- Singgih Wijayana
- Sony Warsono
- Esa Azali Asyahid
- Valentino Risali
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- Syaiful Ali
- Tandelilin Eduardus
- Vogy Gautama Buanaputra
- Widya Paramita
- Wisnu Setiadi Nugroho
- Wuri Handayani
- Ahmad Zaki
- Akhmad Akbar Susamto
- Usman Arief
- Aviandi Okta Maulana
- Qisha Quarina
- Gigih Fitrianto
- Annisa Hayatun Nazmi Burhan
- Achmad Faizal Azmi
- Dian Andari
- Novat Pugo Sambodo
- Dea Yustisia
- Amanda Wijayanti
- Reza Bangun Mahardika
- Muhammad Fawdy Renardi Wahyu
- Anggraeni Pranandari
- Jovita Angela
- R. Muhammad Fajri
- Muhammad Akbar Fadzkurrahman Annahl
- Achmad Masyhadul Amin
- Puspita Ghany Anggraini
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- Curriculum for Economics IUP 2018
- Curriculum for Accounting IUP 2018
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- Curriculum for Management IUP 2021
- Curriculum for Accounting IUP 2022
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- Seberapa Menakutkankah Krisis Financial AS?
- Hidup di Tengah Krisis Ekonomi Dunia
- Inovasi Metode Cascading dalam Siklus ASP: Studi Kasus Sistem Pengendalian Manajemen Publik
- Menjawab Kritik terhadap Ekonom dan Ilmu Ekonomi
- Elaborasi Situs Jejaring Sosial
- Penyimpangan dari Rasionalitas: Bukti dari Laboratory Experiments
- Menggagas Reformasi dari Kampus Biru
- Definisi Kepemimpinan Menurut Bass: Refleksi pada Diri Penulis
- Penegakan Hukum dan Pencegahan Tindak Kejahatan dalam Tinjauan Ilmu Ekonomi
- Internet Financial Reporting dan Tempelan Multimedia pada Statement Keuangan Elektronik
- Jejaring Sosial Online dalam Perspektif Indonesia
- Mengenal Lebih Dekat Teori Ekonomi Kelembagaan Baru (New Institutional Economic)
- Institutional Isomorphism dalam Akuntabilitas Kinerja Sektor Publik di Indonesia
- Manajemen Risiko dan Derivatif Cuaca
- Kerapuhan Pasar Keuangan dan Macroprudential
- Seni atau Ilmu: Menengok Kembali Properitas Akuntansi Sebagai Disiplin
- Akreditasi Internasional AACSB: Buah Manis Sebuah Perjuangan
- Presiden Terpilih dan Tantangan Ekonomi
- Kompensasi Ekuitas (Equity Compensation)
- Bank dan Beberapa Aspek Tata Kelolanya
- Financial Market Constraint Dan Usaha Rumah Tangga
- Trickle-up Effect Dan Unbalanced Growth
- Menyambut Ekonomi Digital
- FEB UGM Mendidik Mahasiswa Menjadi Ekonomi Yang Intelektual
- Perspektif Jejaring dalam Kehidupan Sehari-hari
- Memahami Utang Pemerintah Indonesia Sebagai Bagian Dari Manajemen Keuangan Publik
- Kebijakan Bank Sentral: Teori dan Praktik
- Benarkah Peran Akuntan Digantikan Oleh Teknologi (Informasi)?
- Dinamika Perdagangan Daring di Indonesia
- Mengukur Biaya Sosial Kejahatan Terorganisir
- Happy Tourists Are Ethical Tourists
- The Impact of Anthropomorphism on Entrepreneurs Resilience
- Factors that Encourage Individual Intention to Build Social Entrepreneurship
- Organizational Mindfulness and Social Learning: Important Factors for SMEs to Survive during the Covid-19 Pandemic
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- NIBES Annual Meeting 2023
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- News
- Faculty Economics Member of AACSB
- POSCO Asia Fellowship at GSIS SNU 2009
- The Prosper.Net-Scopus Young Scientist Award
- JASSO Scholarships
- Kalingga goes to Paris
- Doctoral Scholarship in "Property Value"
- Scholarship Offers: StuNed 2009 and NFP
- AUN Educational Forum and Young Speaker Contest
- International Master Programes of Academic Session 2009/2010 at the AEI-UM
- Korean Government Scholarship 2009
- Grant Karya Inovasi Competition and Annual Essay Competition
- AEC Scholarships offer
- Pertamina Scholarship Presentation
- FEB UGM achieved the “EXCELLENT Business Schools nationally strong and/or with continental links” from the International Scientific Committee; Eduniversal
- UGM Research and History Week 2009
- KAGAMA XI National Colloquy
- FEB UGM Family Day 2009
- Exchange Student Welcome Break
- Global Undergraduate Exchange Program 2010-2011 in USA
- FEB UGM collaboration establishment with California State University
- Danone Launches Business Competition "Danone Trust By 2010"
- Academics Staff of FEB UGM Visit to NUS
- The Visit of Avans University’s Delegation
- FEB UGM strengthens its Asian network by signing an Memorandum of Understanding with Sung Kyun Kwan University (SKKU) Korea
- Guest Lecture Master of Science and Doctoral Program, by Dr. Okyu Kwon
- Launch of Asian Development Resource Center
- DREaM 2010 Prepare World Leaders Candidates
- Book Review: Reformasi Akuntansi Membongkar Bounded Rationality Pengembangan Akuntansi and Workshop: Metoda Inovatif Pembelajaran Akuntansi Keuangan Pengantar
- UGM farewells four Professors and welcomes seven new Professors
- Visits of Faculty of Business and Economics UNIMELB at the FEB
- Student Parent Information and Communications Forums (FOKOMA) FEB UGM
- Welcome to the new undergraduate students of the academic year 2010/2011
- FEB UGM Release 138 Graduates
- Educational Workforce Grant Program Competitions 2010
- OIA FEB UGM Aacademic Coaching and Welcome Cocktail
- Announce the winners of JIEB’s Call for Paper 2010: Recent Studies on Indonesian Economy and Business
- Student Week Jazzes up The 55th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Senate Public Meeting for The 55th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Alumni Gathering Night, Celebrate the 55th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Discover Indonesia: Green, Blue & Genuine; Great Art Performance on FEB UGM’s 55th Anniversary
- JIEB UGM Best Paper Award 2010
- Workshop: Corruption Free Economy
- International guest visit from the three universities abroad
- Raising Tax Ratio, Dean of FEB UGM Support Canges on Taxation Services
- Academic Activities Were Closed Temporarily
- FE UI and FEB UGM Distributes Merapi Disaster Assistance Through DERU
- Event Cancellation: Graduation Ceremony Period I for Academic Year 2010/2011
- Yogyakarta Losses 5 Billion Rupiah, as Impact of Merapi Eruption
- P2EB UGM and BPD DIY Empower Victims of Merapi Eruption
- JIEB: Writing is Easy Training
- Prof. Wihana: Decentralization and Regional Autonomy Caused Authority Confusion
- Prof. Ainun Na’im is Inaugurated as UGM Professor
- UGM P2EB and BPD Yogyakarta Disbursed Fund for Merapi Survivors
- Indonesian accountant's understanding in of international accounting standards is still lacking
- Groundbreaking of FEB UGM's new building (Pertamina Tower)
- UGM Welcomes Two New Professors, Releases Four Retired Professors
- Courtesy Visit from Three Foreign Higher Education Institutions
- International Academic Exposure in Bangkok
- Inaugural Ceremony of MM UGM’s Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) Corner
- MM UGM Cooperates with LPPM to Develop Beji and Kemadang Villages in Gunungkidul
- OIA FEB UGM Academic Coaching & Welcome Cocktail
- Money Market, Promising Alternative for People’s Investment
- Food and Oil Price Rise, Bank of Indonesia Still Optimistic About Economic Growth of 6.5%
- Grant Research and Short Case Writing Competition 2010
- The Importance of Human Resource Development
- Intrinsic Value of Company Shares and Profit Influences on Investor’s Decision
- MM UGM Plants 7250 Trees at Merapi Area
- Success of Bureaucratic Reform Depends on Leaders In Power
- MEP UGM Proposes Merger of Law Number 32 and 33 Year 2004
- New Library Cards for FEB Students
- UGM Students in Adelaide
- Austrian Ambassador Closes the ASEA UNI-NET Summer University
- FEB helds Ramadhan Iftar
- Graduation Ceremony for Undergraduate Program, period of August 18, 2011
- Volleyball matches begin Anniversary event of 56th FEB UGM
- Student Parent Information and Communications Forums 2011
- Creative Music performances in 56th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Foreign Students of Faculty of Economics and Business Join Cultural Events
- Faculty of Economics and Business Targets AACSB Accreditation
- Uncertain World Economy, Local based Industry is Backbone for National Economic Resilience
- Corruption is No Longer Systemic
- Capital Market Simulation Competition Enliven FEB UGM Stand on UGM Research Week 2011
- Public Lecture Closing the Series of the 56th Anniversary FEB UGM
- Vice President Republic of Indoneisa Review Pertamina Tower Development at FEB UGM
- UGM Students Asked to be Alerted on Scholarship Offer via SMS/Phone
- Graduation Period I 2011/2012, FEB Release 104 graduates
- Aisha Karimawati, UGM Student Achievement 2011
- Three UGM Students Became the Best National Essay Writers
- Seminar JIEB Best Paper Award 2011
- Graduation Period II 2011/2012, FEB Release 69 Graduates
- Djarum Foundation Hand Over Assistance
- Political Imagery Raise Doubts on the Government for Fuel Subsidy Removal
- Students should elaborate the World Investment
- Gresika Bunga Sylvana, FEB student being DIY Ambassadors in Indonesia Youth Parliament 2012
- FEB UGM establish partnership with BRI launches BRI Entrepreneurial Community Program
- UGM Provides Quota of 3.442 for New Students from Written Test Line
- UGM Selects The Most Outstanding Students
- FEB Graduation Undergraduate Program of 3th Period, on May 2012
- Gresika Bunga Sylvana, Reach Rank No.3 on GMU Student Achievement
- Characteristic Differences of the Agency Have not been Accommodated, Indonesian Bureaucracy Reforms Work Inefficient
- Master of Management FEB UGM held 1000 Tree Planting at Merapi
- FEB UGM held the Graduation of 229 Accounting Profession
- FEB Enliven UGM Research Week & Innovation Expo 2012
- FEB Release 107 Graduates Bachelor
- FEB UGM Opens 57th Annivarsary
- FEB Have New Economic Laboratory: Macroeconomic Dashboard and Sharia Corner
- Could Compete in Global Business, Indonesia Needs a New Nationalism
- Basu S.D. Showcase Batik Painting
- Book Review Titled 'Koordinasi dan Interaksi Kebijakan Fiskal-Moneter: Tantangan Kedepan'
- FEB Have CEIC and Bloomberg Database
- Prof. Wihana Kirana Jaya Inaugurated as Dean FEB Period 2012-2016
- MM UGM Hold Social Service in Ngawen Gunungkidul
- IFRS Convergence Impact on the World Taxation
- Sixteen companies hold direct recruit on FEB's graduates
- Investment funds through Forex Trading
- FEB release 89 graduates Bachelor
- JIEB Best Paper Award Seminar 2012
- FEB held Alumni Gathering in UGM Jakarta
- The use of financial services is predicted to increase
- The silver year the class of 1987 FEB UGM Alumni
- Illegal cigarette tax harms the country hundreds of billions
- Sukadji Ranuwihardjo, immortalized into auditorium name
- Economic growth in 2013 ranged from 6 to 6.5 Percent
- Accounting Alumni batch 1989 Back to Campus
- Indonesia Economy 2013 Still Stable
- Welcome Cocktail 2013
- FEB release graduate of undergraduate program in February 2013
- Social business in Indonesia not growing
- The proposed fuel prices rise gradually
- Government thrust distribution of economic growth
- Year Politics, Economy Slowed in Early 2013
- Handover, Inauguration and Talk Show: Energizing Asia: Being a Business Leader Energy in 2025
- UGM achieved grade 'A' from AIPT
- Local Leaders for Regional Progress
- UGM achieved Indonesia Best School of Management 2013
- We Need a Brand New Barcode
- Career in Banking and Financial Services
- Indonesia Kreatif Goes to Campus: Re-Search & Re-Creation
- Blurring Lines by Cultural Immersion Day
- Globalization Challenges National Banking
- What Will Happen In 2014?
- Micro Entrepreneurs Accessing Banking Still Very Low
- A Joyful Graduation Ceremony of Undergraduate Program, Period of Februari 2014
- Procter and Gamble Visited FEB UGM
- BII-Maybank Visitation: Starting Career in Banking
- Learning about Fraud Auditing from Ernst and Young
- Unilever offers UFLP and ULIP to the FEB Students
- Corruption Eradication
- Six accounting students in UGM received Book Prize Awards from the ACCA
- KPK's Representative Office is a Reasonable Idea
- The First Prize for The Nation
- Improving the Quality of Human Resources as Drivers of Trade Growth
- Creativity should be developed to make a sustainable competitiveness for Indonesia
- Creating A Successful Presentation
- Understanding General Banking
- The Importance of Cash Management
- Questioning Null-Hypothesis Significance Tests
- Company’s Care Through CSR
- MM UGM Celebrated Partnership with RSM Erasmus University by Opening Trading Session at NYSE Euronext Amsterdam
- Working Women Unique Index (WWU Index): A Quality Approach in Performance Measurement on the Role of Working Women
- Indication of State-Owned Company Management Deviation
- Toastmasters Yogyakarta Launching in FEB UGM
- Discussing Issues of ASEAN Business Environment With FEB UGM
- An Opportunity to be a Part of Bank Mandiri
- Important things that you should know about presentation
- IMF Outreach and Recruitment at FEB UGM
- McKinsey and Company Goes to FEB
- Time to Going Global
- IMF Representatives Giving Public Lecture at FEB
- Public Lecture Islam and Accounting by Dr. Mohammad Hudaib
- FEB Undergraduate Graduation February Period of 2014/2015
- Dissecting the Indonesian Economic Problems
- Dissecting Opportunities and Risks in Asian Economic Challenges
- PT Paragon Open Campus Recruitment in FEB UGM
- Increasing Inclusive Growth by Kalpana Kochhar
- Master of Science Program of FEB UGM Launches Sharia Finance Concentration
- Weakening Economy, Bank of Indonesia Urged to Press Rupiah Decreasing Exchange Rate
- UGM Hosts UGM Expo 2015
- UGM Lecturers Attend International Leadership Programme in UK
- Announcement of the Best Paper Call for Paper "Islamic Economy and Business for Social Welfare"
- 28 Millions of Underpriviledged People Receive Alms
- Bank of Indonesia Prepares BI Corner at UGM
- Dr. Singgih Wijayana, Accounting Lecturer Earns Quality Paper Award in Taiwan
- Dissemination on How the Fuel New Policy Regime Influence Inflation and Business Persons Rationality
- Nurul Indarti, UGM Lecturers Earn IEEE IEEM 2015 Awards
- UGM Initiated One Village One Cooperative
- Winning AEC Challenge through Own Power
- Indonesia Deficit in Businessmen
- Good Assessment Has Not Gone with Increased Prosperity
- FEB UGM-Garuda Indonesia Develop Special Entrepreneur Program
- FEB UGM Alumni Shared Their Tips for Success in Career World
- Fuel Price Decrease Brings No Impact on Economic Growth
- Services Industry Has Potential to Contribute to Economic Growth
- Government Asked to Track Down Panama Papers
- The Corruption Eradication Commission Conducts Roadshow at UGM
- Getting Ready for ASEAN Economic Community (A Taxation Point of View)
- PwC Brings 120 Auditors in Audit Simulation
- Master of Management UGM Strengthens Its International Reputation
- Prof. Gudono Passed Away
- Banking Encouraged to Fund Startup Business
- FEB UGM as Host Organizing of IPAFEM 2016
- Financial Inclusion Rate In Indonesia Is Still Low
- FEB UGM Held Open Senate Meeting and Scientific Oration
- FEB UGM Senate Held Handover Ceremony of Deanship
- Tax Compliance among Taxpayers is Low
- FEB UGM Held Going Global 2016
- 50% of Indonesia Citizen Are Not Yet Internet Literate
- Human Resource, Institutional Building and Infrastucture are Key Issues to Development
- Faculty of Economics and Business UGM Builds Learning Center
- Guest Lecture by KPMG Indonesia
- Guest Lecture by Delloitte Indonesia
- Visit from Case Writing Initiative (CWI) Singapore Management University
- Orientation Day Incoming International Students 2016/2017
- Agrarian Reforms Need Acceleration
- KAFEGAMA 1990 Reunion: Back to Beloved Campus
- Knowing Cultural Differences in International Communication
- UGM-OJK Give Sharia Finance Training
- Ernst & Young Gave a Lecture on Audit Planning and Risk Assessment
- ANU Indonesia Project and FEB UGM Hold Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- FEB UGM Held International Week and International Summer University 2017
- MSMEs Is Very Potential to Improve the Welfare of the Nation
- Startups Gives Positive Impacts For The Society
- Master of Accounting UGM Awards for Regional Financial Condition and Transparency
- Local Wisdom to Face the Global Challenge
- Continues Development in Infrastructure and Human Resources
- In its 62 FEB UGM is Meeting the Global Challenges with Local Wisdom to Serve the Community
- FEB UGM and Master of Science & Doctoral Programs Launched a Book Titled: Filosofi dan Metodologi Penelitian
- FEB UGM and United Nations University Collaborate in Developing Syllabus and Teaching Method for Business Sustainability Education
- Tax Inclusion Prepares Tax Obedient Young Generation
- KAFEGAMA 89 Gives Soft Skill Development to FEB UGM Students
- Corruption Perpetrators Mostly University Graduates
- Businessmen Ought Not to Victimise People
- FEB UGM Successfully Held Annual Economics Jazz Live XXIII
- Study Abroad Fair, a Medium for Student to Gain Information About Study Overseas
- KAFEGAMA 88 Encourages FEB UGM Students to Have Entrepreneur Skill
- IMF Chief of Mission for Indonesia Gives Public Lecture
- Presidential Staff Asks for Student's Role in Public Sector
- UGM Hosts REPESEA Meeting
- New Paradigm of Central Bank's Policy Mix
- Audit Simulation Training with KAP Kumalahadi, Kuncara, Sugeng Pamudji & Partners
- Excel and Macros Training Batch 2 with Inixindo
- INDONESIA-E3 as an Equilibrium Model of the Indonesian Economy
- The Directorate General of Customs and Excise Plays An Important Role In the Indonesian Economy
- KAFEGAMA of Graduate School UGM Holds JEFE 2018
- Business is Transmitted, Not Inherited
- A Leader Requires Talent and Experience
- Higher Education Needs to be Responsive to Industry
- The 12th Management's Events: Uniting Cross-Major Students
- The Indonesian government should continue to seek performance based budgeting as a basis
- Minister Targets No State Enterprises Suffer Loss in 2019
- Alumni Gathering FEB UGM Classes of 1950s
- Digital Economy Potentials in Alleviating Poverty
- FEB Student Executive Board Alumni Reunion UGM 2018
- Faculty of Economics and Business UGM Launches Investment Gallery
- Hundreds of MM UGM Alumni Have Anniversary Parade
- UGM Students Successfully Developed Portable Dental and Mouth Care Tools
- Alumni Family of Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (KAFEGAMA) Conducted 2nd National Conference
- UGM Students Turn Jamaican Cherry into Sugar for Diabetics
- Ethics are Principles for Managing Regional Assets
- UGM Students Examine Waste Management Behavior
- FEB UGM Students Contribute in Managing Local Citizen to Exploit Silkworm
- FEB UGM Hold International Week and International Summer University 2018
- Single Identity Number Still a Problem for ASEAN Economic Integrity
- Inauguration Learning Center Building FEB UGM by the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education
- Alumni Grand Reunion FE UGM Class of 81: Among Friends Meet Again Warmly
- Sapta Akasa Logo Design Competition
- The 25th Years Alumni Reunion of KAFEGAMA 1993
- KAFEGAMA 1993 Gives Achievement Scholarships
- Indonesia Leads E-Commerce Marketplace
- Creative thinking will give a distinctive touch to the event to be attractive to the audience
- Global Economy and Current Indonesian Economic Conditions due to U.S. Policy
- Art Night and Tumpengan of The 63rd Anniversary of FEB UGM: Moving Forward Together with Local Wisdom
- AACSB Week 2018: Welcomes Reacreditation
- Commemorating the 63rd Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds Open Senate Meeting
- The importance to discover passion as early as possible and the importance to be a creative individual
- Challenges of Human Resources in Present and Future Time
- Hold Family Fun Day 2018, FEB UGM anniversary is full of fun
- FEB UGM Inaugurates Sapta Akasa Floors
- State-Owned Property Management: Reflection of Nation’s Civilization
- FEB UGM Student Was Elected To Be One of National Presidiums of FoSSEI 2018
- UGM Gives Free Lecture Facilities for Students of Disaster Victims
- Singapore Management University Offers Ph.D Programs Scholarship
- The enthusiasm of fresh graduate participating in the CPNS selection
- "Unhealthy" Economic Structure Causes Rupiah Depreciation
- FEB UGM holds socialization of Continuous Improvement Review and preparation of AACSB 2019 Re-accreditation
- Mandiri Edukasi, attract student's interest in building a startup business
- Cross-generation Harmony during 24th UGM Jazz
- FEB UGM increasing HR competency through training of staff
- To Increase Zakat Funds, BAZNAS is Digitising System
- Jesita Wida Ajani, Outstanding Student of FEB UGM 2018
- Physical, mental, social and spiritual health are very important in order to create a balance of life
- FEB UGM alumni from NTB formed KAFEGAMA Branch NTB
- Research Dissemination Day FEB UGM, Maintaining the Value of Quality of Research and Teaching
- Orientation Day as an introduction to FEB UGM to International Students
- Unicorn Startup Human Resource in Industry 4.0, Gema: Be Agile
- OJK Regulates and Supervises All Financial Sector Activities
- Demographic Bonus: Threat or Opportunity?
- The Infrastructure Could Be More Adequate; Thanks to Public Private Partnerships
- Become a Competitive Leader in Industry 4.0, Analisa: Positive Thinking and Empathy are the keys
- Indonesia has the right composition of various factors for the e-commerce industry
- Career in the Ministry of Finance for the Best Talent
- Leadership: Managing Change for Progress
- Collaboration UGM with SMU XO: Millenial Talent Management
- UGM Visual Identity: Compotition and Usability
- AACSB Confirming FEB UGM’s Global Quality and Distinction in Business Education
- Become a professional Master of Ceremony: Intelligence, Confidence, Influence, Inspire
- EY Indonesia held Sharing Session and Campus Hiring at Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Moyudan Disability Community Productivity Improvements Program by UGM Students
- FEB UGM Holds Halalbihalal as Momentum to Strengthen Gathering and Connection
- Starting the 64th Anniversary Celebration, FEB UGM Holds a Seminar on Economic Outlook and Key Policy Challenges in Emerging Asia
- Commemorating the 24th Anniversary, MEP FEB UGM Cut Tumpeng as a Tasyakuran Celebration
- Strengthening Cooperation, FEB UGM and Lee Kong Chian School of Business, Singapore Management University Conduct Seminar and Industrial Visits
- Increase Trade Cooperation between Indonesia and Russia, FEB UGM Holds an Economic Seminar in Collaboration with the Indonesian Ambassador to the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
- FEB UGM Holds Opening Ceremony of International Summer University and International Week 2019 as the 64th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Government Plan, Developing Plan, and Self Awareness is the Key to Survive in ASEAN Business Environment
- FEB UGM Alumni appointed as Director General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia
- Responding to the Development of Increasingly Massive Technology and Information in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0
- Reunion KAFEGAMA: Jogja iku Pancen Nggregetake lan Ngraketake
- Synergy in the ASEAN Business Environment
- Go Green Campaign, FEB UGM Distributing Clean Water in Gunung Kidul
- Enlivening Karawitan Festival, Sekar Laras FEB UGM Performs Stunningly
- FEB UGM Welcomes New Students Parents 2019
- SIDEK DESAKU, technology-based accounting innovation to help village government
- Bank Mandiri Launched LinkAja Platform for the Academic Community of FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Hosts the 6th Annual Conference of IAFICO
- FEB UGM Holds Annual Mubyarto Public Policy Forum in Collaboration with ANU Indonesia Project
- FEB UGM Together with Wantimpres, Launches Book entitled: Digital-Based Economic Transformation in Indonesia
- Holds Open Campus, FEB UGM Invites High School Students to Taste the Lecture World at FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Successfully Holds 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic (GAMAICI 2019)
- FEB UGM has officially joined as a member of Global Business School Network
- Commemorating the 64th Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds Family Fun Day
- Highlighting the Creative Economy Sector, FEB UGM Holds 7th GAMAICEB
- Academics Art in the Arts Night Commemorating the 64th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- The Peak of 64th Anniversary of FEB UGM: Digital Business Trend at the Crossroads?
- Class Redesign, FEB UGM received assistance from KAFEGAMA
- Celebrating the 64th Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds a Tourism Supply Chain Seminar
- UGM FEBulous Run: From KAFEGAMA to Yogyakarta
- Build Facilities for Students, FEB UGM Collaborate with CIMB Niaga
- FEB UGM Holds Capacity Building for Educational Staff
- Humans are able to produce 2.5 exabytes each day
- Social responsibility behavior created a new paradigm in Islamic economic development
- Establishing Collaboration with FEB UGM, BPKH Goes to Campus Invite Millenial to be Young Hajj
- Indonesia is one of the biggest mining producers in the world
- Eight leadership competencies needed at this time
- Going Global 2019, A Bridge for International Academic Exposure
- Impact of the Adoption of PSAK 71, 72, and 73
- Sharing Knowledge Around the World of Accounting, IAPI and FEB UGM Hold CPA Days 2019
- A Number of 109 FEB UGM Undergraduate Students are Graduated
- The Challenge of Business Schools to Survive in the Digital Economy in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- A Step to Enriched Indonesian Education
- Inauguration of Professor Dr. R. Agus Sartono, MBA.
- Professional Judgment is the irreplaceable provision for Accountants in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
- CIMB Niaga Digital Lounge, new faces for supporting student activities
- Inauguration of the Regional Administrators of KAFEGAMA Chapter Yogyakarta
- Does investment solve the problem?
- Blessed to Bless Others, The Art of Giving by CNN Hero, Capt. Budi Soehardi
- COVID-19 Response: FEB UGM Collaborates with BEM FEB UGM Distributes Aid to Students
- 9 Study Program at FEB UGM Earn Excellent Accreditation
- Social care for FEB UGM students affected by Pandemi Covid-19
- FEB UGM Holds Online Graduation in the Middle of Corona Virus Pandemic
- Covid-19 Pandemic Changes Policy, Behavior and Research
- FEB UGM Holds Virtual Halalbihalal in the Middle of Pandemic
- Subsidies and Consumer Sovereignty by Pre-Work Card
- The Survey Will Not Subside Despite of Pandemics
- Financial and Accounting System for Health Institutions Responding to the New Normal Era
- An Inauguration of Professor of Accounting, Prof. Bambang Riyanto
- Climate Crisis and the Role of Renewable Energy
- The Importance of Fighting Violations of Business Ethics in the Digital Era
- Gratitude is the Key to Work-life Balance
- Get to Know Your Campus Closer through the FEB Open Campus 2020
- Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Accounting Development
- Challenges of Accounting Education and Accountant Profession in the New Normal Era
- Looking at the Learning Atmosphere and Career Prospects at Accounting FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Successfully Holds GAMAICEB and GAMAICI 2020
- Effective Learning with Augmented Reality Technology
- Accountants as Engine of Reform and the Importance of Pillars of Integrity to Respond to the Pandemic
- Economic and political stability is essential for industrialization policy in Indonesia to be successful
- KAFEGAMA DIY Launches New Merchandise Products
- Leadership Hall for Master of Management FEB UGM, New Arena for the Development of Student Leadership
- Bonded Logistics Center Policy: Will It Affect Indonesian Economic Policy and Activities?
- IUP FEB UGM, Gives Students Experience of International Exposure in World Leading Universities
- Success Strategies in Developing Accounting Academic Career
- Digital Innovation in Accounting Education
- Role of Audit in Improving the Quality of Public Accountability
- G2R Tetrapreneur, A Global Innovation of Gotong Royong and Village Entrepreneurship
- Tax authorities who faced stronger superior pressure, had more self-confidence
- Acceleration of Innovation: Higher Education Overview to Build Legacy
- ANGEL, UGM's Role Responding to the Challenges of Green Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia
- Accounting Lab Holds Research Data Analysis Webinar using STATA Software
- Limitation of Activities during a Pandemic, Government Consumption is the Only Driver for Fiscal and Economic Sustainability
- Informing Accounting and Auditing Standard Setting through Impactful Research
- All Sub-Fields of FEB UGM Achieved High Rank in The QS WUR 2021
- Online MC for New Habit, Important or Absolute?
- Reviving Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in the Middle of the Pandemic with Gojek
- Accounting, Organizations, and Sustainable Development Relationship
- Unlike the Story of Roro Jonggrang Temple, Realizing the Big Goals of Becoming a Developed Country Cannot Be Done in One Night
- Four main factors are related to Indonesia's economic growth in 2021
- Introduction to Philosophy of Science in Accounting and Business Research
- The AUN for Business and Economics seeks opportunities for network cooperation at their 20th Annual General Meeting
- Positivism: Dominant Paradigm in Accounting and Business Research
- Interpretivism, "Umbrella" for Explaining Social Construct Phenomena in Reality
- Get to Know the Policy Advocacy Profession from Alumni of Economics FEB UGM
- Phenomenology: What we perceive is not always the same as what we feel
- Post-Structuralism: Alternative Paradigms in Accounting Research
- Get to Know More about Career in Finance as Economics Graduates
- Fintech and Digital Banking, a New Way of Financial Transactions Favored by Millennials
- The Critical Paradigm as a Critic of Status Quo in Society
- Critical Realism: An Alternative between Mainstream and Non-mainstream Paradigms
- Calculating State Losses with the Investigative Examination Method
- The Use of ZMET in an Online Context
- Data Analytics Skills, Requirements to Become a Relevant Accountant in the Digital Era
- Research on the Effect of High School Major Selection on Academic Performance in College
- Real Time Supervise Village Budgets with the Sidek Desaku Application
- Observing the Consumer Behavior of the Indonesian Online Marketplace
- The 3rd KAFEGAMA National Conference, Perry Warjiyo Was Elected as Chairman of KAFEGAMA
- Staying productive amid the COVID-19 pandemic – good news from Universitas Gadjah Mada
- FEB UGM Hosts The 16th Annual IRSA Conference: Institutional, Human Resources and Development
- The Role of Scientific Associations in Building a Better Research and Innovation Ecosystem
- FEB UGM Holds International Week Summer Course 2021
- Reviewing the Structure of Writing and Publication of Research through Publication Workshop 2021
- Guidelines and Insights for Publishing Papers in the Top Journals for Early Researchers
- Sharing the Spirit of Surviving in a Pandemic Era Through Pandemic Insight Seminar
- FEB UGM Student Journey After Graduating
- KAFEGAMA Officially Inaugurates Overseas Special Branch
- Commemorating the 66th Anniversary, FEB UGM Holds Open Senate Meeting 2021
- FEB UGM Successfully Holds GAMAICEB and GAMAICI 2021 International Conference
- Handover of the Dean Position of FEB UGM
- The Inauguration of Professor for Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt.
- Minimizing the Adverse Health and Economic Impacts of COVID-19 through Social Capital in the Digital Era
- Millennial Generation, the Main Factor Increasing Retail Investors in the Capital Market
- Transfer of Donation for the Acceleration of COVID-19 Vaccination Activities between FEB UGM, KAFEGAMA, PT. Angkasa Pura II, and SONJO.
- The Rising Momentum of Retail Investors Simultaneously Needs Adequate Education
- FEB UGM Held Going Global Series 2021
- Tips and Tricks for Compiling a CV and Facing a Job Interview
- The Importance of Collaboration Between Academia and Industry in Taking Care of Human Resources
- Managing Online Lecture Stress with Mindfulness
- Potential Development and Utilization of Blockchain Technology in Various Sectors
- The Role of The Government on the Fate of Tobacco Farmers Has Not Been Optimal
- On The Verge of Pros and Cons, What's Happened with Cryptocurrency?
- Bank Indonesia's Innovations and Strategies in Facing Global Economic Challenges in a Pandemic Era
- Discussing Self Presentation Strategies Through Social Media
- 90% of the workforce in Indonesia have never attended certified training
- Looking at the Spiritual Side of Leadership
- MSME Supply Chain Resilience During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- The Role of Accountants and the Future of Accounting in the Era of Digital Transformation
- Indonesia Economic Flashback 2021 and Outlook in 2022
- A Leader's Challenge in an Era of Uncertainty
- SONJO: Humanity in Downfall
- The availability of vaccines in Indonesia is adequate, but the availability of cold chain infrastructure facilities is still experiencing obstacles.
- The higher the level of education taken, the higher the obligations and pressures obtained.
- Is Authenticity Still Important in Social Media?
- Form Friendships Through FOKOMA 2021
- Get to Know FEB UGM Closer through Virtual Open House Series #2
- Assessing the Effectiveness of Customs Logistics Facilities in Indonesia
- 18 FEB UGM Lecturers were Listed on the World's Top Scientists 2022
- Orientation Day, Introduction to FEB UGM for Foreign Students
- ENTROPY UGM Research Team Presents Its Products to BWI
- Metamorphosis of the Role and Function of Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (IDIC) in Maintaining Financial Stability
- Various Alumni Perspectives on the Career World
- Islamic Economics in a Complex World
- FEB UGM Students Elected to Represent Graduates to Give Speeches at the Graduation for the Period of February 2022
- Student Mental Health during a Pandemic
- Digital Transformation in Islamic Banking
- Reviewing the Polemic of Old Age Security and Social Security Issues for Indonesian Workers
- Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to ASEAN Pays a Visit to the Master of Management FEB UGM
- Efforts to Digitize Indonesian MSMEs through Digital Ecosystems and Economic Democratization
- The Covid-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on the Digital Economy
- Issues of Corporatization, Autonomy, and Agencification in Higher Education
- The Role of Digitization in Transforming Life
- Antwerp Management School Visit to MM UGM Jakarta Campus
- Islamic Philanthropy: Moving Together to Build the Nation
- Research Experience about Accountability in Non-Profit Organizations
- Sub-Field of Study FEB UGM Reached High Rank in QS WUR 2022
- Sustainable Human Development: A New Model of Human Resource Management
- Studying the Collaborative Network and Its Application with Bank Jago
- Training on SAWUT-EDU Application by PAKAR FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Holds Syawalan 1443 H
- Technological Development in Digital Era
- Digital Transformation and Sustainability in the Global Business Environment
- Increasing Existence of Digital Transformation due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
- The French Embassy's University Cooperation Attache pays a visit to UGM
- Prof. Mahfud Sholihin Leads ICMI DIY Regional’s Rising Movement
- Release of Undergraduate Students FEB UGM Period III Academic Year 2021/2022
- Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in UGM
- Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition 2022
- A Visit to FEB UGM by the ASEAN University Network
- MEP FEB UGM Celebrates 27th Anniversary
- Increasing Civitas Awareness of Sexual Violence in FEB UGM
- The Importance of Skills Development and Adaptation for the Future Workforce
- Inauguration of Professor of Accounting, Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D
- Woosong University Visits FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Cycling Around Yogyakarta with KAFEGAMA
- Implementation Strategies Based on the HKPD Law and Optimizing Regional Revenue
- Examining the Digital Transformation of Economic Development and Property Dynamics in Indonesia
- The Role of Technology in Tourism Recovery in the New Normal Era
- Indonesia’s Triple Challenges in the Global Economic Turmoil and the Use of New Consensus in Macroeconomic Analysis
- A Visit to FEB UGM by the Universitas Udayana
- KAFEGAMA Held Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition 2022
- Global Economic Prospects and Implications for Indonesia
- The Importance of the Role of Accountants and Auditors in Mitigating Climate Change
- Opening Ceremony of I-WEEK 2022
- Implementation of a Circular Economy in Indonesia
- Global Value Chain Participation during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Tasyakuran on the 34th Anniversary of MM FEB UGM Study Program
- Exploring the Opportunities and Challenges of Green Economy
- P2EB FEB UGM Collaborated in the Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR)
- The Importance of Maintaining Supply Chain Sustainability
- Pre-Departure Training for FEB UGM Students International Exposure Program
- Digital skills and digital literacy are the drivers of digitalization and public empowerment in Indonesia
- FEB UGM graduated 150 Masters at the Graduation Ceremony of the Postgraduate Program Period IV Academic Year 2021/2022
- The role of the Multilateral Development Bank is seen as important as a catalyst for private sector financing
- Optimizing Indonesian Agriculture through Smart Farming
- Commencing Face-to-Face Learning of Orkestra FEB UGM 2022
- This Time for Simfoni 2022!
- The lively Silver Reunion Class of 1997
- FEB UGM Holds Campus Orientation to International Students
- The Urgency of Establishing a Global Investment Platform for Urban Development Projects
- An Overview of Digital Assets from Three Perspectives of the Finance Profession
- Designing the Future Together with FEB UGM Alumni
- FPEB UPI Meeting with FEB UGM in the Context of Benchmarking International Programs
- Graduation of 124 FEB UGM Graduates in Period IV 2021/2022
- Collaborative Sports Competition Opens the 67th FEB UGM Anniversary Agenda
- Consolidating Synergy and Innovation for Economic Recovery
- Trofeo Fun Football 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- The Joy of Offline Lectures Along with the 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Auditor Relevance in the Information Technology Advancement Era
- Enjoying Food & Beverages at Reopened EB Canteen
- Sustainable Investment and Financing (SIF) for Infrastructure Development
- The new world of finance requires fundamental knowledge and application of technology to conduct financial transactions efficiently and effectively
- The Festivities of the KAFEGAMA Open Golf Tournament 2022
- Family Fun Day Celebrates 67th Anniversary
- FEB UGM Holds Blood Donation and Health Checkups
- The Komwasjak function is in charge of assisting the Ministry of Finance directly and providing second opinions
- Introducing Culture to International Students Through Cultural Immersion Day
- Get to know FEB UGM closely through the Open Campus
- The 2022 Senate Open Meeting, Peak Commemoration of the 67th FEB UGM Anniversary
- Looking for an explanation of the financial market behavior
- Two Days of Working at FEB: Freedom to Learn Program for UGM Education Personnel
- FEB UGM Successfully Holds Two International Conferences GAMAICEB and GAMAICI 2022
- Series of Impactful Social Activities on the 67th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Islamic Social Finance as a Foundation in Building the Nation and State
- Investigative Examination in Cases of Alleged Corruption Crimes
- As many as 89% of adults in Indonesia have never attended training
- Cooperation in the Implementation of the SIDEK-Edu Application with Vocational High Schools
- The rate of return on property investment in Indonesia can reach 35%
- Indonesians' spending is still minimal on insurance products and pension funds
- The importance of work-life balance for a better life
- Postgraduate FEB UGM graduated 317 Graduations
- Analyzing the Poverty Trap in Indonesia
- Role in Preventing Corruption as a Bachelor of Accounting
- Introducing the Accounting Study Program and Undergraduate Accounting Career FEB UGM
- FEB UGM 91 Alumni Visit Campus and Share Knowledge
- More severe penalties can discourage acts of corruption
- FEB UGM and AACSB International Held Information Session Forum
- The Role of the State in Providing Affordable Proper Housing
- FEB UGM received a visit from Saxion University
- FEB UGM Releases 146 Graduates in Graduation Period I Undergraduate Program 2022/2023 Academic Year
- Representatives of the FEB UGM ANGEL Team Participated in ToT at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
- Management of Digital Transformation From the Perspective of Banking
- Awaken the Spirit of Research on Research Dissemination Day 2022
- FEB UGM Participates in BI Learning Expo 2022
- Five Basic Principles of Professional Ethics for Accountants
- Perry Warjiyo Achieved the Hamengku Buwono IX Award
- KAFEGAMA Lampung Holds Eco-Aquaculture Webinar
- Business Resilience during the Covid-19 Pandemic
- KAFEGAMA Provides Scholarship Assistance for FEB UGM Students
- Small and Medium Enterprise Post Covid Resilience Strategy
- FEB UGM Inaugurates ANGEL Hub as a Green Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Research Center
- Forum for Introduction to FEB UGM Through Open Campus
- FEB UGM Releases 206 Postgraduate Graduates Period II of the 2022/2023 Academic Year
- Welcoming Foreign Students, FEB UGM Holds Spring 2023 Orientation Day
- Entrepreneurial Marketing facilitated by Digitalisation for MSME Enhancement
- Economics Laboratory of FEB UGM Held Societal Impacts Measurement Workshop
- Cultural Immersion Day as a Means of Welcoming Foreign Students
- FEB UGM Welcomes National Chengchi University Visit
- MAN 3 Jakarta Visits FEB UGM
- Optimizing Personal Branding during a Pandemic
- FEB UGM Released 15 Retired Education Staff
- Release of FEB UGM Graduates Undergraduate Program Period II Academic Year 2022/2023
- Improve Business Case Writing, Publication Unit Partners with SAGE Publishing
- The Department of Management FEB UGM Joins the Master in Sustainability Development and Management Project Consortium
- Building Indonesia's Future-Proof Human Capital Through MBKM
- FEB UGM Students Participate in Winter Data Camp at SMU
- Business Digitalization and the Role of Fintech in the Post-Covid Era
- Learn to Invest From a Practitioner's Perspective
- Assessment of the Economic Implications of the Corona Pandemic on Germany and the European Union
- Grand Launching FEB UGM LAMP Studio
- Inauguration of KCP BNI FEB UGM and Inauguration of BNI x UGM Ambassadors
- Startup Businesses Have Enormous Potential to Grow
- Become a Smart Generation by choosing the right investment strategy
- FEB UGM Won Most Educative at the 2023 UGM Faculty Fair
- Crowdfunding as an Alternative to SMEs Funding
- Exploring the Development of Experimental and Behavioral Research
- Digitizing the FMCG Supply Chain in Supporting MSME Development
- The Big Role of the Republic of Indonesia's Attorney General's Office in Recovering Losses on State Assets Consequences of Corruption Crimes
- Murabahah Practices in a Sharia Perspective and Sharia Accounting in the Islamic Banking Industry
- Corporate governance is needed to minimize risk and increase transparency
- FEB UGM Holds Big Family Gathering 1444 H
- Application of Economic-Epidemiology in COVID-19 Pandemic Discourse
- FEB UGM Releases 415 Postgraduate Graduates Period III Academic Year 2022/2023
- FEB UGM Attends the Partnership of Asian Management Schools Leaders Meeting at Woosong University, South Korea
- FEB UGM Hosts Internship Program Socialization of Hajj Finance Management Agency
- Exploring Opportunities and Facing Challenges Accounting Profession at the ASEAN Level
- Strengthening Trade Policy Implementation for Enhanced Trade Performance
- Psychological Resilience and Vulnerability in the Post-Pandemic Era
- FEB UGM Graduation Period III 2022/2023, Celebration of Pride and a Bright Future
- Empowering Indonesian Unemployed with Kartu Prakerja
- The Importance of Public Speaking Ability and Developing Career Paths for Students
- Leading Resilience in Asia, Asian Development Bank (ADB) Hold Career Presentation at UGM
- Strategic Leadership as Navigation of the Financial Industry
- Department of Management Participates in MASUDEM Mapping and Contextual Workshop
- Department of Management Holds Pre-Management Meeting Preparation for MASUDEM Meeting in Yogyakarta
- Competition Community Kick Off by ESC and CSDU Represents Competition Interest and Student Achievements of FEB UGM
- Analyzing Transfer Pricing and its Legal Rules
- The Master of Development Economics Study Program Celebrates 28th Anniversary
- Mapping Potential Prospects of Islamic Philanthropy: BWI and UGM Holds the Launch of the SAMAWI Application
- Final Tribute Ceremony to the Deceased Prof. Sri Adiningsih
- Pre-Departure Training for FEB UGM Students
- Prof. Dr. Supriyadi, M.Sc., CA., Ak. Inaugurated as Professor of Accounting
- The Importance of Fairness in Dividing Roles between Work and Family
- FEB UGM Hosted the 27th NIBES Meeting: A Discussion Forum for Researchers from Business and Economics Schools Around the World
- FEB UGM Officially Opened Global Summer Week 2023
- KAFEGAMA and Pupuk Kaltim Hold The 2023 PKT-GAMA BCC
- From Clusterization to Institutions: Understanding the Factors Affecting Business Continuity
- The Importance of Financial Reporting Ethics and Its Development
- Risk, Ethics and the Digital World: Three Inseparable Things
- The Urgency of Labor Economics in the Lens of Agriculture and Sweatshops
- The Importance of Business Ethics In the Agricultural Industry
- The Two Sides of the Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Companies
- Understanding Work Relations, Partnerships, and the Potential of Gig Economy in Indonesia
- Application of Ethics in Building Business Sustainability
- Synchronizing Practices of Ethics and Corporate Governance in MSMEs
- Implementation of Business Ethics in Supply Chain Management
- The Role of Indonesian Social Protection in Combating the Economic Crisis Caused by Covid-19
- Social Protection: A Vital Aspect in Alleviating Poverty
- FEB UGM Officially Closed Global Summer Week 2023
- Indonesia still faces challenges in expanding the scope and effectiveness of social protection programs
- FEB UGM Released 167 Graduates at Graduation Period IV Postgraduate Program Academic Year 2022/2023
- Fostering Synergy of Economics and Business Intellectual Patterns in PPSMB Simfoni 2023
- From Campus to Career: Inspiring Alumni Empower Dreams at PPSMB Simfoni 2023
- The Role of the Appraiser Profession is Very Important and Strategic in Asset Valuation and Regional Financial Management
- FEB UGM Held Inauguration for New Students of Professional and Postgraduate Programs 2023
- The Start-up Industry is Considered a Growing Market and is Still Attracting Investors
- Faculty of Economics and Business UGM held Orientation Day for 69 New International Students
- KAFEGAMA MM Holds Alumni Gathering in Batam
- Cultural Immersion Day Welcomes International Students in Fall Semester 2023
- The "BASKET DAYS" Match Enlivened the 68th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- CSDU and KiAA Hold Career Days FEB UGM 2023
- Inclusive and Superior Quality Education at FEB UGM
- Young Generation as Potential Company Leaders in Indonesia
- FIFA 23 Tournament by Jasa Raharja Enliven the 68th Anniversary Celebration
- Alumni Sharing Session Opens Insights for Students Who Want to Graduate
- Vibrant Badminton Tournament Enlive the 68th Anniversary Celebration
- Be Wise in Using Technology by Increasing Digital Literacy
- FEB UGM Releases 170 Students at the Graduation of the Undergraduate Program Period IV of the 2022/2023 Academic Year
- Department of Accounting Receives Visiting Professor Program by Prof. Kelum Jayasinghe
- Encouraging Modern and Sustainable Agribusiness with Decarbonization and ESG
- Mobile Legends e-Sport Competition: Bang Bang Enlivens the 68th Anniversary Celebration
- Volleyball Tournament Celebrates the 68th Anniversary
- Table Tennis Competition Enlivened the 68th Anniversary Celebration
- Student Week 2023: An Opportunity for Students to Get to Know Organizations
- The Importance of Observing Children's Sexual Health From Early Ages to Teenagers
- Physical Activity is the Key to Maximum Work Performance and a Happy Life
- FEB UGM Held FOKOMA Meeting for Parents of the Class of 2023
- BEM FEB UGM and HUE Collaborate to Welcome Indonesia International Contribution Project 2023
- Remembering the Predecessors through a Pilgrimage to the Sawit Sari, Pogung, and Kota Gede Cemetery
- Consortium MASUDEM Discusses Development of Master Studies in Sustainable Development and Management Courses
- Reflecting on the TipTip Platform, Develop Digital Business Opportunities in the Future
- The FEB UGM Family Celebrates the Family Fun Day to commemorate the 68th Anniversary
- FEB UGM Held Open Senate Meeting 2023 as Part of the Faculty's 68th Anniversary
- 25th Anniversary Silver Reunion Celebration for 1998 Alumni Carved Nostalgia
- FEB UGM Held the 11th Annual International Conference GAMAICEB 2023
- Open Campus, An Opportunity for High School Students to Get to Know FEB UGM
- FEB UGM and OJK Organize OJK Goes to Campus: Strengthening Financial Services Sector Governance
- Exploring Evidence-Based Policies, Global Supply Chains, and Sustainable Reporting
- IFRS Enforcement, Handling Greenwashing, and Blockchain as a Driver of Social Entrepreneurship
- Understanding the Importance of Risk Management and Internal Audit in State-Owned Enterprises
- FEB UGM Holds 8th Annual GAMAICI International Conference
- FEB UGM Attends the 33rd EAIE Annual Conference and Exhibition in Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Master of Science and Doctoral Program Launches 8th Book Themed Artificial Intelligence Based Research
- What is the Contribution of Islamic Finance to the SDGs?
- Reviewing the Economic and Political Aspects of Tobacco Regulation in Indonesia
- International Compliance Association (ICA) Open Registration for Financial Crimes Course
- Multiple Founders Have a Higher Survival Rate than Single Founders
- KIP-Kuliah Socialization for FEB UGM Students
- Protection for Neglected Voices: Discussion on Creating a Safe Workplace
- Popularizing Web3 Among Students
- FEB UGM Graduated 374 Postgraduate Students in Period I 2023/2024
- FEB UGM Holds Three Open Campus Agendas in October 2023
- Alumni Contribution to Institution: Handover of KAFEGAMA Financial Assistance to FEB UGM
- Collaborating with Alphaton, FEB UGM Holds Workshop and Competition
- Understanding the Economic Potential and Sustainable Development of the Capital City
- Enlivening and Introducing FEB UGM Accreditation through Accreditation Week
- FEB UGM Students Participate in the COP28 Simulation Model 2023 International Conference
- Ethics in Research Becomes Important in Research
- FEB UGM Scores 6 Proud Achievements at the 2023 UGM People with Achievement Awards Night
- Breaking Stereotypes and Boundaries, Women's Leadership Should Not Be Doubted
- Today's Young Generation Dreams of Becoming Entrepreneurs by Building Startups
- FEB UGM Releases 178 Undergraduate Graduations for the 1st Period of the 2023/2024 Academic Year
- Poor Diet Has a Negative Influence on Productivity
- The Importance of Personal Branding
- FEB UGM Public Relations Team Won 4 Categories in the 2023 UGM Public Relations Awards
- FEB UGM Successfully Held FEB UGM Research Day 2023
- Financial Health Problems Are the Root of 86 Percent of Mental Health Problems
- Disabled Friendly Facilities: FEB UGM's Real Form of Realizing Inclusive Education
- Personal Development Program Is A Form of FEB UGM Concern for Educational Staff
- A Realization of the FEB UGM Commitment to Sustainability
- Health Is Not As Complicated As Many People Imagine
- Exploring the Potential of Generative AI: Building a Responsive Financial Future
- FEB UGM Releases 191 Postgraduate Graduates Period II 2023/2024 Academic Year
- FEB UGM Master’s Double Degree Program with LPDP Support for Global Study Experience
- FEB UGM Delegation Took Part in the 2024 MASUDEM Sustainability Curriculum Development Winter Course
- Inauguration of KAFEGAMA DI Yogyakarta Management Period of 2024-2027
- FEB UGM Releases 81 Undergraduate Graduates Period II 2023/2024 Academic Year
- Prof. Nurul Indarti Attended MASUDEM Steering Committee Meeting Budapest 2024
- FEB UGM Students Participate in the 2024 HPAIR International Conference
- FEB UGM Receives Smart Interactive Board from PT Dahua Technology
- Five FEB UGM Study Programs Earn LAMEMBA Superior Accreditation
- The Need to Change the Waste Management Mindset to a Circular Economy
- MM UGM Study Program Jakarta Campus Earn LAMEMBA Superior Accreditation
- 26 FEB UGM Students Successfully Become Awardees of the 2024 IISMA Program
- The Election Impact on Economy Still Tends to be Limited
- Excise on Sweetened Drinks is Eligible to be Implemented Immediately
- Master in Accounting Study Program Receives Superior Accreditation from LAMEMBA
- FEB UGM Provides Impact Evaluation Training for Philanthropic Institutions in Yogyakarta
- FEB UGM Strengthens Steps to Support Circular Economy Through Waste Management
- Discover the uniqueness of FEB UGM Accounting Study Program; there is potential for AI aspects as well!
- FEB UGM Participates in the 2024 AACSB Annual Conference in USA
- All FEB UGM Disciplines Retain High Rankings in QS WUR 2024
- Want to study at FEB UGM? Let’s Discover 3 Study Programs at This One of the World's Best Business Schools!
- Releasing 303 Postgraduate Graduates, Dean Urges Graduates to Increase Contribution to Society
- Inspiring! Children of Woodcarvers and Farmers Successfully Graduate Cum Laude at FEB UGM
- The Story of the Children of Agricultural Workers Who were Victims of the Palu Tsunami
- Rice Prices Exceed HET, The Explanation from Economic Observer FEB UGM Follows
- FEB UGM Holds Capacity Building Training for High School Economics Teachers in DIY
- Professor Wakhid's Inspiring Tribute to His Beloved Daughter
- FEB UGM Big Family Holds Syawalan 1445 H
- Three Recipes for Writing News to Publish to the Media
- 2,990 Participants Take Part in UTBK SNBT 2024 at FEB UGM
- Friderica Widyasari Dewi Steps Up as General Chairwoman of KAFEGAMA 2024-2027
- Preparing Hope and Career Strategy
- Six Undergraduate Students of FEB UGM Received Scholarships from Bank Shinhan Indonesia
- FEB UGM Strengthens Commitment to Becoming a Sustainable Campus
- Examining the Opportunities and Challenges of the Green Economy in Indonesia
- FEB UGM Nurtures Sustainable Future Leaders
- Get to Know Micdash More Closely, the Hub of Microeconomics Studies of FEB UGM
- Get to Know The Economics Study Program that Contributes Reliable Analysts to The World
- FEB UGM Released 43 Undergraduate Students
- The Story of Aliman, The Best Graduate of FEB UGM with a GPA of 3.86
- Support for Turtle Conservation, FEB UGM Students Plant Sea Pandanus at Pelangi Beach
- Micdash FEB UGM Researcher Highlights Challenges in Leveraging Demographic Dividend
- Hundreds of Runners Join Charity Run in Menfest FEB UGM Cares for Disabilities
- Normalization of Legal and Ethical Violations Will Preserve Corruption
- Micdash FEB UGM Researcher: TAPERA Management Must Be Transparent
- Unilever Offers Various Career Development Programs for Students
- FEB UGM Assists Residents to Develop Sustainable Tourism Village
- OJK: Gen Z and Millennials Are Vulnerable to Loan Traps
- Executive Series MM UGM Jakarta Discusses the Transformation of the Sanur Special Economic Zone
- Want to Be an Auditor? These Are the Skills Fresh Graduates Must Have
- Optimizing Audit Quality with Digital Technology
- Maintains Excellent Education Quality, 12 Study Programs Achieve LAMEMBA Accreditation
- Anticipating Cheating, FEB UGM Implements Special Mechanisms for UM CBT UGM 2024
- Micdash Researcher: Workers' Social Security Participation Needs to Be Expanded
- The Struggles of Love’s, Accepted Without Tests and Granted Free Tuition at FEB UGM
- BEM FEB UGM Assists the Development of Lurik Weaving Artisans in Sleman
- Unique Way FEB UGM Supports Students During Exams
- Atul's Journey to Realize Her Dream of Studying at FEB UGM
- Johan's Story: A Farmer's Son from Samosir Accepted into UGM's Economics Program with Free Tuition Until Graduation
- Meila's Inspirational Story: Overcoming Limitations to Study Management for Free at UGM
- FEB UGM Maintains Record of Prestigious International Accreditation by AACSB and LAMEMBA
- UGM Appreciates AACSB and LAMEMBA Accreditation Achievements of FEB UGM
- KAFEGAMA 2004 Holds 20-Year Reunion to Strengthen Fellowship and Contributions to Campus
- MASUDEM FEB UGM Holds Teacher Training on Wastewater Management
- FEB UGM Students Research the Relationship Between People's Economics Concept and Economic Equity
- FEB UGM Holds Global Summer Week Again to Promote Change Through Social Entrepreneurship
- The Role of ANGEL UGM in Developing Green Leadership and Entrepreneurship
- Dozens of International Students Study Social Entrepreneurship in GSW at FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Students Study the Impact of Water Quality on the Socio-Economic Life of DI Yogyakarta Community
- Foreign Students Learning Social Entrepreneurship in the Remote Villages of Yogyakarta Through GSW 2024
- Getting to Know Three Cafes at FEB UGM that Serve as Student Entrepreneurship Learning Spaces
- Enhancing Local Creative Industry, FEB UGM Holds EXPOSURE 2024
- The Dean of FEB Asks Graduate Program Graduates Alumni to Be the Driving Forces of Development
- The Story of Agnes, Best Graduate of FEB UGM with a GPA of 3.97, Studying While Developing a Business
- Essential Factors in Building a Sustainable Startup Business
- BOTANICS, Dragon Fruit Lip Tint with Interactive Packaging Created by FEB UGM Students
- GSW 2024 Officially Closed, Students Encouraged to Continue Collaborating to Build Society
- FEB UGM Introduces PIONIR SIMFONI as an Event for New Students to Get to Know the Campus
- Silver Reunion, KAFEGAMA 99 Provide Scholarships for Students
- FEB UGM Supports Education in Indonesia's Regions Through Accounting Training for Vocational School Students in Teluk Bintuni
- KAFEGAMA 86 Takes Advantage of Reunions to Strengthen Alumni Networks
- Asysyfa's Journey to Pursue Her Dream of Studying at FEB UGM
- Grisna, the Best Graduate of the FEB UGM Doctoral Program Who Graduated in 2.9 Years and Produced 41 Scientific Publications
- CSDU FEB UGM Launches Career Mapping Feature
- FEB UGM Admits 605 New Undergraduate Students in 2024
- 50 Percent of New Undergraduate Students at FEB UGM Receive UKT Scholarships
- FEB UGM Distributes 700 Tumblers to Support Plastic Waste Reduction
- Members of the OJK Board of Commissioners Share Tips for Successful Studies to New FEB UGM Students
- Simple Tips for Maintaining Student Mental Health
- The Department of Economics FEB UGM and Lancaster University Explore Academic and Research Collaboration
- BILA FEB UGM Donates 120 Million Rupiah to Support Students' Education
- FEB UGM Develops Students' Soft Skills Through STAR Program
- FEB UGM and ANU Indonesia Project Hold Mubyarto Public Policy Forum to Discuss National Development
- FEB UGM Educates Residents on the Dangers of Online Gambling and Illegal Loans
- 72 International Students Attend FEB UGM Campus Orientation
- KAFEGAMA 2004 Donates Laptops to Students
- MASUDEM Holds Training to Improve Soft Skills of FEB UGM Lecturers
- UGM FEB MBA Program Introduces Yogyakarta Culture to New Students through AcadeMix Culture
- Dharma Wanita Persatuan FEB UGM Provides Educational and Financial Aid for FEB Staff's Children
- Educates on the Wise Consumption of Medicines, Vitamins, and Energy Drinks
- A Touching Story of Parents Attending Classes at FEB UGM in Place of Their Late Daughter
- Learning Sustainable Teaching for the Younger Generation, FEB UGM Participates in MASUDEM Summer School
- IAPI Certification Board Outlines Skills Public Accountants Must Master
- Two FEB UGM Alumni Receive Arryman Scholarship to Pursue Joint Master's and PhD Studies at SOAS University of London
- FEB UGM Visits Jasindo Yogyakarta to Discuss Collaboration Opportunities
- Introducing New Students to College Life: Accounting Program at FEB UGM Hosts KREASI
- Official Inauguration of the Management of KAFEGAMA for the Period 2024-2027
- Nurul Indarti, UGM's First Female Professor of Management
- Career Development Tips from FEB UGM Alumni
- FEB UGM Releases 169 Graduates from Undergraduate Programs at the 4th Period of Graduation for the 2023/2024 Academic Year
- The Story of Johar: KIP-K Scholarship Recipient Graduates Cum Laude from FEB UGM, Becoming the First Graduate in His Family
- Tips for Building a Harmonious Family
- Empowering Lurik Weavers through Indonesia IICP-HUE 2024 Cooperation Project
- Teluk Bintuni Youth Received Intensive Training at the FEB UGM, Increasing Opportunities for Developing the Teluk Bintuni Region
- FEB UGM Receives Donation of Inorganic Waste Bins from BRI
- Improving the Quality of Human Resources, FEB UGM Holds Capacity Building for Professional Staff
- The Importance of Environmental Sustainability and Energy Transformation in Indonesia's Economic Growth
- Meet Shalsadilla: FEB's top UGM graduate with a near-perfect GPA
- Story of FEB UGM Students Participating in Community Service Across the Indonesian Archipelago
- FEB UGM Holds Pilgrimage and Visits Ahead of Its 69th Anniversary
- Explore FEB UGM Student Organizations Through Student Week 2024
- Personal Branding Tips for Students
- Seven Ways to Maintain Student Mental Health
- FEB UGM Holds Blood Donation and Free Health Check-Up Event to Celebrate its 69th Anniversary
- FEB UGM Provides Psychological Counseling Services to Maintain Students' Mental Health
- KAFEGAMA Successfully Holds "Guyub Rukun Migunani" Golf Tournament
- KAFEGAMA Provides Scholarships and Learning Facilities for Students
- FEB UGM Celebrates 69th Anniversary with Family Fun Evening
- The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the accounting profession
- Angklung Performance Brings Excitement to the 69th Anniversary Celebration of FEB UGM
- Understanding the Role of Islamic Banks in Implementing Sustainable Finance Practices in the Digital Era
- Ketoprak Dokar Performance Celebrates the 69th Anniversary of FEB UGM
- Commemorating the 69th Anniversary, FEB UGM Affirms Commitment to Create an Inclusive Educational Environment
- The Contribution of FEB UGM Economists to Indonesia's Agricultural Development
- FEB UGM Open Campus Enthusiastically Attended by Hundreds of Students from Yogyakarta and Central Java
- Modern Investing and Financial Management Tips
- Tips and Tricks to Secure IISMA Scholarships
- FEB UGM Introduces Final Project Clinic for Students to Support Successful Academic Journey
- World Researchers Discuss Inclusivity and Diversity in Economics and Business at GAMAICEB 2024
- Stories of FEB UGM Students Receiving Tanoto Foundation TELADAN Scholarships
- FEB UGM Graduates 29 New Accountants in the XXII Period
- Number of Accountants in Indonesia Remains Low
- Indonesia's Islamic Financial Inclusion Still Low
- KAFEGAMA 94 Celebrates its 30th Reunion
- MD FEB UGM Program Celebrates 44th Anniversary
- MASUDEM Program Holds Bioeconomic Training in Sustainable Development
- President Director of Peruri Digital Security Highlights Essential Values in the Professional World
- FEB UGM Holds STAR LEAD Program to Strengthen Students' Writing Skills
- FEB UGM Provides Complimentary Breakfast for Students During Mid-Term Exams
- FEB UGM's Commitment to Improving Public Information Services
- National Palm Industry Challenges Amid Negative Campaigns and Trade Wars
- FEB UGM Holds Public Lecture on Financial Literacy for Youth Generation
- OJK Shares Insurance Tips for Young Generations
- Benefits of the ASEAN Master in Sustainability Management Program at FEB UGM
- Achievement
- Kalingga Won The World Champion 2009
- Three students of the MM FEB UGM achieved 3rd winner in the Master Journey in Management
- UGM Student Take the Second Winner on Young Researcher Indonesia 2010
- Rimawan Pradiptyo Won Best Paper Award in Australia
- Hariz Adriazka won third place in the Accenture 'Do You Know?' Competition
- Propetique Team won 2nd place in Nielsen Challenge 2011
- FEB Students Achieve Third Place in Management Competition 2011
- FEB Students Achieve Second Place in Research Competition Narration 2011
- FEB UGM Students Passing the Big Three-IT International Business Competition in Singapore
- FEB UGM students reach 2nd winner in the International Paper Competition at the UI
- Three of FEB students reach 1st Winner in National Scientific Writing Contest 2011
- Student Team of MM FEB UGM has passed National Selection on Global Social Venture Competition 2012
- Andreas Kurniawan and team has passed national selection on P&G ASEAN Business Challange 2012
- Tri Widodo Sign Top 25 Economists Indonesia, IDEAS version
- UGM Students Wins 2nd Place in The 1st Bachelor Journey
- Singgih Wijayana was Selected as Deloitte-IAAER Scholar
- FEB Students won the CIMB Asean Stock Challenge 2013
- Zuni Barokah received the Best Reviewer Award from the International Accounting Section of AAA in the USA
- FEB Students Won Three Awards on OJK Debate Competition
- Abiyasa Team Won the 2nd Case NBCC 2014
- Hilmawan Kusumajaya, Asia-Pacific Top 5 BAT Performer
- FEB Students Won Prestigious Competition: Risk Intelligence Challenge Trophy 2015
- Empowering Disabled Group, UGM Team Wins ASEAN Business Competition
- "MAGIC TEAM" Accounting UGM Earns International Best Paper Award
- Accounting Students Awarded in National Audit Conference
- Accounting Students Win 1st Place on National Scientific Paper Competition ACTIVE Conference 2015
- FEB UGM Students Win Deloitte Tax Challenge 2016
- UGM E-Craft Team Wins 1st Place MIST 2016
- FEB UGM Students the Best Team in Jiwasraya WOW Case Competition
- FEB UGM students' Achievement in STAR Case Competition in Rotterdam School of Management
- FEB UGM Students Second Winner in Business Strategy Competition
- UGM Students Win Beijing Model United Nations Awards 2016
- FEB UGM Student Achieves the KPMG ASEAN Scholarship Award
- UGM Students Win XFest Case Competition 2016
- UGM Students Win Nielsen Challenge Competition 2017
- UGM Win The 2nd Winner and Best Individual Performance in Deloitte Tax Challenge 2017
- Accounting Students Awarded Deloitte SEA Tax Challenge 2017 in Singapore
- FEB UGM Students Won Best Speaker for Academic Paper in the 16th Sharia Economics Days
- UGM Team Won 1st Place in Call for Paper International Accounting Week 2017
- FEB UGM Student is Selected as a Deloitte Grand Ambassador
- FEB UGM Team Won 2nd Place in Gadjah Mada International Business Case Competition 2017
- Three Management Students Won 2nd Runner Up in EURECA Business Plan Competition
- FEB Students Win 1st Place of the 2nd National Business Plan Competition 2017 held in Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- Two FEB Teams Won 2nd and 3rd Place in National Essay Competition Development Economics Event at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
- FEB UGM Team Achieved 2nd Winner in GSENT 2017
- FEB UGM Student 2nd Winner in National Essay Competition SEF-UIN Sunan Kalijaga 2017
- Two FEB UGM Student Won 1st and 2nd Place in National Essay Competition ESA-Universitas Sebelas Maret
- FEB UGM Teams Won Second Place in Paper Competition, Accounting Week 2017 held in Andalas University
- Economics students of FEB UGM won 2nd place in Sayembara Karya Tulis Ilmiah Ganesa (SAKAMAGA) 2017
- Two Economics Students Won First Place in Paper Competition National Development Conference 2017 in UMY
- FEB UGM Team Won the Best Paper Award on Youth Economic Conference 2017
- Accounting Students Won Second Place in 5th CPA Australia Accounting Competition
- Four Students of FEB UGM Selected as the Young Leaders for Indonesia 2017 by McKinsey & Company
- Management Student of FEB UGM Won 1st Palce in School and Trading Competition 2017
- Three Economics Students Won First Place on 10th Eccents Paper Competition 2017 in Universitas Airlangga
- Two Management Students Won 1st Place in Diponegoro National Capital Market Competition 2017
- FEB UGM Team Won in GLOWMENTION 2017
- UGM Delegation Wins in Asia-Pacific Model United Nations (AMUNC) 2017 in Hong Kong
- FEB UGM Students Awarded Best Paper on TEMILNAS XVI FoSSEI 2017
- UGM Students Achieve Best Delegate in 2nd Startup Accelerator Class at Indonesia Youth Academy 2017 in Singapore
- FEB UGM Team Won the 1st and the Best Essay in Equilibrium Science Fair - National Equilibrium Conference 2017
- FEB UGM Student Team Won the 1st Winner of The 2nd Management Euphoria 2017
- FEB UGM Student Achieved 1st Winner on the 2017 National Essay Competition Millenial Generation
- FEB UGM Team Won the 1st Place in Place in Management Marketing Plan Competition 2017 held in Universitas Udayana
- FEB Student Crowned the 2nd Winner in National Economics Events 2017 at UNSOED
- FEB UGM Student Become The Champion of National Essay at Universitas Negeri Semarang
- FEB UGM Students Won the 1st Winner and 3rd Winner in The 3rd Management Finance Festival in Universitas Udayana
- FEB UGM Team Won the 3rd Place in Malaysia-Indonesia Business Case Competition
- FEB Student Team Won the 1st Winner Business Plan Competition KREASI 2017 held in Universitas Brawijaya
- FEB Students Win 1st National Islamic Essay Competition at Universitas Negeri Semarang
- UGM Student Team Won Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah Nasional 2017 Under Creative Economic Theme held in Universitas Trunojoyo Madura
- FEB Team Won Management Case Analysis Competition 2017 held in Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
- FEB Student Won 1st Place in Shariah Business Solution SESSION 2017
- Innovation of Crowdsourcing Platform Achieved The 2nd Place on SBMP UNDIP 2017 held in Universitas Diponegoro
- FEB Student Teams Achieved 1st and 3rd Winner in the 17th ATV held in Universitas Indonesia
- Students of FEB UGM Achieved 3rd Winner in 15th Economix: Global Economic Challenges at Universitas Indonesia
- UGM Student Team Won 2nd Winner in Paper Competition AgriXplosion 2017 Held in Universitas Sebelas Maret
- FEB Student Won Silver Medal in the 7th Tirak Taekwondo International Championship in Thailand
- FEB UGM Students Winners of BPK AUDINATION 2017 Competition
- UGM Students Succeeded to Win the National Debate Competition ANE Scientific Fair 2017 held in Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
- Accounting Students Achieved 3rd Place Competition of #100 Tahun Indonesia Kompas Muda
- FEB UGM beats NUS
- UGM Delegates Join Harvard National Model United Nations 2018 in Boston, USA
- FEB Students Received Best Project Award at IDEAS Summit Batch 4
- FEB Students Achieve 2nd Winner In Extraordinary Capital Market 2018 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- FEB UGM Students Win Entrepreneur Creative Challenge (EURECA) 2018 at Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- FEB Student Won 3rd Place in Ekuitas Creative Economics Week 2018 at STIE Ekuitas
- FEB Students Win 1st Place in Management National Business Case and Expopreneur 2 at Satya Wacana Christian University
- UGM Student Team Won the 1st and 2nd Winner in Capital Market Competition 2018 at Universitas Pekalongan
- UGM Team Won 2nd Place at HSBC Business Case Competition 2018
- FEB Students Won 2nd Place in Shariah Economics Advancement at Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
- FEB Students Won 3rd Place in Essay Competition Development Economics Event 2018 at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
- UGM Students Won 2nd Place at Deloitte Risk Intelligence Challenge 2018
- UGM Students Proudly Winning the Debate Competition at Universitas Muhammadiyah Magelang
- FEB UGM Student Team Won the Champion of Marketing Competition in The 3rd Management Euphoria 2018 at Universitas Pertanian Bogor
- Management Student Won 2nd Place in Management Competition 2018 at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
- FEB Students Won 2nd and 3rd Place in The 2018 National Writing Essay Competition at Universitas Katolik Parahyangan
- UGM Team Won 3rd Place in National Business Plan Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
- UGM Students Won 1st Place in National Economic Debate VIBE 2018 at Universitas Kristen Petra
- UGM Students Obtained Best Speaker Award and Won 1st Place in National Economic Debate Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Malang
- Accounting Students Team FEB UGM Won 2nd Place in Call for Papers 2018 at STIE YKPN Yogyakarta
- BroFume, Innovation in Perfume by UGM Students
- Mino UGM Wins Ideas for Action World Competition 2018
- Student Team from FEB UGM Achieved World's Best Top 10 Case Winner Award at the AAB International Conference in South Korea
- FEB UGM Students Officially Became The Best in The World From Participating in Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2018
- UGM Students Won 2nd Place and Best Speakers in Indonesian Student Debate Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Malang
- FEB UGM Student Won 3rd Place in Australia-ASEAN Youth Summit Case Competition 2018
- Rampoe UGM Won A Gold Medal in Wonju Dynamic Dancing Carnival 2018 in South Korea
- FEB UGM student Won Best Paper and Best Presenter in ASEAN Youth Conference 2018
- FEB UGM students team won 2nd place in Diponegoro Finance National Competition 2018 at Universitas Diponegoro
- FEB UGM Student Team Won First Place in Accounting Paper Competition at Universitas Diponegoro
- FEB UGM students team won 2nd place in Business Plan Competition of the 9th Vocational Career Development Day 2018 at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Student Team Won 1st Place in the MAKSI Accounting Competition (MACC) 2018
- UGM Students Team Won First Place in National Economic Issue Debating Competition (DIEN) 2018
- UGM Students Won 1st Place in National Scientific Writing Competition at Universitas Jember
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st Place in the Call for Paper IQTISHODUNA 2018 at Universitas Airlangga
- UGM Students Win 1st Place in National Business Case Competition 2018 at Universitas Airlangga
- FEB UGM Won the “Jogja Bebas Klitih” Short Video Competition
- UGM Students won first place in Paper Researching Contest 2018 at Telkom University
- UGM Students achieved 1st Winner Best Team and Best Category in National Accounting Student Conference 2018 at Universitas Sanata Dharma
- UGM students won 1st place in the Innovative Research Paper National Competition at Universitas Diponegoro
- FEB UGM Student Won 1st Place in ASEAN Student Scientific Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- UGM Students Won 2nd Winner in Brunei Indonesia Malaysia Business Case Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
- FEB UGM Student Wins 2nd Place in the 16th Economix: Global Economic Challenges at Universitas Indonesia
- UGM Students Win 2nd Place in Business Plan Competition Semarak Bidikmisi Prestatif 2018 at Universitas Diponegoro
- UGM Students Win 3rd Place in Management Case Analysis Competition 2018 at Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
- FEB UGM Students Won 1st Winner in Essay Competition IEO 2019 at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Students Won 1st Winner in Innovative Marketing Competition 2018 at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Students Won 2nd Place in Padjadjaran Business Case Competition PARADIGM 2018 at Universitas Padjadjaran
- FEB UGM Students Won the 3rd Place on Smart Accounting Competition 2018 at Universitas Negeri Yogyakara
- UGM Students Win 2nd Place in National Student Scientific Writing Competition ALCOFE 2018 at Universitas Sebelas Maret
- UGM Student Won 3rd Prize in Business IT Case HOLOGY 2018 at Universitas Brawijaya
- FEB UGM Students Won 2nd Winner in National Business Solution Competition 2018 at Universitas Padjajaran
- FEB UGM Students Won 2nd place in The 18th ATV Audit Competition at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Students Won 1st Winner in National Paper Competition Taxplore 2018 at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Students Won 1st Winner and Best Presentation in Scientific Writing Competition ACTIVE 2018 at Universitas Sebelas Maret
- FEB UGM Student Successfully Wins First Place Group Category in Unilever Future Leaders' League 2018
- UGM Student WIn UNESCO-UNITWIN ICT and Leadership Competition 2018 in South Korea
- FEB UGM Students Chosen as Young Leaders for Indonesia Wave 10 by McKinsey & Company
- UGM Students Won 2nd Place in Hack of Thrones Hackathon
- FEB UGM Students Won General Champion of Online Stock Trading Competition OPPO Stocks In Your Hand 2019
- Two UGM Student Teams Won Jenius Hackathon 2019
- UGM Students Win Runner-Up Title at the 15th MIST International Conference at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Student Won 2nd Winner of Supercamp PILMAPRES UGM 2019
- UGM Students Won 3rd Debate Competition at the Economic Fair 2019 at Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana
- UGM Student Teams Won Two Championship Trophies in Islamic Economic Olympiad Competition 2019 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- FEB UGM Student Won 2nd Place in Tokopedia Product Academy
- UGM Student Won 1st Prize Winner in Hacksprint CHIuXiD 2019
- FEB UGM Student Won 2nd Place in Accounting Student Conference at Universitas Atmajaya Yogyakarta
- UGM Student Won 3rd Place in PLN Unjuk Energimu 2019
- UGM Team Won 2nd Place at Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition 2019
- FEB UGM Student FEB Team Won 3rd Place in Marketing Competition at The 4th Management Euphoria 2019 held at IPB University
- FEB UGM Students Won 2nd Winner in HSBC Business Case Competition 2019
- FEB UGM Students Won the Deloitte Brand Ambassador Award
- FEB UGM Student Won 2nd Place in AUTUMN Islamic Paper Competition at Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
- FEB UGM Student Team Won 2nd Winner in Bachelor’s Journey in Management at Universitas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Student Team Won 2nd Place in Business Management Competition 2019 at Universitas Kristen Petra
- UGM Students Won People’s Choice Award at 2019 Cisco Global Problem Solver Challenge
- UGM Student Wins 1st Place in Pertamina Lubricant in WOW Case 2019 Yogyakarta Region
- FEB UGM students successfully won gold in the 32nd PIMNAS
- Twists and Bilan's Struggle to Record Achievements in the SAE Student Formula 2019 Competition
- Dr. Wuri Handayani Won the 2019 Literati Award
- FEB UGM Students successfully won 1st Winner and 2nd Winner at Accounting Paper Competition DASH 2019
- Prof. Mahfud Sholihin Achieves Academic Leader Award 2019
- FEB UGM Students as a Winner in Technology Euphoria 2019 Competition
- FEB UGM Student Got The 1st Place in Paper Researching Contest 2019
- FEB UGM Students Successfully Got Achievements in the Toyota Fun Code Hackathon 2019
- UGM Student Chosen as Delegates for World Entrepreneurs Investment Forum 2019
- FEB UGM Students Successfully Won the 1st Place in KBMK 2020
- FEB UGM Wins 4 Awards in the 2020 UGM Insan Berprestasi Award
- FEB UGM Students successfully won The 1st Winner of Financial Inclusion Competition (KOINKU 2020)
- FEB UGM Student Team Got 1st Place in the HSBC Business Case Competition 2021
- FEB UGM Student Team Successfully Won 3rd Place in RSM STAR Case Competition 2021
- The Critical One, FEB UGM Student Team that Successfully Won HSBC/HKU Asia Pacific Business Case Competition 2021
- Five FEB UGM Student Teams Won National Champion in KBMK 2021
- UGM Student Team Wins Bronze at the 34th PIMNAS with Product Innovation from Plastic Waste
- FEB UGM Students Won First Place in the Financial Inclusion Competition (KOINKU) OJK RI 2021
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Gold Prize at IIBD International Case Competition 2021
- FEB UGM Students Team Won Best Networking Session at ISCAAS 2021
- FEB UGM Students Team Wins Three Awards in IAI APAFest 2021
- FEB UGM Civitas Academia Wins Three Awards in the UGM Person Achievement Awarding Night
- 180 Degrees Consulting UGM Wins 3rd Place for Best Consulting Project Regional Asia-Pacific
- FEB UGM Student Team Won 2nd Place at 21st ATV FEB UI
- UGM Wins International Article Writing Award of Islamic Business Management in the IAEI DIY Award 2022
- FEB UGM Students take part in Winning 1st Place in the SBS/TBS/TEC Innovation Simulation Competition 2022
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Second Runner-Up at Deloitte Tax Challenge 2022
- Second Runner-Up Victory by the UGM FEB Team at the 2021 IESC Summit
- FEB UGM Students Represent Indonesia at the UFLL Final Global Round in London
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st Place in HSBC Business Case Competition 2022
- FEB UGM Student Won 1st Place Outstanding Student in UGM
- Two FEB UGM Student Team Wins PKT-GAMA BCC 2022
- Three FEB UGM Students Won UBSC 2022
- FEB UGM won the 2022 UGM Achievement Award
- FEB UGM Students Bring Three Champion Titles to the 2022 KBMK
- Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo Received the 2022 UGM Award
- Dr. Rimawan Pradiptyo and SONJO Won the Encouragement Award in the 2022 Asia Innovation Award
- FEB UGM Students Won 3rd Place in ITB ICEE Business Case Competition 2023
- FEB UGM Students Wins Best Paper and Verbal Commendation at NTU MUN 2023
- FEB UGM Students Wins First Place on IMA AsiaPac Student Case Competition 2023
- FEB UGM Student Wins 1st Place as UGM’s Most Undergraduate Outstanding Student
- FEB UGM students made brilliant achievements as 1st Runner-Up at the HSBC Business Case Competition 2023
- FEB UGM Student Team Successfully Wins 2nd Runner-Up of the 2023 Deloitte Tax Challenge Prestigious Competition
- FEB UGM Students Won 3rd Place at the 2023 National Tax Debate Competition
- The Pertow Team Wins 2nd Place in ISFO 2023
- FEB UGM Students Won 3rd Place in ANMPC 2023
- The Pairgrowth Team Won Third Place in Extraordinary Capital Market Competition Vol. 6 (EXPLOTION #6)
- The Pairgrowth Team Won First Place in the Corporation Stock Analysis Competition 2023
- FEB UGM Student Won First Place in the 2023 National Outstanding Student Selection
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 3rd Place in the 2023 East Java Economic Paper Competition (EJAVEC).
- UGM Contingent Secured Five Championship Titles at KBMK 2023: A Triumph of Excellence
- Three FEB UGM Student Teams Win the 2023 PKT-GAMA BCC Competition
- Two FEB UGM Student Teams Achieve Achievements in the 2023 INFEST Equity Research Competition
- FEB UGM Students Win 1st Place in the 2023 GIBEI Equity Research Competition (GERC)
- Two FEB UGM Student Teams Achieve Achievements in the 2023 DASH Accounting Paper Competition
- FEB UGM Students Achieved First Place in the Equity Research Competition I-VEST 2023
- The First Mover Team Won 1st Place in the 2023 UNNES Marketing Plan Competition
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st and 2nd Place in the 2023 National Accounting Challenge
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Second Place in The 7th Bachelor's Journey in Management
- FEB UGM Student Team Won 1st Place in the Outstanding Problem-Solving Category at SMBCC 2023
- FEB UGM Student Secured First Place in UNY Stock Market Competition 2023
- Promax Team Wins Second Place in Management Marketing Plan Competition 2023
- Laut Selatan Team Won First Place in Business Model Canvas National Competition 2023
- Two FEB UGM Student Teams Achieve Brilliant Achievements in the 2023 Deloitte M&A Challenge
- Eagle Eye Team from UGM Won 1st Place in the Veteran Investment Competition 2023
- FEB UGM Student Team Secured Second Place in International Development Student Conference 2023
- Victoria Team from UGM Wins the 2023 Foodtech Creative Competition Festival of Food Technology
- MAT Team Achieves First Place in Essay Competition at EFA Competition 2023
- Infinity Team Won 1st Place in the 2023 UNNES Accounting Competition (NECTION)
- Alliance Team from UGM Wins in the 2023 Investment Analysis Competition
- The Liquidity Team Wins First Place in the Policy Recommendation Competition in the IEO 2024
- Two FEB UGM Student Teams Win the 2023 CSA Research Competition
- Bantex Team Secures Second Place in SEMBULATION 2023
- Three FEB UGM Students Win Champions in the 2023 Brilliant Youth Competition
- FEB UGM Contributes 3 Medals at the 36th PIMNAS
- Pairgrowth Team Wins Top 2 Finalists in the 2023 EDC Business Plan
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Champion in Telkom Accounting Fair 2023
- The IDE Times Team Wins First Place in the 2023 International Business Solution Competition (IBSC)
- GMAD Consulting Team Won First Place in the DIGCOFEST 2023 Business Case Competition
- FEB UGM Accounting Student Team Wins Champion at The 23rd ATV
- FEB UGM Student Team; Materialiteam Wins First Place in the 23rd ATV FEB UI Audit Competition
- The FEB UGM Student Team Wins Second Place in the 2024 Accounting Paper Competition
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 3rd Place in Deloitte Tax Challenge 2024
- 1st Place in HSBC BCC 2024, FEB UGM Student Team will Represent Indonesia on the Global Stage
- FEB UGM Team Wins 3rd Place in Marketing Plan Competition EURECA 2024
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 1st Champion in the 2024 EFL Business Case Competition
- FEB UGM Students Win 3rd Place in ICAEW Mainland China & South-East Asia Business Challenge 2024
- Rika Fatimah Earns Award from The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration
- UGM Students Team Win 3rd Place in ANGEL International Competition in Malaysia
- FEB UGM Wins Overall Championship at 2024 National Student Competition KBMK
- UGM Students Develop Educational Waste Management Game
- BBM UGM Team Wins 3rd Place in International Business Competition OCBC Ventura
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Multiple Titles at IMA 2024 International Business Competition
- FEB UGM Team Wins 1st Place in National Accounting Competition SNAC UKSW 2024
- FEB UGM Team Wins 2nd Place in NTU-GAIP International Business Competition in Singapore
- FEB UGM Team Wins 3rd Place at the International Accounting Competition 2024 in Bali
- Fortuna Team Wins 2nd Place at Diponegoro National Capital Market Investment Competition 2024
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins Awards at the National Accounting Competition (NAC) 2024
- FEB UGM Student Team Wins 2nd Place in Sharia Essay Competition at SEHATI 2024
- FEB UGM Students' Recycling App Concept Wins 1st Place National Essay at UNS Education Fair 2024
- Cooperation
- Cooperation between FEB UGM and AYSPS GSU
- Signing of MoU between DEQPI FEB UGM and Workforce and Transmigration (NAKERTRANS) DIY
- UGM-University of California Berkeley Will Establish Collaboration
- Dr Tahir and Son Contribute $1 Million To Support SMU-UGM Collaboration
- MoU Affirmation of UGM and Bank Indonesia
- FEB UGM and TICMI Cooperate on Capital Market Education
- FEB UGM Builds Cooperation with BTN in Property Development
- PT. Pupuk Indonesia Energi formed a partnership with FEB UGM
- FEB UGM Establishes Memorandum of Understanding with Principal Asset Management
- Synergy of FEB UGM and BPK RI to Improve the Quality of BPK RI Auditors
- FEB UGM Establishes a Memorandum of Understanding with PT Taspen (Persero)
- FEB UGM Signs MOU with DPR RI Expertise Board
- FEB UGM Establish Cooperation with BPJSTK
- The signing of the MoU between FEB UGM and Jasa Raharja
- FEB UGM Launches BlockSpace with Tokocrypto
- FEB UGM signs Cooperation MoU with Perum Peruri Consortium
- Signing of Cooperation MoU between FEB UGM and Danacita
- FEB UGM Establish Cooperation with Djalaluddin Pane Waqf Foundation
- FEB UGM cooperates with UiTM Cawangan Kelantan and MFL University
- FEB UGM Collaborates with BRIN
- Signing of MoU between FEB UGM and EdenFarm
- BSI Collaborates with UGM to Open Entrepreneurship Laboratory at FEB UGM
- Signing of Cooperation between FEB UGM and the Indonesian Trade Policy Agency
- FEB UGM Officially Signed Memorandum of Understanding with BPKH
- Expanding its Network, FEB UGM Establishes Cooperation with PT Mirae Asset Sekuritas Indonesia
- FEB UGM Signed Memorandum of Understanding with the International Compliance Association (ICA)
- FEB UGM Officially Signed the MOU in Accounting and Taxation with ACCA
- The Signing of Cooperation FEB UGM with Kapal Api Group
- FEB UGM Collaborates with tSurvey by Telkomsel to Facilitate Research
- FEB UGM and FEBI UIN Raden Fatah Establish Educational Collaboration
- Obituary
- Tony Prasetiantono, M.Sc., Ph.D. passed away
- Dr. Soetatwo Hadiwigeno, M.A. passed away
- Prof. Nopirin passed away
- Drs. Harnanto passed away
- Prof. Dr. Soekanto Reksohadiprodjo passed away
- Farewell Drs. Laurentius Suparwoto, M.Sc.
- Drs. Irfan Nursasmito, Akt., M.Si Passed Away
- Nuraksa Makodian, S.T., M.Sc., M.B.A., Passed Away
- Farewell, Prof. Dr. H. Iswardono Sardjono Permono, M.A
- Dr. Akhmad Makhfathih, M.A. Passed Away
- Dr. Harsono, M.Sc. Passed Away
- Goodbye, Dr. Tarsisius Hani Handoko, M.B.A.
- Prof. Sri Adiningsih, Ph.D., M.Sc., Passed Away
- Drs. Edi Prasetyo Nugroho, M.B.A. Passed Away
- Call for Papers
- Call for Papers The Bulletin of Monetary Economics and Banking
- Call For Papers The Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business
- Call for Papers: The 2010 MEP UGM Conference on Fiscal Policy
- Call for Papers: Recent Studies on Indonesian Economy and Business
- Call for Papers: Education Contribution to the Success of Taxation in Indonesia
- Call for Papers: Islamic Economy and Business for Social Welfare
- Call for Papers The 1st Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economics and Development
- Call for Papers The 1st Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Business Research
- Call for Papers The 1st Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Accounting and Finance
- Call for Papers The 2nd International Conference on Islamic Perspective of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Management
- Call for Papers The 2nd Indonesian Finance Association International Conference
- Call for Paper Economics and Business Doctoral Colloquium and Conferences (EBDCC) 2016
- Call for Paper The 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB 2016)
- Call for Abstract The 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GamaICEB) 2017
- Call for Papers The 8th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business
- Call for Papers The 16th Indonesian Regional Science Association International Conference
- Call for Papers The 8th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB)
- Call for Papers The 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic (GAMAICI)
- Call for Papers The 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic (GAMAICI)
- Call for Papers The 9th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB)
- Call For Policy Brief Abstracts – Task Force 8: Inclusive, Resilient, and Greener Infrastructure Investment and Financing
- Call for Papers The 10th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB)
- Call for Papers The 12th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB 2024)
- Lecturer Corner
- Online Lectures are Not Only about Grades but also Building Character and Habituation for The Future
- Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, Professor of FEB UGM who is Interested in Accounting from a Film
- FEB UGM Lecturers Conduct Collaborative Research with Nobel Prize Winners in Economics and the Minister of Finance
- Student Corner
- News
- Live Stream
- AACSB Information Session 2022
- Registration Form
- Sertifikat Akreditasi
- NIBES Annual Meeting 2023
- Agenda Dies Natalis
- Documents
- Informasi Publik
- Laporan Tahunan Dekan
- Community Service
- Peta Arah (Roadmap) Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
- Perjanjian Kinerja
- Daftar Informasi Publik
- Informasi Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
- Informasi Kegiatan Penelitian
- Logo Dies Natalis dari Tahun ke Tahun
- Permohonan Informasi Publik
- Daftar Informasi Tersedia Secara Berkala
- Daftar Informasi Tersedia Setiap Saat
- FEB UGM Research Day 2023
- Podcast
Prospective Student
News Release
- Event
- UGM Career Days IV
- The Honour visit by Prof. Guy Fournier
- Presentation: Study in India
- Book review: Islamic Financial Management
- Economics Group Discussion: Recovery after Gempa Jogja (case study UMKM Bantul)
- Marketing Talkshow: How To Build Marketing Competitive Strategy and Survive in Indonesian Market in 2009
- Paper Colloquium: The Impact Of External Knowledge On Innovation In Indonesia Software Firms
- Investment Instrument Review: "Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)"
- HPAIR Academic Conference 2009
- ESCEM University, France Presentation
- Presentation: AEC Scholarship
- Economics Group Discussion: Formasi Flying Geece
- Workshop: Fundamentals of Information Technology Audit
- Paper Colloquium: Unbalanced Economic Growth and Dynamic Trade Specialization
- National Seminar: Rejuvenating Our Teaching Research in Financial Accounting and Modeling Good Corporate Governance in Indonesia
- Student Entrepreneurship Expo 2009
- Campus Visit : ConocoPhillips Indonesia
- General Lecture Prof Cai Jin Cheng
- Academic Recharging
- Student Week September 2009
- International Seminar: "Cultivating The Corporate Governance Auditing and CGCG UGM's Corporate Governance Rating Model"
- Guest Lecture: Economic of Climate Change and Forest Conservation
- Seminar Best Paper Award Jurnal of Indonesian Economy and Business
- Guest Lecture: The Chinese Economic Re-boosting Program: Its Result and Impact in the Region
- Campus recruitment: Great Giant Pineapple Company
- Book review: Reformasi Akuntansi Membongkar Bounded Rationality Pengembangan Akuntasi
- Open Discussion: Establishment of the Financial Services Authority (OJK)
- Training: Internal Audit 2010
- International Conference: Toward Enhancement of Economic, Social, Technological and Environmental Development for Welfare Implications in the Greater Mekong Sub - region and Asia-Pacific
- Islamic Economic International Seminar: Fulfill the National Development by Encouraging Islamic Business
- Economics Jazz Live Reborn
- Orchestra Performances: Discover Indonesia Discover Indonesia Green, Blue & Genuine
- JIEB: Best Paper Award 2010
- Seminar and Discussion: Research Sector in Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations
- National Seminar: Ekonomi Bebas Korupsi
- Seminar The Impact of Child Care Subsidies on Child Well-Being: Evidence from Geographic Variation in the Distance to Social Service Agencies
- Workshop: Writing is Easy
- Innovative Entrepreneurship Workshop Learning Methods
- National Seminar: The Impact of Free Trade on Developing Countries in the case in Indonesia
- Students Entrepreneurship Expo 2010: GREBEG ENTREPRENEURSHIP
- International Training: "Training for Trainers" IFRS and the preparation of Indonesia Accounting Dictionary
- Management Forum: Re-examination of Consumer Animosity-construct Towards Multi Opposed Countries
- CGCG's Accounting Training (CAT)
- SSC: Workshop How To Use Electronic Journal
- SSC: Getting Closer Career Opportunities at Medco E & P Indonesia
- Management Forum: Rethinking the Management Education
- Management Forum: Exploring Leadership Theories/Styles in Asia
- Management Forum: Introduction to Wealth Management (Wealth Management)
- Public Lecture: Macro-Prudential Policy and Inflation
- SSC: Socialization of Student Achievement Year 2011
- Seminar: Waning Role of Koperasi in the Indonesian Economy, Knowing Moh Hatta closer
- Gadjah Mada Accounting Days 2011
- Guest Lecture: How to Develop Talent
- Seminar: Fraud Audit di Dunia Perbankan
- Corporate Governance Short Course
- Presentation: Study in France
- Seminar on Trade Investment in East Asia: Lessons for Indonesia
- Management Forum: Rethinking the Reformation: The Fear or the Hope (The Indonesian Context 1998-2011)
- Management Forum: Pengaruh Pendekatan Pembelajaran Kontekstual Bermedia Website terhadap Pencapaian Kompetensi Belajar Prilaku Organisasional: Studi Eksperimen
- National Seminar 2011: Exploring the Prospect of Investment in Indonesian Financial Market
- Entrepreneurial Workshop: Earn The First Hundred Million through Catfish Farming
- SSC April 2011: Socialization of IIBD Case Competition 2011
- JMME FEB UGM Fair 2011
- Public Lecture: Reform of Financial Markets
- Recruitment on Campus: KPMG
- Workshop: IFRS Training for Dealing with Global Standards Change
- Management Forum: Insight Harvard Business School Case Methods
- SSC May 2011: Know More Near Career Opportunities in Danareksa Sekuritas
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case
- SSC June 2011: Simulation of Stock Transaction With Technical Analysis
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case June 2011
- Presentation : Analysis of the Court's Verdict to the Case of Narcotic and Psychotropic Substance Misuse in Indonesia 2001-2009
- Special Dialogue: Know the World Bank
- Workshop Teaching: International Financial Reporting Standards
- Management Forum: Change Management, Case of UGM Residence Hall
- Workshop on E-Journal
- International Academic Exposure, Hiroshima Japan
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Cases in July 2011
- Public Lecture: Asian Economic Development
- SSC: Know the Career Opportunities in Public Accounting Firm
- Public Lecture: Jaminan Sosial, Benteng Strategi Ketahanan Nasional
- Recruitment on Campus : PT P&G Indonesia
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Cases in August 2011
- Call for Paper: Interconnectedness Of The World Economy
- National Seminar on Corruption Free Economy (EBK2011)
- Workshop: Assessment of PAPI 2008 Application in the Banking Industry in Indonesia
- National Seminar: 13th Year Indonesia's Reform: Opportunities And Challenges of Agricultural and Industrial Development
- Seminar: 6 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurship
- Economic Debate Tournament: Development Strategies in Indonesia Post-Reformation
- Workshop: How to Write Good Essay in Economics
- Tax workshop
- Seminar Student Achievers
- Discussions with Farid Harianto Ph.D
- Seminar: Interconnectedness of the World Economy
- Presentation: Mineral Water is Not Releasing Visit the Thirst: The Case of the PT Subak Utama
- Academic Excellence Program 2012
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case, January 2012
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case, February 2012
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case, February 2012 (week two)
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case, February 2012 (week three)
- Gadjah Mada Accounting Days (GMAD) 2012
- Recruitment on Campus: PWC Indonesia
- Seminar IFRS Developments and the Integrated Reporting
- Presentation of Research and Writing Short Case, March 2012
- Capital Markets Training: Become an Investor
- Workshop: e-Journal
- Discussion: Diagnosing the Indonesian Economy - Toward Inclusive and Green Growth
- Guest Lecture: Southeast Asia's Challenges and Prospect in the Next Decade
- National Seminar: Sustainability Accounting for Better Business and Environment
- Career Days 2012 (1st Season)
- Entrepreneurship Workshop Talk Show
- BRI Entrepreneurial Community Program
- JMME FAIR 2012
- Public Lecture: Enhancing Capacity of Researching and Writing for Students
- Seminar: Government Accounting - History, Development and Current Issues
- Guest Lecture: Strategic Leadership and Empowerment
- National Seminar: Challenges and Opportunities Reforms in Indonesia
- Discussion: A Snapshot of Indonesian Entrepreneurship and Micro-Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Development
- Upgrading Program for Academician and Practitioner 2012
- Call For Paper: Accelerating Social Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Accounting Amidst Global Crisis
- International Essay Competition: Dreaming the World Without Poverty
- National Economics Competition 2012
- Call for Essay: High Political Cost and Money Laundering
- Seminar: Improving the Quality of Human Resources, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth
- Wayang Kulit Performances: Heroism Kumbokarno (Ngalengkodirojo Brubuh)
- Anti-corruption School: High Political Cost and Practice Money Laundry In Economic Perspective
- National Seminar: Fight Corruption, Transparency Demands
- Call For Paper Doctoral Colloquium & Conference : Contemporary Research in Economics and Business
- International Seminar: Building Business through Islamicpreneurship
- Career Development Program: Expanding Communication and Presenting Skills
- Seminar: The Impact of IFRS Convergence Against the Statement of Indonesia Financial Accounting Standards And Implications of Taxation
- International Seminar: Dreaming the World without Poverty: A Guide to Eradicate Global Poverty
- Call For Essay: Better Business Through Sustainable Management
- Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition 2012
- Seminar Tax Reform: For Better Indonesisa
- Seminar JIEB Best Paper Award 2012: Accelerating Social Economy, Entrepreneurship, and Accounting Amidst Global Crisis
- Alumni Gathering 2012
- National Seminar: Better Business Through Sustainable Management
- A Joint Intellectuals Analysis: OJK and Crisis Management Ahead
- SSC: The Future is In Your Hand
- Call for Paper: Enhancing Collaboration, People, and Institutions within the ASEAN-China Community Network: Facing the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015
- Guest Lecture: Business Funding and Loan Corporations
- Seminar: Pension Funds Management in PT PLN Persero
- Seminar: The Economy of Indonesia and Asia: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges
- Audit Training 2013
- Guest Lecture: Bank Muamalat Position in Indonesian Banking Industry Perspective
- Guest Lecture: Inspiring Unileader
- Discussion: Financial Inclusion: Empowering Indonesian Underclass Through Financial Sector
- Seminar: The Role of the National Leadership and Corporate Social Responsibility in Creating Independent Village
- Public Lecture: The Rise of Indonesian Manufacturing Industry
- Public Lecture: Economic Integration and Political Fragmentation
- Book Review: ISA (International Standards on Auditing) Based Audit
- Upgrading Program for Academics and Practitioners 2013
- Seminar & Book Review: Easy to Understanding and Analyzing Economics, Sectoral, & Regional Indicators
- National Seminar: Roadmap To WTP: Building Synergy Between Institutions
- Doctoral Colloquium and Presentation, Professor S. Ghon Rhee
- Seminar: Tips for Successful Career in Finance And Banking Industries With Certified Financial Planner
- Seminar: Recent Developments in Tax Regulations: Opportunities and Barriers to Education and Business Executors
- Presentation: Research and Scholarship Program form University of New South Wales
- Seminar: Indonesian Economy held hostage by fuel
- Discussion: Dynamics of Fuel Subsidy and Sustainable Economic Development: Complexity and Problem Solving
- Seminar of the Research: On The Inquiry of The Most Optimal Networking for BPD Regional Champion to Support Financial Inclusion and Decentralization
- International Seminar: The Role of Entrepreneurship & Innovation to Strengthen Indonesia Competitiveness within AEC Context
- Book Review: Al Qur'an and Akuntansi
- International Workshop: Implementing Logic Model in Budgeting System: Accelerating Performance-Based Budgeting in Indonesian Government
- AACSB Week: Call for Essays, Call for Videos, and Call for Slogan
- The First Annual Yogyakarta Economics and Business International Conference 2013
- Book Review: Percepatan Pembangunan dan Kemandirian Kampung: Memahami 'Gagasan Gila' Bantuan 1 Miliar Rupiah Tiap Tahun untuk Kampung Gaya YW
- Public Lecture: Indonesian Banking Sector: Facing Global Competition
- International Seminar: Combating Inequality Toward Sustainable Economy
- The 6th Annual Doctoral Colloquium And Conference
- Guest Lecture: Tips for Dealing with Labor Agreements and Interview Techniques
- Alumni Gathering FEB UGM 2013
- International Seminar: The Miracle of Islamic Economics: Improving Global Resilience towards Balanced Growth and Development
- Yogyakarta Economics and Business International Conference 2013
- National Seminar : The Secrets of Entrepreneurs
- Discussion: Economic Financial Review 2013 and Outlook 2014
- Seminar: Micro Finance Building the People's Economy
- Seminar: Productive Business Building the People's Economy
- Seminar: International Joint Conference on Asia Pacific Business Research
- Workshop: Meeting the Global Challenges
- Seminar: Pursuing A Brighter Future in Globalization Era
- National Workshop: Writing Articles and Books
- Roadshow P&G ASEAN Business Challenge 2014
- Guest Lecture: Everything You Need to Know to Start a Career in Banking
- Peer Review Team Visit, AACSB Accreditation
- Campus visit and Recruitment from Paragon Technology and Innovation
- Seminar: Portal Employment Income Growth Advancing the People's Economy
- National Seminar: Indonesia in Revolt Break into the Global Business
- Public Lecture: Talent for ASEAN Economic Community
- Public Lecture: Asset Technical Tracking in Corruption and Money Laundering
- Seminar: Turning the Economic Democracy: Success Story of East Java
- Discussion: The Potential Establishment of the Office of KPK in the Regions
- Guest Lecture: Strategic Marketing and Business Negotiation
- Book Review: Pola dan Akar Korupsi
- Public lectures: Lectures on Trade and Our Competitiveness
- Dialogue: How does Indonesia manage to level up its value added and improve trade competitiveness?
- Public lectures (HSBC session 1): Introduction to Banking
- Public lectures (HSBC session 2): Introduction to Cash Management
- Public lecture: Challenges and Opportunities Non Bank Financial Services in the MSME Development
- Training: Audit 2014
- National Seminar: The Role of OJK In Establishing The People's Economy
- Training: Partial Least Square Sructural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis with WarpPLS 3.0
- Studies: Election and The Future of Indonesia 2014-2019
- National Seminar: Discovering Indonesia's Potential to Face the Global Economy
- Book Launch: CSR in the Business World
- Public lectures: The Management of State-Owned Enterprises Has Strayed from The Constitution
- Public lectures: Multinational Firms and Human Rights
- Public Lectures: Integrated Reporting
- Summer Course 2014
- Seminar: Business Planning for Economic Advancement of the People
- National Seminar: Accountability of Government Performance: Past, Present, and Later
- Workshop: Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
- Seminars: Why stock investments?
- Book Launch: Pitutur Luhur Budaya Jawa
- International Week 2014
- Seminar: Advancing the People's Economy Through Microfinance Institutions
- Seminar: The Role of Corporate in Advancing People's Economy
- Seminar: Poverty and Inequality in Indonesia: Problems, Challenges, and Wisdom
- Public Lectures: ASEAN 2030: Towards a Borderless Economic Community
- Public Lecture: The Financial Reporting System Of The BPJS Employment
- National Seminar: The Role of AACSB Accredited Business School in the Development of Human Resources
- Public lecture: Explore Yourself with Broadcasting Media
- Recruitment on campus: IMF Outreach and Recruitment
- Call for Papers: Enhancing Indonesia's Competitive Advantage for the Betterment of the Society
- CEO Talk The Walk: G. Sulistiyanto (Managing Director of PT. Sinar Mas Group)
- Ambassador Talk The Walk: Mr. Salman Al Farisi and Mr. Djauhari Oratmangun
- Call for Paper: 2nd Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business
- Workshop: Training on Writing and Photography
- International Seminar: Securing the Future of Emerging Economies Trough Improvement of Human Resource Productivity
- Seminar: Asset Management
- Public lectures: Securities KPR Bills and Financing
- Study Abroad Fair at FEB UGM
- Training: SEM-PLS Analysis with WarpPLS 3.0
- Public Lectures: Implementation of Corruption Impact Assessment for the Prevention of Corruptive Policy
- Empirical Studies: Observations of Zakat Distribution in Yogyakarta City
- Seminar: Financial Consultant Partners Bank Advancing The People's Economy
- Seminar: Uncovering the World of Investments and Career on Capital Markets Industry in Indonesia
- Socialization: P&G CEO Academy
- Public Lectures: Sharia Business Facing AEC 2015
- Discussion: Introduction to Gadjah Mada University Leading Economic Indicator
- Seminar: Building Indonesia from Villages and Suburbs: The Lessons From Malinau Regency, North Borneo
- Bloomberg Aptitude Test (BAT)
- Public Lectures: Credit Union
- SPSS Training
- BIES Economic Forum: Family Hardship and The Growth of Micro and Small Firms in Indonesia
- Seminar: Following The Successful Technopreneurs
- Discussion: Investing Energy Infrastructure In Indonesia: 2014-2030
- Soft Skill: What's up with Critical Thinking?
- Public Lecture: Global Economic Outlook and Its Implication for Indonesia
- Guest Lecture: System Oriented Theories and Critical Perspectives on Accounting
- Research Presentation: Corporate Disclosure on Curbing Foreign Bribery and the UK Bribery Act 2010: Evidence from UK Companies
- Public Policy Forum #1
- Lecturers Research Grant Presentation 2014
- Seminar: Building The People's Economy With Micro-Credit
- Discussion: The National Program of: Unity in Diversity and the Role of Religion in Economic Life: Indonesian Perspective
- Seminar: Economic Outlook 2015 and Prospect of Strategic Sectors of Indonesia's Development
- Public Seminar: Development of the Indonesian Economy in 2015 & the Role of Accountants in Economic Growth
- Public lectures: Research Topics in Islamic Accounting, Ethics, and Governance
- Talkshow: One Year BPJS, Did Meet Expectations of the Society?
- Training: MATLAB
- Soft Skill: Winning Job Hunts, Build Impressive CVs, Master Interview Skills, and Get the Job.
- Presentation: Internship Program and Test PT P&G Indonesia
- Eminent Person Talk the Walk: Benny Subianto and Prof. Anwar Nasution
- Workshop: Career Preparation and Internship Preparation
- Economics Talk: Global Economic Growth And the Challenge for Indonesia
- Seminar: Dissemination of Information and Public Perception of Fuel Policy In Indonesia
- Academic Presentation: Household Risk Coping Strategies: The Role of Self-Employment During the Asian Financial Crisis in Indonesia
- Eminent Person Talk The Walk: Dr. Shang-Jin Wei and Edimon Ginting Ph.D.
- Seminar: Security Measure of Trade as An Instrument of Trade Import Recovery Due to the Negative Impact of A Surge in Imports
- Information Session: Study in USA and LPDP Scholarship
- Career Week 2015, Session I
- Economics Talk: Amartya Sen In Women And Poverty
- National Seminar: Economic Maneuver to Name Indonesia the World Maritime Axis
- Training: Audit 2015
- The 2nd International Week 2015
- Public Lectures: Inclusive Growth: What do We Know About How to Promote It
- Training: Public Speaking and Composing Effective Speech Script
- Seminar: Building The Nation Through Investment Spirit
- Seminar: Fast Track to Success: Work Smart, Don't Just Work Hard
- International Summer University 2015
- Public Lectures: Branchless Banking, In Order to Increase Financial Inclusion
- Student Entrepreneurship Expo, 2015
- Workshop: Evaluating Social Program
- Guest Lecture: Banking Stability
- Soft Skills Training: Personal Branding
- Economics Talk: The Review of Medium-Term National Development Plan 2015-2019
- Entrepreneurs Club: How Marketing and Branding Affect Business
- General Lectures: Qualitative Methods in Accounting Research: a Case Study
- Seminar: Optimization of Tax Revenue of Land and Building Urban Rural and Territorial Governance
- Seminar: Prospect of Islamic Banking and Capital Market in Indonesia
- General Lecture: Shariah Compliance Audit
- Seminar: Balancing Indonesian Economy
- Seminar on Financial Education and Literacy
- Guest Lecture: Prof. Mehmet Asutay (Durham University, UK)
- Economics Talk: Review of the Rice Policy and Impacts in Indonesia
- Fun Bike FEB UGM 2015
- Public Lectures: E-Commerce Start-up Landscape in Indonesia
- National Congress KAFEGAMA 2015
- National Seminar on Taxation
- Seminar: Integrating The Islamic Values on Tourism Sector Towards Sustainable Development Goals
- Public Lectures: Asset-Backed Securities With A Form Letter of Participation (EBA-SP)
- Public Lectures: Islamic Banking Developments and Prospects in Indonesia
- Discussion: The Development of Secondary Housing Financing Market
- Dialogue: Empowering Indonesia Amid The Chaos of The World Economy
- Seminar: Achieving Economic Sustainability Through Financial System Stability
- International Seminar: Islamic Accounting for Social Welfare
- CEO Talk the Walk with Helianti Hilman (CEO PT. Javara)
- Presentation of Reseach Grants 2015 (part 1)
- General Lecture: Integrated Reporting and the Accounting Profession in Globalization Era
- Refreshment Program: International Risk Management
- Presentation of Reseach Grants 2015 (part 2)
- Going Global: International Partners Exhibition 2015
- Training: Powerful Interview Trick
- Public Policy Forum #2
- Workshop: Impactful Communication
- Public Policy Forum #1
- Seminar: The Impact of Fuel Oil Reform Against Inflation
- Guest Lecture: Emerging Issues in Financial Crime: An International Focus
- Paper Presentation Dr. Singgih Wijayana M.Sc.
- Expert Lecture: Auditing
- Expert Lecture: The Untold Story of Internship and Career Experience at Sampoerna
- Public Lectures: Qualitative Methodology in Accounting Research
- CEO Talk the Walk: Sandiaga Salahudin Uno
- Sharing Session: Success in Study and Career
- Seminar: Socialization of Government Bond (SUN)
- Workshop: SPT PPH Preparation for Individual or Private
- Paper Presentation: Determinants of Budget Absorption: Evidence from Local Governments in Indonesia
- CEO Talk The Walk: Dr. H. Harry Azhar Aziz, M.A. (BPK RI)
- Guest Lecture: Auditing: Insight from Europe
- Seminar: Help System Management for RT-RW Advancing The People's Economy: The Experience of DKI Jakarta
- Info Session: Study in Osaka University
- Guest lecture: The Recent Economic Crisis and Its Repercussions on Indonesia
- CEO Talk The Walk: Eddiwan Danusaputro (Mandiri Capital Indonesia)
- Paper Presentation: Market Reactions around Earnings Announcement of Cross-Listed Firms: The Role of Culture
- Seminar: Microfinance Institutions and Financial Inclusion
- Eminent Person Talk The Walk: Prof Chris Findlay and Prof Mari Elka Pangestu
- International Summer University 2016
- Guest Lecture: Fraud Control System as a Tool to Strengthen Internal Control
- Guest Lecture: Business Innovation Strategies: Trends and Challenges
- 2nd International Conference of Indonesian Finance Association
- The 3rd International Week 2016
- National Seminar: Economy Construction for the Indonesia Infrastructure Development Accountability
- 1st Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic Economic Development, Islamic Business Research, and Islamic Accounting and Finance
- 2nd International Conference on Islamic Perspective of Accounting, Finance, Economics and Management
- Training Series: Zotero Software, Critical Thinking and Essay Writing
- Seminar: Panama Papers: Tax Evasion, Money Laundering and Corruption, and the Impact for Indonesia Economy
- CEO Talk The Walk: Herwidayatmo, MBA. (President Director of Panin Bank)
- Sharing Session: Design Your Career With Danone
- Anti-Corruption Media Roadshow 2016
- Talkshow: Start Your Investment at Young Age
- National Workshop: On Top-Tier Journal, Book, and Magazine Publication 2016
- Training Series: Case Study Research Methods, Tips Success on TPA Test, Writing References Using Mendeley Software, and Data Analysis
- Budget Festival 2016
- Training: Audit Simulation: Mini Audit with PwC
- National Seminar: Taxation in Indonesian Education in the Era of ASEAN Economic Community
- Workshop and Research Forum IPAFEM 2016: Toward Advancing Economic Prosperity and Social Well-being
- International Seminar IPAFEM 2016: Recent Development of Islamic Financial Performance in Indonesia
- Workshop: Teaching of Practical Accounting and Accounting Competency Test
- Seminar: Deposit Insurance Corporation from Islamic Perspective
- Counseling Certification: Representatives of Intermediary Stock Trading and Deputy Investment Manager
- Seminar: The Development of SPAP and the CPA Exam of Indoneisa
- Question and Answer: Tax Amnesty
- Workshops: Taxes for Hospitals
- Public Lectures: Literacy and Financial Inclusion Improvement Strategies in Indonesia
- Economics and Business Doctoral Colloquium and Conferences (EBDCC) 2016
- The 4th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business (GAMAICEB) 2016
- International Seminar: Digital Economy and Business For High Economic Growth
- Seminar: Jumpstart Your Career Through Certification and Internship
- Sharing Session: Critical Thinking
- Public Lectures: Financial Technology for Efficiency and Inclusion
- Book Review: Ekonomi Indonesia Dalam Lintasan Sejarah
- Guest Lectures: The Ethics of Public Accountant
- Guest Lectures: Practical Aspects Of Financial Fraud Investigation and Forensic Accountant Career Overview
- Guest Lectures: Financial Fraud in Government Sector
- Workshop: Teaching of Practical Accounting and Accounting Competency Test (Batch 2)
- Seminar: What Motivates Tax Compliance?
- Public Lectures: Optimal Taxation
- P&G CEO Challenge 2016: Roadshow and Recruitment Test
- Sharing Session and Socialization of UGM Student Award 2017
- Guest Lectures: The Value of Political Connections for Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Democratic Transition in Indonesia
- Workshop: Career Preparation
- Book Review: Menumbuhkan Ekonomi Kerakyatan, Memenangkan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN
- Soft Skill: Negotiate Your Way to Success
- Going Global: International University Partners Exhibition 2016
- Public Lectures: The Development of E-Business and E-Commerce in Indonesia
- General Lecture: Future of Accountancy Profession
- Workshop: Analysis of Micro Data Base With STATA Program
- Seminar: Internal Control Over Financial Reporting
- Economic Forum: Electricity Subsidy Reform in Indonesia: Effects on Electricity Use)
- Seminar: Budget Goes To Campus 2016
- Training: Discover Your Strength and You'll Never have to 'Work' for Life!
- Guest Lecture: Intercultural Communication
- Public Lecture: Analysis of Social Inequality in Indonesia
- Sharing Session KAFEGAMA 1990: No Pain No Gain
- Soft Skill: Writing Your Future
- Public Lecture: Challenges and Policy Direction Outlook 2017
- International Summer University 2017
- The 4th International Week 2017
- Workshop: Publishing Journal Articles and Text Books
- Workshop: Survey Method
- Seminar: Improving Publication Journal for Higher Education
- National Seminar: Careers in Capital Markets
- Sharing Session KAFEGAMA 87 Back to Campus
- Training: Micro Base Data Analysis with STATA program
- Public Lecture: Fostering Social Innovation And Social Enterprise In Students In Higher Education
- National Seminar: Quality Reform of Public Sector Audit Practices for the Realization of Social Welfare
- The 2017 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Ramadhan Iftar with KAFEGAMA
- The 5th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business 2017
- Halal bi Halal With KAFEGAMA
- International Seminar: Business Development and Strategy of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises in Indonesia and Germany
- Workshop: Advanced Qualitative Research Methods
- National Seminar: Management of Regional Finance: From WTP Towards a Healthy and Transparent Financial Management
- International Seminar: German and Indonesian Business Environment for Start-ups and e-Business
- Public Lecture: Building the Golden Generation of Indonesia Aware of Taxes
- Public Lecture: Improving the Competitiveness of Indonesian Rice Sector
- Public Lecture: Public Sector Accounting and Governance
- Public Lecture: Qualitative Method in Accounting Research
- Public Lecture: Realizing the State Budget for Social Justice
- Career Talk: Starting Start Up
- Workshop: Research Based Learning
- Seminar: Philosophy and Methodology of Research
- Public Lecture: Asia Pacific in a Changing Time Towards the New Normal
- Talk Show: Through Hardships to Success
- Sharing Session: Confidence Entering the World of Work
- Workshop: Information Technology System Governance
- Training: Excel and Macros Batch 2
- Public Lecture: Ways of Leadership and Life In 50 Years of Doing Business
- Heinzversity Roadshow at UGM
- Soft Skill Training: Transformational Leadership And Crisis Management
- CEO Talk: Creating Stakeholders Value
- Soft Skill Training: Success in Career with Public Speaking Skills
- Talk Show: How to Succeed in Business
- Seminar: Winning Strategy for RISTEKDIKTI Research Competence Grant
- Roadshow: Pegadaian Goes to Campus 2017
- Study Abroad Fair 2017
- Training: Audit Simulation
- IMF and UGM Annual Economic Consultation
- Workshop: Successful Tips for Creating Undergraduate and Master Thesis
- Soft Skill Training: How To Enhance Your Image Through Communication Skills
- Discussion: Presidential Development Priorities on the Last 3 Years
- Public Lecture: Policy Mix of Bank Indonesia to Maintain Stability and Encourage Economic Growth
- Public Lecture: Anti-Globalisation, Poverty, and Income Inequality
- Public Lecture: Anti Corruption and Surviving in FEB & Beyond
- Jogja Entrepreneurs And Financial Technology Expo 2018
- Sharing Session: Negotiation: Concepts, Techniques and Strategies
- Public Lecture: Building Creative and Innovative Young Entrepreneurs in Facing Globalization Challenge
- Info Session: Dual Degree Program in Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Public Lecture: Leadership, Disciplines of Execution for Sustainable Success
- Sharing Sessions: INKOMPASS 2018
- Public Lecture: Indonesia, Enhancing Productivity through Quality Jobs
- Dissemination of Study Results in the Trade Sector
- Public Lecture: Financial Technology Industry Literacy
- Public Lecture: Governance and Accountability in the United Kingdom (UK) Public Sector
- Public Discussion: Answering The Indonesia Service Sector Challenges
- Public Lecture: The Role of Accounting Profession and Certification Answering The Disruptive Technologies and Industry Challenges
- Public Lecture: Managing Strategic Change: The Role of Performance Measurement and Control Systems
- Sharing Session: How to Manage Your Career Planning
- Info Session: Double Degree Program at Victoria Graduate School of Business, Victoria University
- The 2nd National Conference of KAFEGAMA
- National Seminar: Revitalizing Performance Accountability Toward Programs and Local Government Activities Results-Oriented
- Accounting Talk: Accountancy In Digital Environment, Transformation Of Accounting System Through Technological Era
- Soft Skill: A Road To Dream Job
- The 2018 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Seminar: Future Digital Accountant
- Public Lecture: Digital Banking in Disruptive Era
- The 6th Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business 2018
- KAFEGAMA's Talk: Contribution of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 Encourages the Economy
- Seminar: With Cloud Computing Towards 2020: Indonesia As Digital Powerhouse in Asia
- Coaching: Maximizing Your Potential
- Soft Skill Training: Impactful Communication
- Seminar: Investing in the Era of Digital Economy
- Seminar: The Evolving Role of Management Accounting for Business
- Information Session: Toward A Better Quality of Business and Economics Higher Education
- The 3rd Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic 2018
- AACSB Week 2018
- Public Lecture: The Utilization of Trade Remedies Instruments in the Framework of International Trade Safeguards
- Public Lecture: Current Fiscal Policy: When Theory and Pragmatism Meet
- CEO Talk: Personal Branding: How to Thrive in Today's Competitive Market
- Training: Creative Thinking in Event Management
- Book Review: Strategi Penelitian Bisnis
- Economics Talk: Development of Tourism Sector in The Digital Economy Era
- Public Lecture: Management of Assets for Increasing State Revenue and Economic Growth
- Seminar: The Transformative Power of Financial Technology
- Training: Tips and Tricks for Passing CPNS Selection
- Training: Evaluating Social Programs
- Info Session: Singapore Management University Ph.D Programs
- Talk Show: Uncovering the Veil and Capturing Private Sector Corruption
- Public Lecture: DNA to Success
- Guest Lecture: Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Ecotourism: A Case Study Southeastern Anatolia Region in Turkey
- Public Lecture: Mandiri Edukasi 2018
- Info Session: Exchange and Dual Degree Program at Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus School of Economics
- Public Lecture: How We Do Branding to Improve the Business
- PSG Talks #01: Quo Vadis Legal Entities College
- Seminar: Reviving Hope, Fostering Economic Resilience in The Post Crisis Era
- International Seminar: Zakat for Development of Digital Finance
- Seminar: Current Issues in Financial Crime in Private and Public Sector
- PSG Talks #02: Accountability of Government Agency Performance: Two Decades, where to?
- Research Dissemination: Exploring Opportunities Amidst Global Challenges and Uncertainty
- Guest Lecture: Being an Agile HR in Order to Achieve Unicorn Start Up
- Seminar: Become a Young Entrepreneurs in the Digital Era
- Discussion: Work in Progress: Improving Youth Labor Market Outcomes in Emerging Market and Developing Economies
- Guest Lecture: Finance in Digital Era
- International Summer University 2019
- The 6th International Week 2019
- Workshop: Building an Independent Business, Trends & Tips for Starting a Business
- Public Lecture: Public Private Partnerships: Trends and Issues
- Guest Lecture: Business Law: Competition Law in Turkey
- PSG Talks #03: Performance Based Budgeting in Indonesia: Has it Performed?
- Seminar: Managing Islamic Finance for Millennials in Industry 4.0
- Public Lecture: Development of Accounting Standards for Zakat, Waqf and Baitulmaal in Malaysia
- Training: Writing Skills Using Microsoft Word and Reference Manager
- The 2019 Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economics and Business
- Public Lecture: Jump Start Your E-Commerce Career in Indonesia
- Training: Leadership Coaching Series 2019
- Public Lecture: Leaderships
- Campaign Recruitment CPNS Kementerian Keuangan
- Guest Lecture: Controller: From Scorekeeper to Business Partner
- Expert Sharing Session with EY Indonesia
- Career Talk: How To Be Market Leader In FMCG Industry
- E-Book Usage Training
- Management Forum: Every ending is a new beginning: Poignancy increases consumer preferences for self-made products
- PSG Talks #04: Performance Accountability and Prevention of Corruption in Indonesia
- Seminar: Economic Outlook and Key Policy Challenges in Emerging Asia
- Public Lecture: Indonesian Export Opportunities to UEA and Russia
- The 2019 Gadjah Mada International Conference on Islamic
- The 2019 FEB UGM Open Campus
- The 2019 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- The 2019 Global Forum for Financial Consumers
- Book Launching: Peran dan Perkembangan Ekonomi Berbasis Digital di Indonesia
- The 2019 Indonesia Fintech Forum
- Seminar: Harnessing Supply and Value Chain for Tourism Industry in Indonesia
- Training: Presentation Skill
- Seminar: Monitoring and Evaluation of Propernas Results-Oriented
- Current Research Studies 2019
- Workshop: Reflections on FEB Affirming Quality: Past, Present, and Challenges Ahead
- Training: Preparation of Tax Reporting SPT PPh No.21 End Year
- Human Wayang: Petruk Became a King
- Scientific Oration Prof. Dr. R. Agus Sartono, M.B.A.
- Public Lecture: Recent Development in Empirical Applied Economic: A Review
- Guest Lecture: Big Data And Business Analytics: Its Impact on Business
- The 2019 Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Days
- Guest Lecture: Performance Measurement and Management in the Public Sector
- Training and Certification Exams: Wakil Perantara Pedagang Efek (WPPE)
- The 2019 Sharia Financial Economics Research Forum (FREKS)
- Public Lecture: Natural Resources Management
- Public Lecture: Leadership in the Midst of Global Uncertainties
- Socialization: MINA - Let's Perform Hajj While Young
- Guest Lecture: Green Supply Chain and Environmental Management Accounting
- FSDE Seminar: Breaking Through the Middle-Income Trap: Seeking New Paths to Growth
- Going Global: Study Abroad Fair 2019
- Talk Show: Uncovering Corruption Cases in Indonesia's Natural Resources Management
- Seminar: The Evolution of Indonesia's Participation In Global Value Chains
- SENT Seminar: Islamic Impact Investing in Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges
- Public Lecture: Application of PSAK 71, 72, and 73 in the Construction Industry
- YES! Talks: Establishing Common Ground for Young Entrepreneurs to Collaborate in Emerging Industries
- Economist Workshop for Indonesian Transparency and Discussion on Economics Development
- Guest Lecture: Digital Economy and Industry 4.0
- Info Session: Ph.D Program at NCCU College of Commerce
- Public Lecture: Digital Banking and Financial Technology
- Dissemination: Talented Generation Internships
- Public Lecture: Taxpayers Accounting
- Info Session: Young Leader for Indonesia Program
- Workshop and Clinic of Writing Scientific Article
- Seminar: Omnibus Law: When the Institutional Aspect Is Forgotten
- Guest Lecture: The Art of Giving
- Public Lecture: Development of the QRIS Payment and Acceleration System
- Webinar: Adapting to the New Norms in the COVID-19 Crisis
- Webinar: Modelling The Macroeconomic Impact of a Pandemic
- Webinar: Safety Net for The Poor and Vulnerable During Covid-19 Crisis: Indonesia Experience
- Webinar: Behavioural And Experimental Research During The 2020 Pandemic
- Webinar: Lesson from the US on Navigating Covid-19
- Webinar: Pre-Work Cards: Theory, Policy and Implementation
- Webinar: Financial and Accounting Systems of Health Institution in New Normal Condition
- Webinar: Primary Data Collection Through Surveys
- Sharing Session: Economics 101: Not Just Learning Cooperatives and Debits-Credits
- Webinar: Navigating The New Normal 2020: Monetary, Fiscal and Financial Strategy
- Webinar: Accelerating Digital Finance and Economy
- Sharing Session: Economics: Myths and Facts
- Webinar: Logic Model: The Concept and How to Implement it Successfully
- Webinar: The New Normal on Tourism Industry: Acceleration and Recovery
- Info Session: The 2020 Financial System Stability Scientific Paper Competition
- Webinar: Strategies and Implementation of Economic-Accounting Subjects in the New Normal Era: Study from home
- Webinar: Behavioural Economics and Laboratory Experiments - 1st Series: Individual Behavioural Theory
- Webinar: Qualitative Methods in Accounting Research: Multidisciplinary Approach
- Webinar: Climate Change and Renewable Energy Roles
- Webinar: Behavioural Economics and Laboratory Experiments - 2nd Series: Market Theory
- Webinar: Behavioural Economics and Laboratory Experiments - 3rd Series: Community Behavioural Theory
- Info Session: Study Planning Using Simaster UGM Platform
- Webinar: Behavioural Economics and Laboratory Experiments - 4th Series: Laboratory Experiments Management
- Webinar: Work-life Balance in Pandemic Situation
- Webinar: Behavioural Economics and Laboratory Experiments - 5th Series: Laboratory Experiments Data Analysis
- FEB UGM Open Campus 2020
- Webinar: Opportunities and Challenges of Islamic Accounting Development
- Webinar: Accounting Education and the Accountant Profession in the New Norms
- The 2020 GAMAICEB and GAMAICI International Conference
- Webinar: Financial Planning to Prepare Resilient Families
- Webinar: Business Ethics Learning with Augmented Reality
- Webinar: Bias in Research and Mitigation Ways
- The 2020 Open Senate Meetings
- Webinar: Quality Management of Higher Education
- Webinar: Pitching Research Proposal
- Webinar: Publishing in Well-Respected Finance Journals and Enhancing the Core of Financial Econometrics Skills
- Webinar: The Role of Audit in Improving the Quality of Public Accountability in the midst of Change
- Webinar: Strategies for Success: An Accounting Academic Career
- Webinar: Policy Synergy in the Framework of National Economic Recovery in the New Normal Era
- Training: Anti-Plagiarism and Writing Skills
- Webinar: Innovating Accounting Education
- Webinar: Financial Planning for Gen-Z
- Workshop: Writing Scientific Article with a Qualitative Approach
- Training: Pearson E-Text
- Webinar: Informing Accounting and Auditing Standard Setting
- Webinar: Accounting, Organizations and Sustainable Development Relationships
- Webinar: Industrial Policies to Escape the Middle-Income Trap: A new structural economics approach for Indonesia
- Webinar: Financial Planning for Millennial Generation
- The 2020 Marketeers XFest
- Webinar: Acceleration of Sharia Capital Market Development
- Webinar: Balance of Economic Fluctuations, Real Interest Rates, Inflation, Exchange Rates and Net Domestic Capital Flow
- Webinar: Sovereign Wealth Fund and Islamic Global Fund
- Webinar: Acceleration of Islamic Banking Development
- Webinar: Accounting Cycle for Service Companies, Trade and Manufacturing
- Webinar: Evaluation of Business Process and Economic Impact of Indonesia Bonded Logistics Center
- Webinar: Presentation of the Featured Research Report from the Laboratory in FEB UGM
- Webinar: Financial Literacy for Smart Millennials
- Webinar: SEM-PLS Analysis with WarpPLS 7.0 for Nonlinear Relationships in Social and Business Research
- Webinar: Tax Apparatus Negotiation Behavior in Tax Dispute Resolution
- Webinar: Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium for Beginners
- Webinar: Research Data Analysis using STATA Software
- Webinar: Revisiting Fiscal Sustainability During COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia
- Webinar: What is Sharia Accounting? How to Develop Sharia Accounting?
- Webinar: Harmony of The Latest Human Resource Management Science and The Demands of Industrial Transformation in Indonesia
- Webinar: Authenticity, A Leadership Advantage
- Webinar: Modern Slavery and Organizational Research: Digital Technologies as Field Configuring Events
- Webinar: Covid-19 Pandemic: Is Including an Unpredictable Event That Confirms the Black Swan Hypothesis?
- Webinar: New Normal Tourism Strategy Towards Economic Sustainability
- Webinar: Scale Up MSMEs with Gojek: Strategies for Awakening in the Middle of a Pandemic
- Open Campus: Master of Economics Development Study Program
- Webinar: Introducing Early Career Programs at Mondelez Indonesia
- Webinar: BPKH Securities Investment
- Webinar: Acceleration of Indonesia Forward through Investment and Fiscal Incentives
- The 2021 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Webinar: Philosophy and Approaches to Accounting and Business Research
- Webinar: Momentum of Insurance Industry Reform In Indonesia
- Webinar: A Story on Empowering Indonesia Through All Commerce
- Webinar: Getting to Know the Economics Alumni Profession
- Webinar: Government Policy Innovation Enters Second Year of Covid-19 Pandemic
- International Week 2021 (Online)
- Webinar: Mathematical Modelling for Logistics and Supply Chain Management, A Simple Explanation
- Webinar: Investigative Examination Methodology
- Webinar: Adapting ZMET to Online Context: Exploring the Mental Map of Marginalized Society During the Pandemic
- Webinar: Data Analytics Expertise for Future Professional Accountants
- Sharing Session: FEB UGM Champions
- Webinar: Food vs Food-Stamps: Evidence from an At-Scale Experiment in Indonesia
- Webinar: Blockchain Technology for Business: The New Industrial Revolution?
- Info Session: The UKICIS 2021 Internship+ Programme
- The 16th IRSA International Conference
- Sharing Session: Success in Writing and Thesis Guidance
- Training and Certification Exams of General Banking Level 1 and Auditor Intern Bank
- Webinar: Economic Outlook Half 2021 and How to Manage Your Health and Financial Health In a Midst of Uncertainty
- Webinar: Global Fashion Supply Chain Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Webinar: Self-Leadership in Your Life and Future Career
- Webinar: Digitalization and the Performance of Micro and Small Enterprises in Yogyakarta, Indonesia
- Webinar: Publication Workshop 2021
- Webinar: Basic Writing and Presentation Skills
- Webinar: Publishing Papers in Top Journals: Insight From a Top Scholar for Early Career Researchers
- Webinar: The Spirit of Survival of Pandemic Fighters
- FEB UGM Open Campus 2021
- The 2021 GAMAICEB and GAMAICI International Conference
- Sharing Session: Potential Career Path for FEB UGM Students
- Economics Talk 2021
- Climen Puppets Live Show: Semar Mbangun Projo Ngamarto
- Webinar: Economic Modeling (Assessment) of Property in the Economy
- Webinar: Indonesia Economic Outlook and Policy Priorities
- The 2021 Open Senate Meeting
- Workshop: Introduction to Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Modelling and Its Application
- Webinar: Observing the Valuation and Potential of Technology Companies
- Professor Inauguration: Prof. Dr. Didi Achjari, S.E., M.Com., Akt.
- Webinar: Increase in Retail Investors in a Time of Pandemic: Impacts and Opportunities
- Workshop: Research Study
- FEB UGM Virtual Open House #1
- Webinar: Seizing the Rising Momentum of Retail Investors: How to Educate?
- Going Global Series 2021
- Sharing Session: Career Preparation
- Webinar: Policies in Order to Maintain The Sustainability of Retail Investors
- Webinar: Cryptocurrency in a Sharia Perspective: The Problem and the Future
- Webinar: Current Developments in International Asset Management: Case Study on Pension Funds in The Netherlands
- Workshop: Integrated Accounting E-Learning: SIDEK-Edu Socialization and Training
- Webinar: Stress Management 101: Keep Your Move during Online Class
- Webinar: Strategic and Organizational Flexibility: How Strategic Leadership Deal it in the Post Pandemic
- Webinar: Livelihoods of Tobacco Farmers and Supporting Policies Amid the Vortex of Excise Policy
- Workshop: Learning Publication with PAKAR: from draft to published
- Webinar: Credit Distribution in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: Empirical Evidence from Panels of Regional Government-Owned and Private BPR-BPRs
- Webinar: What's Wrong With Cryptocurrency?
- Webinar: Bank Indonesia's Innovations and Strategies in Facing Global Economic Challenges in a Pandemic Period
- Webinar: Spiritual Leadership
- Webinar: Self Presentation Strategy Through Social Media
- Webinar: Pre-Employment Card And Axiology of Economics
- Webinar: Supply Chain Resilience for SMEs
- Webinar: Digital Transformation and the Future of Accounting
- Webinar: Leadership in Marketplace
- Webinar: SONJO and the Welfare Economy
- Webinar: How to Survive and Succeed Master and PhD Journeys?
- Webinar: Indonesia's COVID-19 Vaccine Logistics Evaluation
- FEB UGM Virtual Open House #2
- Webinar: Study on Social Media Influencer from an Experimental Design Perspective
- Webinar: The Effectiveness of Bonded Warehouse and Logistics Centre in Indonesia
- Webinar: Metamorphosis of the Role and Function of Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) in Maintaining Financial Stability
- Webinar: West Java's Economic Resilience for Indonesia
- Sharing Session: Bridging to The New Wolrd
- Webinar: How to Managing Stress and Creating Balance during Online Class?
- Webinar: The Growth Agenda and Financing Green Project: An Environmental DSGE Approach
- Public Lecture and Panel Discussion: Digitizing MSMEs: The Driving Force of the Digital Ecosystem & Democratization of the Indonesian Economy
- Webinar: Accounting Issues in Higher Education Institution: Corporatisation, Autonomy, and Agencification
- Webinar: How to Publish in Financial Accountability and Management
- Webinar: The Role of Islamic Philanthropy in Building the Nation's Economy
- Webinar: Accountability in Non-Profit Organization
- Training of Trainer PSAK 112: Waqf Accounting and SAWUT Applications
- Webinar: Socio-Economic Harmony of Muslims
- Webinar: Blockchain and The Future of Financial Sector
- Workshop: Writing Scientific Articles for International Publications
- Guest Lecture: Issues and Challenges of Public Sector Auditing in the Pandemic and Digitalization Era
- Summer Course: The 8th International Week (IWEEK 2022)
- Webinar: Exploring Future of Battery Industry Supply Chain and Business Opportunities in China-Indonesia
- Workshop: Startup Management and Finance
- Alumni Sharing Session: Dare to Dream
- Webinar: Laws and Tax Practices on Industry and Digital Assets in Indonesia
- Webinar: Becoming a Friendly Faculty for All Civitas
- Webinar: Economic Impact of Natural Disasters, Spillovers, and Role of Human Development: Case of Indonesia
- National Seminar: Digital Transformation, Economic Development and Dynamics of the Property Market in Indonesia
- Workshop: How to Create ATS-Friendly CV
- Seminar: Strategy for Implementation of Regional Tax Management in accordance with Law Number 1 of 2022 and Efforts to Optimize Regional Revenue
- Webinar: Digitalization, Accounting and Accountability
- Professor Inauguration: Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D.
- Opening Ceremony of GAMABCC 2022
- Webinar: Global Economic Prospects and The Implication for Economies in The Region and Indonesia
- Webinar: The Role of Accountants and Auditors to Against Climate Change
- Webinar: Triple Challenges, Unsustainable Low Interest Rates and Recession
- Workshop Series: Literature Review
- Webinar: Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges
- Indonesia Infrastructure Roundtable (IIR): Equitable Risk Allocation
- Webinar: Digitalization and Public Empowerment
- Seminar: Digital Finance to Support Financial Inclusion
- Webinar: Megaproject Financing and Multilateral Development Bank's Role in Infrastructure Project De-risking
- Seminar: Smart Farming to Improve Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability
- Seminar: Prospective Research Method For Policy Development
- Webinar: Expert Panel Dialogue on Urban Infrastructure Agenda in G20: The Need to Establish a Global Investment Platform for Urban Development Projects
- Seminar: Digital Assets in the Eyes of Accountants and Appraisers
- Sharing Session: Desain Your Future
- Public Lecture: Strengthening Synergy and Innovation for Economic Recovery
- Webinar: Promoting Sustainable Investment and Financing as A New Approach for Infrastructure Development
- Public Lecture: Contemporary Research on Development Economics
- Open Campus FEB UGM 2022
- The 2022 Internatioanal Conference of GAMAICEB and GAMAICI
- Public Lecture: The Role of Tax Supervision Committee in the Indonesian Taxation System in the Digital Era
- Nasional Seminar: The Role and Contribution of Indonesian Accountants in Revitalizing the Global Economy Through the G20 Presidency
- Seminar: Advancing Sustainable and Inclusive Infrastructure Investment
- The 2022 Senate Open Meeting
- Webinar: Investing during High Inflation and High Interest Rate
- Freedom of Learning for UGM Educational Staff 2022
- Nasional Seminar: Philanthropy and Empowerment through Islamic Social Finance
- National Seminar: Bachelor of Accounting and Corruption Prevention
- Workshop: How to Handle Journal Review Process?
- Public Lecture: How The Government Achieve More with Less Through Innovation: Kartu Prakerja Program
- Seminar: Financial Planning for Property Investment
- Visiting Professor: Professor Shahzad Uddin
- Webinar: Accelerating Your Career by Professional CV and Social Media
- Webinar: A Resurgence of Business to Golden Indonesia 2045: Ways to Cope with the Crisis
- The 2022 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Sharing Session: A Career as a Property and Business Appraiser
- Seminar: Geographic Poverty Traps In Rural Indonesia: Isolation and Disasters
- Seminar: The Possibilities and Limitations of Diversity in Management Accounting: Implications from Japanese Public Accounting Research
- Webinar: Murabaha Agreement in the Perspective of DSN MUI Fatwa and PSAK 102
- Seminar: Business Ethics and the Accounting Profession: Theory, Cases, and Research
- Workshop: Productive Accounting Teachers in Preparing Adaptive and Competitive Graduates
- Seminar: The 2022 Research Dissemination
- Publication Workshop: Business Case and Scientific Paper Writing
- Workshop: Productive Accounting Teachers and SIDEK-Edu Implementation Training for Vocational High Schools and High Schools in East Java
- Seminar: Accountant Professionalism in Anticipating the World Economic Crisis
- Seminar: Qualitative or Quantitative Research, Which Best Suits Your Thesis?
- Management Forum: Personal Branding to Prepare Your Career
- Practitioner Lecture: Soft Skills Revolution for Future Leaders
- Public Lecture: The Twists and Turns of Investigating Fraud Cases in Indonesia
- Executive Series: Remote Work: Motivation, Capabilities, Organization
- ASEAN CPA Socialization: Opportunities and Challenges for the Accounting Profession at the ASEAN Level
- Dissemination: Strengthening Trade Policy Implementation in Encouraging Increased Trade Performance
- Socialization: BPKH Internship Program
- Career Presentation: Asian Development Bank
- Launching of the SAMAWI Application and Waqf Seminar
- Short Course: Political Economy of Accountability
- Seminar: Welcoming the Election: Exploring the Political Economy of Elections, Corruption, and the Future of Indonesia
- Professor Inauguration: Prof. Dr. Supriyadi, M.Sc., CMA., CA., Ak.
- Opening Ceremony Business Case Competition 2023
- Workshop: Digitalization In Accounting and Auditing Education
- Research Workshop: Data Mining and Processing For Marketing and Behavioral Research
- Seminar: Social Protection in Developing Countries: Lessons from Indonesia
- National Seminar: Asset Valuation and Regional Financial Management
- Visiting Professor: Professor Kelum Jayasinghe
- Open Campus FEB UGM 2023
- The 11th GAMAICEB International Conference
- Alumni Sharing Session: Connecting Dreams, Igniting Success
- Grand Final and Seminar Business Case Competition 2023
- Talk Show: Digital Business Trends
- Open Senate Meeting 2023
- The 8th GAMAICI International Conference
- Webinar OJK Goes to Campus: Strengthening Governance of the Financial Services Sector
- The 2023 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Public Lecture: Practical Implementation of Risk Management and Internal Audit in State Owned Enterprises
- Webinar: Financial Crime Courses Introduction
- Panel Discussion: Nurturing Business Leaders for a Sustainable and Low-Carbon Future
- WEB3 On Campus by IDNFT - Universitas Gadjah Mada
- Research Workshop Series: Mastering Behavioral Research: Instrument Reliability, Validity, and Statistics Workshop
- FSDE Seminar: Advance to Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN): Indonesia Initial Attempt to An Equitable Economy and Sustainable Development
- Publication Workshop: Elevating Integrity in Research and Publication
- Workshop: Systematic Literature Review
- Seminar: Urgency and Challenges in Expanding Workers' Social Protection Programs in Indonesia
- Public Lecture: Building an Innovative and Global Company
- Alumni Sharing Session: Unlock The Best in You
- The 2023 FEB UGM Research Day
- Self-Development: Good Money Habits for a Great Life
- Self-Development: The Origins of Disease and How to Prevent and Cope Wisely
- General Lecture: Generative Artificial Intelligence's Effects On The Financial Services Industry
- Alumni Sharing and Mentorship Session 2024
- Public Lecture: Forced Displacement, Mental Health, and Child Development: Evidence from the Rohingya Refugees
- Short Course Program: Development Economics and General Research
- Workshop: Econometric for Marketing
- Public Lecture: Crime Reporting Decissions and Costs of Crime
- Workshop: Impact Evaluation with Philanthropic Institutions in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province
- Workshop: Capacity Building Training for High School Economics Teachers in DIY in 2024
- Publication Workshop: How to Address Reviewer Comments: the do's and the don'ts?
- Guest Lecture: Influencer Marketing: The Power of Online Advocacy
- Professor Inauguration: Prof. Wakhid Slamet Ciptono, M.B.A., M.P.M., Ph.D.
- Alumni Sharing and Mentorship Session 2024 #2
- Visiting Professor: Professor Elena Stancanelli
- Talk Show: Growing Resilient Economies through Environmental Narratives
- Career Webinar: Build Your Career With Unilever
- Executive Series: Transformation Sanur SEZ (Special Economic Zone)
- Bisnis Indonesia Goes To Campus 2024
- National Seminar: Infrastructure Development in the Context of Sustainable Tourism Development
- The 2024 Mubyarto Public Policy Forum
- Professor Inauguration: Prof. Nurul Indarti, Sivilokonom, Cand.Merc., Ph.D.
- Self-Development: Being Wise in Consuming Medicines, Vitamins, and Energy Drinks
- Lecture Series: Elevating Your Research Process In Environmental Economics
- Self-Development: Work with Integrity, Blessed Sustenance, and Happy Family
- Open Senate Meeting 2024
- Ketoprak Art Performance: Labuh Katresnan
- Workshop: Financial Planning