Mar’atul Hofizah (18) couldn’t contain her joy when she was declared accepted into the Accounting Study Program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM). She was admitted as a new student at UGM in 2024 without a test through the National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP) pathway.
She vividly remembers the moment when the announcement arrived. Since morning, a feeling of anxiety had enveloped her mind. She even locked herself in her room and often shed tears. There was a great fear that she might not be accepted to study at UGM.
“On the day of the announcement, I was in my room since morning and felt anxious. I even cried because I only had one choice: the Accounting program at UGM, and I was afraid I wouldn’t pass. But Alhamdulillah, when I opened the announcement and saw that I was accepted, I immediately came out of my room to tell my parents,” she explained.
Atul, as she is affectionately called, is from East Lombok. Her happiness soared even more when she was declared to receive a 100% Single Tuition Fee (UKT) scholarship. With this scholarship, she is exempted from tuition fees until graduation.
The desire to study at UGM has been Atul’s dream since elementary school. Despite coming from a family with modest economic conditions, she had a big dream of studying at the best university in Indonesia. Economic limitations did not hinder her from striving to achieve her dream of attaining the highest education. Her spirit to study was powerful because she believed that she could change her family’s fate for the better through education.
“Studying at UGM has been my desire since elementary school,” she said when we met at her home recently.
Being born into a simple family did not limit Atul’s enthusiasm to achieve the highest education. She had a strong spirit to realize her dream. She believed that through education, she could improve her family’s life. Fortunately, her parents supported her desire to study despite their modest condition.
Atul had to work hard, study diligently, and achieve to realize her dream of becoming an accountant. She had a great interest in the world of accounting. She even aspired to work at a Big Four Company after graduation. As a result, she always recorded achievements during school and received educational scholarships. Now, her dream of studying is getting closer with her acceptance at FEB UGM through the achievement pathway.
“Initially, I was not confident to apply to UGM, but my parents convinced me to try. Alhamdulillah, I am very grateful to be accepted into the program I have always dreamed of, Accounting at FEB UGM,” said the alumna of SMAN 1 Selong.
Atul is grateful that her dreams are coming true one by one. She is well aware that it takes work to reach this point. It requires struggle, hard work, determination, and prayers to achieve everything.
“Fight to achieve your dreams. Do not easily give up on the limitations and keep praying; if Allah wills it, it will come true,” she explained.
Atul is the second child of four siblings of Hairudin (52) and Nihayah (45) from Gubuk Timuk, Korleko Village, Labuhan Haji District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara. Her father works as a laborer on a coconut plantation, while her mother is a housewife. With a meager income, Atul’s parents remain steadfast in their determination to strive in every way possible so that all their children can receive education up to higher education.
“We will strive to provide the best education for our children, no matter the condition,” said Nihayah.
Sending their children to higher education was also a mandate from Atul’s grandmother. The grandmother advised Nihayah and Hairudin to strive earnestly so that all their children could receive an adequate, even higher education.
“The message from the parents at that time was that their grandchildren should be able to go to school as high as possible, no matter the condition, it must be strived for. Because the parents at that time could not provide a good education for their children, they did not want that to happen again to their grandchildren,” she explained while mentioning that she only graduated from elementary school and her husband from junior high school.
Their first daughter recently completed her undergraduate education at a private university in Yogyakarta. Now, Atul has followed in her sister’s footsteps and is continuing her studies at a university.
Nihayah proudly shared the achievements of her two daughters. She felt emotional, remembering the struggles of her daughters and family. Nihayah’s voice trembled, and she took deep breaths several times while wiping away the tears that flowed uncontrollably. She was proud that Atul could finally realize one of her big dreams.
“The hope is that Atul can study well and comfortably, graduate quickly, and soon get her dream job. We, as parents, can only support with prayers,” she concluded.
Atul is one of the thousands of children born into underprivileged families. However, this girl has proven that poverty is not a barrier to achieving education.
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), as part of UGM, is firmly committed to increasing inclusivity by providing equal access to education for all communities, including those with economic, social, or geographical vulnerabilities. This effort aligns with the policy set by the government through Permendikbud Ristek No. 48 of 2022 concerning the Admission of New Students for Diploma and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities, which requires state universities to accept at least 20 percent of the quota from economically disadvantaged students and the outermost, remote, and underdeveloped areas (3T).
Every year, FEB UGM accepts at least 540 students in the undergraduate program. In 2023, FEB UGM recorded that 60% of FEB UGM students received various scholarships, including the 100% subsidized Single Tuition Fee (UKT) or UKT 0 (zero). FEB UGM provides scholarships for new students from underprivileged families as a form of UGM’s commitment to delivering high-quality and affordable education for students. Additionally, this program is FEB UGM’s commitment to realizing equitable, inclusive, and fair education.
Reportage: Kurnia Ekaptiningrum
Sustainable Development Goals