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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1000
Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard, Laboratory of Economics, Department of Economics Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct Meet the Expert Series webinar with the topic "Green Economy: Opportunities and Challenges".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 7 July 2022
- Time: 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meetings
- Prof. Arief Anshory Yusuf (Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran)
- Shima Dewi Mutiara Trisna
- Participant: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, and Public participant
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries regarding this event please contact: Center for Microeconomics Research and Dashboard, Department of Economics FEB UGM, via IG account @micdash_ugm
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 995
Laboratory of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct Workshop Series with the theme "Literature Review".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Friday and Monday
- Date: June 17 and 20, 2022
- Time: 3:30 PM to 5:00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meetings
- Friday, June 17, 2022 | 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM, Jakarta time
Arizona Mustika Rini, S.E., M.Bus(Acc)., Ak., CA. (Lecturer at the Department of Accounting FEB UGM)
Title: Systematic Literature Review (SLR) - Monday, June 20, 2022 | 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Jakarta time
Joash Tapiheru, Ph.D (Lecturer at the Department of Politics and Government, FISIPOL UGM)
Title: Meta-Analysis
- Participant: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners and Public participant
- Fill out online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries abut this event please contact: Umirul Iffa 081219129647
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 982
The Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Seminar and Public Lecture (SinarKU) with the theme "Triple Challenges, Unsustainable Low Interest Rates and Recession: Macroeconomic Analysis of the New Consensus", (Indonesian, Triple Challenges, Ketidakberlanjutan Suku Bunga Rendah dan Resesi).
The event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: June 16, 2022
- Time: 10:00-12:00 WIB
- Media: Zoom Meetings
Source person:
- Prof. Dr. Insukindro, M.A. (Lecturer of the Department of Economics, FEB UGM)
- Shima Dewi Mutiara Trisna, S.E., M.Sc.
- Participants: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, and Practitioners
- Fill out the registration form provided, click here
- Participants who follow and fill out the attendance list during the event are entitled to an e-certificate
Download: Poster (JPG)
For more detailed information and questions regarding this event, please contact the contact person: Nadya Primasari 082134940945 or Basya 087839063636
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1027
Master in Accounting Study Program (MAKSI), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in commemoration of its 20th anniversary will conduct a Seminar with the topic "The Role of Accountants and Auditors to Against Climate Change", (Indonesian, Peran Akuntan dan Auditor untuk Memerangi Perubahan Iklim).
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 23 June 2022
- Time: 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meeting
- Prabandari Murti (Senior Manager at PwC Consulting Indonesia)
- Singgih Wijayana, S.E., M.Sc., Ph.D (Lecturer of the Department of Accounting, FEB UGM)
- Wuri Handayani, S.E., Ak., M.Sc., M.A., Ph.D (Lecturer and Secretary of the Department of Accounting, FEB UGM)
- Participants: Students, Alumni, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners and Public participant
- Fill out the registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and questions regarding this event, please contact: Desni 08986211464 or Syahfira 081258137024
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 2334
Indonesian Economist Association (PP ISEI) in collaboration with Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Indonesia (FEB UI), Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM), KAFEGAMA, and ILUNI FEB UI will conduct an Internasional Lecture Series 2022. In the second series will take the theme "Global Economic Prospects and The Implication for Economies in The Region and Indonesia" and hosted by FEB UGM.
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 23 June 2022
- Time: 6:30 PM Jakarta Time (07.30 EDT) until finish
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Opening Remark, Prof. Didi Achjari (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)
- Keynote Speech, Muhammad Edhie Purnawan, Ph.D (Chairman of Bank Indonesia Supervision Agency (BSBI), Head of International Cooperation at PP ISEI)
- Cheng Hoon Lim, Ph.D , (Assistant Director Asia Pacific Department of The International Monetary Fund)
- Closing Remark, Teguh Dartanto, Ph.D (Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business UI)
- Cut Dian RD Agustina (International Affairs at PP ISEI)
- Participant: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitoners, Alumni, and Public participant
- Fill out the onlie registration form provided, click here
- For FEB UGM students will get an e-certificate and for FEB UI students will get 1 credit of KUM
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries about this event please contact: PP ISEI, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 956
Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with Alumni Family of Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (PP KAFEGAMA) and sponsored by PT Pupuk Kaltim will conduct an Opening Ceremony for Business Case Competition (GAMABCC) 2022 and Webinar with the main theme "Innovation and Sustainability in Agribussiness".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Tuesday
- Date: 21 June 2022
- Time: 02:00 PM - untill finish, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Webinar
- Opening Speech, Perry Warjiyo, Ph.D. (Chairman of PP KAFEGAMA, Governor of Bank Indonesia)
- Opening Speech, Prof. Didi Achjari (Dean of The Faculty of Economics and Business UGM)
- Rahmad Probadi (President Director of PT Pupuk Kaltim Timur (PKT))
- Andrew Yeremia Tobing (COO of PT CROWDE Membangun Bangsa)
- Indria Sastrotomo
- Participant: Public participant
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries please contact: +6289652403578 or via IG account @kafegama.official
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