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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 977
Universitas Gadjah Mada will hold a Professor Inauguration Ceremony for Prof. Mahfud Sholihin, M.Acc., Ph.D. (Lecturer of the Accounting Department), with the title of the inaugural address "Innovation in Learning Business Ethics and Accounting Profession in the Digital Age", (Indonesian, Inovasi Pembelajaran Etika Bisnis dan Profesi Akuntansi di Era Digital).
This event will be held on:
- Day: Wednesday
- Date: June 8, 2022
- Time: 10:00 AM, Jakarta time (until completion)
- Media: Universitas Gadjah Mada YouTube Channel, click here
For further information and any inquiries about this event, please contact: Human Resources Department of the Faculty of Economics and Business UGM, tel 0274 548510 ext 279
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1284
Public Sector Studies and Taxation (PSST), Laboratory of Accounting, Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Webinar Series with the theme "Digitalization, Accounting and Accountability: A literature review and reflection on future research in public services".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Wednesday
- Date: 8 June 2022
- Time: 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meeting
- Professor Ileana Steccolini (Professor of Accounting at Essex Business School, University of Essex, United Kingdom)
- Participant: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners and Public participants
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
- Participants can join via Zoom Meeting by using Meeting ID: 4273060066 and Passcode: psstfebugm
- Participants will get an e-certificate if they register (free of charge), attend and follow until the end of this webinar.
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries regarding this event, please contact the contact person: Ferdian Firmanzah 081226928032
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1140
The Master in Development Economics Study Program (MEP), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Development Economics Discussion Forum with the theme "Strategy for Implementation of Regional Tax Management in accordance with Law Number 1 of 2022 and Efforts to Optimize Regional Revenue", (Indonesian, Strategi Implementasi Pengelolaan Pajak Daerah Sesuai dengan UU Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 dan Upaya Mengoptimalkan Penerimaan Daerah).
This seminar will be held on:
- Day: Friday
- Date: 10 June 2022
- Time: 1:00 PT to 3:00 PM, Jakarta time
- Venue/Media: Hyatt Regency Hotel Yogyakarta Ballroom and Zoom Meetings
- Dr. Akhmad Makhfatih, M.A. (Lecturer of the Department of Economics)
- Amirullah Setya Hardi, Cand.Oecon., Ph.D (Lecturer of the Department of Economics)
- Participants: Students, Lecturers, Researchers, Practitioners and Local Government
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries regarding this event, please contact: Admission Office of MEP FEB UGM, Whatsapp 08112640223, or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1103
Career and Student Development Unit (CSDU), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in collaboration with Kinobi Indonesia will conduct a Workshop with the topic "How to Create ATS-Friendly CV".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Thursday
- Date: 9 June 2022
- Time: 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Zoom Meetings
- Satyananda Kusuma (Business Development Associate at Kinobi Indonesia)
- Participant: UGM students
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and any inquiries regarding this event please contact: CSDU FEB UGM or IG account @kinobi.id
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 927
The Master in Development Economics Study Program (MEP), Faculty of Economics and Business UGM in commemoration of its 27th anniversary will hold a National Seminar with the theme "Digital Transformation, Economic Development and Dynamics of the Property Market in Indonesia", (Indonesian, Transformasi Digital, Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Dinamika Pasar Properti di Indonesia).
The national seminar will be held on:
- Day: Saturday
- Date: 11 June 2022
- Time: 08:30 AM to 11:30 AM, Jakarta time
- Venue/Media: Hyatt Regensy Hotel Yogyakarta Ballroom and Zoom Meetings
- Keynote Speaker, Prof. Sri Adiningsih, M.Sc., Ph.D (Professor of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada)
- Dr. H. Nursiah, S. Sos., M.Sc. (Deputy Regent of Central Lombok)
- Budhiarto Setyawan, S.H., M.Sc. (Head of Representative Office of Bank Indonesia for the Special Region of Yogyakarta)
- Guntur Pramudiyanto, S.E., M.Ec.Dev., MAPPI (Cert.) (Chairman I of the National Executive Board of the Indonesian Property Appraisal Society)
- Shima Dewi Mutiara Trisna, S.E., M.Sc.
- Participants: Students, Alumni, Lecturers, Researchers, and Practitioners
- Fill out the online registration form provided, click here
Download: Posters (JPG)
For more information and any inquiries regarding this event, please contact: Admission Office of MEP FEB UGM, Whatsapp 08112640223, or Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Details
- Written by FEB UGM
- Category: Event
- Hits: 1185
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business UGM will conduct a Webinar with the topic "Economic Impact of Natural Disasters, Spillovers, and Role of Human Development: Case of Indonesia".
This event will be held on:
- Day: Tuesday
- Date: 31 May 2022
- Time: 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM, Jakarta time
- Media: Webex Meeting
- Esa Azali Asyahid (Academic Assistant at the Department of Economics FEB UGM)
- Immanuel Satya Pekerti (Researcher Assistant at Bank Indonesia Institute)
- Shima Dewi Mutiara Trisna (Academic Assistant at the Department of Economics FEB UGM)
- Participant: FEB UGM student and Public participant
- Participant can directly join into the Webex Meeting with Meeting ID and Passcode: 2512 468 3357
Download: Poster (JPG)
For further information and inquiries please contact to: Nadya Primasari (082134940945) or Basya Annisa (087839063636)
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