fbpixel Study Programs - FEB UGM

The undergraduate program provides program enabling the students to acquire theories, concepts as well as case studies in the field of accounting, economics, and management.

  • Bachelor in Accounting (Sarjana Ekonomi/S.E.)
    The program provides understanding on theories, concepts, and principal of accounting. The programs prepare students with ability to perform and analyse financial reporting, auditing, and management control system.
  • Bachelor in Economics (Sarjana Ekonomi/S.E.)
    The program provides the understanding on the macro and micro economics theories to solve economics problems. In addition to that, the program equips students with specific knowledge on development economics, business economics, monetary economics, public economics, and international economics.
  • Bachelor in Management (Sarjana Ekonomi/S.E.)
    This program caters students with theories, case studies, and application of finance, marketing, operations, and strategic management and human resources.

To meet the demand for internationally competitive graduates, FEB offers the International Undergraduate Program (IUP). The courses are delivered entirely in English and students are expected to international economics ad business schools standards. The graduates are prepared to explore issues and undertake problem-solving analyses in global business and economics while emphasizing ethics and local values. The curriculum is set to correspond to international qualifications. Therefore, courses are transferable to overseas partner universities, as is the case with the student exchange and the dual degree programs. The existence of this program demonstrates FEB's splendid position among global academic institutions.

For further information about the International Undergraduate Program can be found http://iup.feb.ugm.ac.id

Curriculum and Syllabus
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Community Service Program
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Academics and Lectures
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Final Project Provisions
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Final Examination Provisions
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Judiciary and Graduation
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Merdeka Belajar - Kampus Merdeka (MBKM)
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Credit Transfer for International Mobility
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Student's Code of Conduct
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Mandatory Soft Skill
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Q & A for Filling out of the Study Plan
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Admissions Information for the Undergraduate Program

Admissions Information for the Undergraduate Program

Faculty of Economics and Business UGM runs master of science and applied master. Master of science program prepares students to be strong in research in accounting, economics, and management. The applied master program (Master in Accounting, Master in Management, Master in Development Economics) provides students with theories as well as application of the program in real business for it supports students competing in the global business environment.

  • Master of Science in Accounting, Master of Science in Economics, Master of Science in Management (M.Sc.)
    Develops students to be influential accounting/economics/management scholars in Indonesia. Students will be equipped with ability to build systematical and critical thinking through courses and research papers review. The Program provides ample of opportunities for students to take part in dual degree and exchange programs.
    Detailed information can be found at http://msc.feb.ugm.ac.id
  • Master in Accounting (M.Acc.)
    Designed to anticipate and respond to the professional needs of individuals as well as government officials in today's dynamic business environment. The program offer concentration on Public Accounting, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Information System Management and Audit. The curriculum is designed for students to be able to take part in the dual degree and exchange programs.
    Detailed information can be found at http://maksi.feb.ugm.ac.id
  • Master in Management (M.B.A)
    Nurtures and leverages students' leadership potential through a state of the art curriculum combined with innovative learning process and an intensive soft skill development program enriched by or international network of 37 reputable international partner universities at Yogyakarta and Jakarta campus. The program is a leading business school in Indonesia, offering high quality business education characterized by strong and competent faculty members, dynamic curriculum, collaborative and creative learning process, and pleasant academic atmosphere. Being internationally accredited by AACSB (The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business), the program is now the only representative MBA program in Indonesia that is globally acknowledged. It shows our commitment to continuously improve the quality of education.
    Detailed information can be found at http://mm.feb.ugm.ac.id
  • Master in Development Economics (M.Ec.Dev.)
    Aimed to create authentic leaders with strong characters and innovative. The program is committed to provide students with knowledge and practices in producing clean government and good governance. The program is as well as taught in English to accommodate international students. Dual degree and exchange program are also available for students to be part of it.
    Detailed information can be found at http://mep.feb.ugm.ac.id
Admissions Information for the Master Program

Admissions Information for the Master Program

Study program of Accountant Profession (PPAk) is an advanced education designed for bachelor degree (S1/D-IV) in accounting that wants to get a profession as an Accountant. The objective of education of accountant is to produce graduates who are qualified in the field of accounting skills, which can fulfill the needs of the business and government.

With the vision as a benchmark for the education program of Accountants in Indonesia, PPAk FEB UGM builds students to become professional accountants competent and integrity.

Graduates of the professional education program of Accountants can work as an auditor, external auditor, financial manager, financial analysis and financial statements. Also can enter all sectors of both profit-oriented and nonprofit sectors.

Benefits that can be gained for the student of Accountant Profession, as follows:

  1. Can prepare for CA (Chartered Accountant) certification exam and or CPA (Certified Public Accountant) much better because the curriculum that has been adjusted to the subject of the certification exam
  2. Obtaining CA and CPA certification exam fee waivers
  3. Obtain a waiver for an ACPA (Associate Certified Public Accountant) basic level exam so that it can be given an ACPA designation after passing the CPA exam
  4. CPA Professional level certification takes only 1 of 5 required exam points (get waiver 4 exam points)
  5. Can proceed to study in Master in Accounting (M.Acc) of FEB UGM with the waiver of certain courses in accordance with the required GPA
  6. The period of study in PPAk is recognized 1 (one) year of employment, as one of the requirements of obtaining CA certification

Please visit http://ppak.feb.ugm.ac.id for detailed program.

Admissions Information for the Profession Program

Admissions Information for the Profession Program

The program is aimed to develop students' and graduates' research abilities. The curriculum is designed in order to train students in developing knowledge and rigorous research skills. Good research abilities include mastery of the material or the relevant theories, research methodologies, and skills in the dissemination of research result. These characteristics are reflected in the output of the teaching and learning activities.

  • Doctor of Science in Accounting (Dr.)
    Emphasizes critical understanding of the theory, concepts, and methods of research in the field of accounting, as well as improving the activities and quality of research in the field of accounting based on the upholding of honesty, freedom and academic ethics.
  • Doctor of Science in Economics (Dr.)
    Is an educational program that emphasizes critical understanding of research theories, concepts and methods in the field of economics, as well as improving the activities and quality of research in the field of economics based on the upholding of honesty, freedom and academic ethics . Recent developments in economic research are the use of micro data to eliminate bias aggregation. With lead knowledge development, the program articulates the utilization of micro econometrics. The program also develops the latest developments in economics such as the use of randomized experiments that are very relevant in making decisions, especially regarding the impact of social programs. The program also leads research dissemination using laboratory experiments to analyze individual behavior. The program also leads the application of micro econometrics and micro economic development.
  • Doctor of Science in Management (Dr.)
    Has the objective of becoming a study program that is able to produce graduates who have deep knowledge and master of Management Sciences in their specialized fields, have the ability and expertise in the field of science to serve as lecturers in higher education or hold other positions in communities that are in accordance with their knowledge and level of education, and are able to develop their treasury of knowledge in their fields through independent research that is deep and quite broad in scope.

Please visit http://mscdoctor.feb.ugm.ac.id for the detailed program

Admissions Information for the Doctoral Program

Admissions Information for the Doctoral Program