The Gadjah Mada Business Case Competition (GAMA BCC) is a manifestation of the mission of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) to prepare Indonesian leaders in the digital era.
The issue of sexual violence is an issue that is of concern to many parties today.
On Wednesday (25/05), a Graduation Ceremony for Period III of Academic Year 2021/2022 was held.
The role of scholars is considered important for the progress of the nation for various reasons.
On Monday (23/05), Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) received an offline visit from Ms.
Climate change has now become a never ending issue to be discussed.
In today’s digital era, students should not only explore the topic of information technology (IT), but the topic of human development discussion, which has now also become very relevant and interesting to discuss.
In this era of technological development, engineering ideas can start from a small place, which then can grow into a bigger one and become a company that has an impact on millions of people around them.
On Friday (13/05), the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UGM held a shawwalan in the context of Eid al-Fitr 1443 H. This event was attended by the FEB UGM community, representatives of Dharma Wanita FEB UGM, and guests from Bank Mandiri Fisipol UGM, BRI Danareksa Joglo Semar, OJK, Yogyakarta Central KAFEGAMA, FEB UGM students, and many more.
On Saturday (16/04) the Center for Accounting and Regulatory Studies (PAKAR) from the Laboratory of Accounting, Department of Accounting Faculty of Economics and UGM which also collaborates with the Institute of Indonesian Chartered Accountants (IAI) Branch Yogyakarta held a Training of Trainer (ToT) on “PSAK 112: Waqf Accounting and SAWUT Application (Cash Waqf Accounting System).” This event also for the implementation of the Launching SAWUT-EDU (Educational Version of the Cash Waqf Accounting System).