This page provides information regarding the Academic Regulations and Lectures at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada (FEB UGM). The information presented includes academic rules, study load planning, and lecture procedures applicable to undergraduate students. FEB UGM is committed to providing a supportive and dynamic learning environment to help students achieve their best academic potential. The comprehensive guide on the semester credit system (SKS), re-registration, study plan submission, and other regulations is designed to ensure an optimal learning experience at FEB UGM.
1. Re-Enrollment
Students are required to register every semester using the payment schedule set by the university’s academic calendar. Read more
2. Credit Score
The basic unit for the planned academic load is the Semester Credit Unit (or Satuan Kredit Semester abbreviated SKS in Bahasa Indonesia). In accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 53 of 2023 regarding the National Standards for Higher Education and the Rector’s Decree Number 23 of 2023 regarding Education, a course that has a value of one credit is equivalent to 45 (forty-five) hours per semester. Students can take a maximum of 20 credits in the first and second semesters, and a maximum of 24 credits in the next semesters.
3. Study Load
In the first semester, students are required to take a course package with a total of 20 credits. In the following semester, the number of credits that can be taken is determined based on the GPA obtained from the previous semester with conditions. Read more
4. Study Plan
Students are required to fill in their study plan through the SIMASTER App every semester during the period announced by the FEB UGM Academic Office. Students can edit their study plans on the set schedule. Read more
5. Lecturers
Based on the Rector’s Decree Number 23 of 2024 concerning Education, lectures can be conducted using offline, online, or blended learning methods. The learning methods are outlined in the syllabus the Lesson Plans and the Semester Course Outline (RPKPS). Read more
6. Retake Course
Students are given the opportunity to retake the course if the grade obtained does not reach the minimum passing grade (minimum C). It is still possible for students to get a maximum A grade on the first remedial, while in the second remedial and so on, students are only able to get a maximum B grade.
7. Course Withdrawal (Drop)
Course withdrawal (drop) can be done no later than the end of the second week of learning activities in the current ongoing semester. Students are not allowed to withdraw from courses beyond the course withdrawal period unless approved by the Head of the Undergraduate Study Program in each study program.
8. Examinations
Examinations for all courses consist of one midterm exam and one final exam. The midterm exam (UTS) and final exam (UAS) are held by the Academic Office. Students who do not attend the exam will not have any other chances to participate. Read more
9. Grade Point (IP)
The Grade Point (IP) is a measure of student academic achievement that is calculated based on the grades obtained in each course. Grade Point (IP) reflects the quality and consistency of students’ academic performance over a semester. Read more
10. Academic Guidance
During their studies at FEB UGM, every student needs to receive academic guidance. Academic guidance aims to help students develop their abilities as much as possible in their learning process. Read more
11 Grade Appeal
Under certain circumstances, students have the opportunity to appeal against a course grade they have received. Students may appeal only if there is strong evidence that shows a discrepancy between the grade given and the grading system stated in the syllabus, or if there is discrimination unrelated to the student’s academic performance in the grading process. Read more
12. Minimum Passing Requirements
For the passing grade requirements, students must have a minimum grade of C for all compulsory and elective courses, while students must have a minimum grade of B for undergraduate thesis.
13. Study Period Extension
Students who are unable to complete their studies within the maximum period (ten semesters) are required to submit a request to extend their study period under the provisions that have been set. Read more
14. Academic Leave
Academic leave is the condition of not being registered as a student at Gadjah Mada University (UGM) for one semester or more with the authorized official’s permission. Read more
15. Drop Out (DO) Policy
In the case of a serious violation, FEB UGM can review the status and rights of a student. Read more
16. Credit Transfer System
Students who take an International exposure program and wish to convert the credit earned are required to fill out a learning agreement form and must be approved by the Study Program prior to the program. The Study Program has the authority to assess the learning agreement submitted by students. Read more